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who knew gadget posts were such a window into my
Looking for a nemesis: pls apply within tweet
This feels very gentle, too gentle
best winter lewk is when my glasses fog up after bein outside & I start panicking/sweating bc I'm blind without them but also self-conscious
I feel like Trump and tech is my new Yahoo on a reporting obsession front. What say the people? …
Omg a guy is wearing google glass in the subway whaaaa
lol jk that would be horrifying, but if u believe, truly anyone can be appointed to government office.
Kanye 4 secretary of treasury …
hey check it out.
@fmanjoo and i talked gadgets on@AirTalk: …Weekend scream scale: 8.3 out of 10. But I bought this angel patch sticker so we
What is happeninggggggggggGGGGggg …
Pls send help. My uber pool is seemingly never ending and the driver will only play josh groban christmas music
i asked my friends when/how they save someone’s number after meeting online
Cross-body fanny packs. What a thing. Yes.
I’m relieved to tell you that gadgets aren’t dead. Phew!
This man on the subway is holding a single wooden spoon. Is it possible to forget a wooden spoon at a friend's place? Why does he have it?
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