I am not. Anyone can like boy bands. However, I think it’s a waste of time to pretend like we don’t know most of their audience is women and like that’s not one of the main reasons people treat them like a joke.
Do you think that’s any different from how every few years there’s a new middling rock band that extracts pocket money from 40-year-old men? Or is it only despicable because we assume young girls aren’t able to think for themselves and spend their money in a way that reflects their taste?
The Nate Parker situation is complicated — I’m sure you’re right that it is at least in part because of America’s deep racism. But the accusations are also much different — Parker was accused of rape and the alleged victim killed herself years later. Affleck’s alleged actions disgust me but they quite clearly don’t reach that level. The story was convoluted by various statements from Parker that contradicted each other and with the leak of what to my ears was a quite threatening phone call between him and victim. There’s a lot going on there, and it would take a very large detour to discuss all the factors. It’s something that benefits from a separate piece and a more thorough discussion, which is why I didn’t get into it here as if it would be a simple bullet point or aside.