Nick StattVerified account


Reporter & slayer of grilled cheese sandwiches.

San Francisco, CA
Joined March 2009

@nickstatt is blocked

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  1. This has the potential to be really incredible.

  2. So Apple and Uber, the latter of which has no known track record on gov data requests, have yet to go on the record about Muslim registry.

  3. It really makes you wonder how Amazon, a retail company, can design an interface so much better than the Xbox One

  4. My apartment is 54 degrees right now and San Francisco is a lie

  5. The quotes from this are amazing: "We beat the shit out of Vista… we drank the Kool-Aid.”

  6. I kinda want Spectacles even though I don’t use Snapchat. Just for the eye-level hands-free camera

  7. Meanwhile, on the internet...

  8. So just dug this take out of the center of the sun.

  9. Smartwatches aren’t for everybody but I just don’t understand the breathless attempts to wish them out of existence

  10. Pretty succinct reader response to Facebook’s Snapchat cloning efforts

  11. This photo of Tim Cook with Thiel and Trump steaks volumes

  12. Little did Trump know he was signing a blood pact with one of the California’s oldest and most powerful vampires

  13. “We have no formal chain of command around here."

  14. wait what if it’s Facebook, not Apple, that becomes a dominant force in TV

  15. Some dude just walked by me on the street wearing the new Airpods. It is definitely noticeable and definitely weird-looking.

  16. Is the “Connect Apps” button in Appel’s new TV app no working for anyone else? Because it does nothing when I tap it

  17. ICYMI: and I talk at length about how fundamentally broken Negan is as a TV villain on The Walking Dead

  18. What does it mean when you’re downloading the new iOS update just so you can inform your group text of the Harambe emoji

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