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sry canceling all my CES meetings, something came
A Steam user review written within the fiction of the game? I swoon!
Every time I write something now I worry I’ll fugue and end the piece with “And that's why Earth should be destroyed by a giant meteor."
Can’t wait to put Milo’s new book on my shelf next to his bestselling and totally existent Silicon Valley and Gamergate books.
The flip side is that VR opens up technological ways to *mitigate* harm in a way that doesn’t exist in the real world.
But people tend not to do toxic things in real life because of complex existing social networks with serious consequences for acting out.
Theoretically, maybe it’s easier to form social groups if you can see someone’s emotions, so it’s easier to build community.
With all due respect to the many wonderful men I’ve met in VR, do people just forget real-world catcalling is a thing?
Anecdotally, people are just fine seeing the negative emotions of an outgroup, if there’s no social cohesion or, arguably, risk of shaming.
Here’s Tim Sweeney on how VR emotional feedback will humanize the internet. I generally tend to disagree.
UploadVR wrote up one of the more interesting pieces from my Tim Sweeney interview yesterday. …
Non-VR screen heatmaps are already pretty advanced but biometric tracking can be pretty fascinatingly invasive. …
@tiltbrush is my favorite pop culture of 2016, because it was one of the only things I saw make people happy. … -
we need to talk about how gloves are not fun to wear even if they make you look like a total h4xx0r …
“Her brother died because trolls thought it would be fun to divert self-driving car routes into the Grand Canyon."
“Humanity is destroyed by plague thanks to a medical smart grid that can’t figure out if vaccines cause autism."
"A family torn apart by inaccurate algorithmic guesses at world affairs and interpersonal events, compounded by constant misinformation."
Automated platforms failing because they rely on the wisdom of crowds is a few steps from literary-tragedy level. …
bad enough to get a Stormfront page as top result on a search—even worse if you ask an AI about the holocaust & it answers “didn’t happen”
one of the premises of Google’s AI assistant is that it will just answer questions based on top search results—it needs to fix this stuff
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