Andrew LiptakConta verificada


Writer with bylines at The Verge, io9, Kirkus Reviews and more. Science Fiction, trilobites, planets, history, costuming.

Uniuse en outubro 2008

Bloqueaches a @AndrewLiptak

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  1. Chío pegado
    , , e 3 máis
  2. There's some great potential stories out there. Also, someone get a Rogue Squadron series please.

  3. There was a lot in the trailers that didn’t end up in the final cut of Rogue One

  4. once again!

  5. , , e 2 máis
  6. There’s a ton of hidden references in Rogue One

  7. Amazing story from on building Shore Trooper armor for Rogue One

  8. Ugh. I sort of had high hopes that this film would turn out better.

  9. I do not regret this.

  10. Rogue One: holy crap, that was a lot of fun.

  11. It's time!!

  12. An entire community of fans worked to build Rogue One’s costumes before the film premiered

  13. Per my friend , why is there no Untapped-style app for pizza?

  14. Today's arrivals: 's Galaxy Series.

  15. Watch the first full trailer for Christopher Nolan’s gritty war film, Dunkirk

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