Lauren GoodeVerified account


Editor at . Co-host of on Radio. Video person. I play with tech, just don't ask me to fix your printer. [email protected]

Bay Area, CA
Joined March 2009

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  1. Pinned Tweet

    as she awoke one morning from uneasy dreams she found herself transformed in her bed into a gigantic activity tracker

  2. Well that was fast. Video shows an Uber self-driving car running a red light, through a crosswalk with a pedestrian.

  3. Musk will likely use his new position as a Trump advisor to urge the US to not back out of the Paris climate accord

  4. Trump’s team backs away from controversial questionnaire seeking names of climate workers via

  5. You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll start tweeting Insult you again

  6. I almost put myself in therapy while writing this. 2016, unfortunately, was not the worst year ever

  7. Look who’s sitting at the head of the table in Trump’s official meeting with tech CEO’s: Don Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump.

  8. Upcoming on podcasts with will be and my work fiancé

  9. Amazon’s drone delivery launches in the UK

  10. I was very much surprised by ’s pick for the best cheap streaming stick, but she’s right: it’s Amazon’s.

  11. VICE News sues FBI for info on Trump, the Clintons, and Breitbart News via

  12. Jack Dorsey’s interview with Snowden sends a strong anti-surveillance message to Trump

  13. While tech leaders silently head to Trump Tower, their employees are drawing clear ethical lines

  14. You can now make video calls over Slack

  15. The phishing attack on the DNC & Clinton campaign was stunningly simple. See the bogus emails

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