Starz is adapting American Gods. The early preview looks good to me!
I think it’s a throwback only in style. It’s a pretty sophisticated story. I would disagree that writing doesn’t age: there’s definitely some earlier works out there that are a bit painful to read these days.
I’m really looking forward to it. I totally recommend Gene Mapper if you get a chance. It’s an intriguing read!
I think it’s hard to make that judgement without seeing just what the original version looked like, and I doubt that we’ll actually get to see what that is. From the sounds of it, they went back to rejigger how they introduced Cassian and Jyn. Cassian’s introduction was really well done, while Jyn’s set up a bit more of an antagonistic relationship between her and the Alliance.
It could very well be that the original version was just fine, but it could also mean that it was much worse. Reading between the lines, it almost sounds as though the middle sequence on Eadu was pretty much left alone, with the Jedha and Scarif locations punched up the most.
I think it’s a fair assumption to assume that a lot of people will assume that Amazon’s primary motivations are in shopping / consumption!
That said, this year’s CES has demonstrated that they’re really integrating into a lot of things, outside of shopping. It’ll be interesting to see if they can succeed at it.
If they put Cortana in cars, I really hope that there’s an easter egg where she says "Covenant forces, on your right!"