They’ll have to outbid him, I imagine, which is unlikely. I’m also not sure on the rules of bidding with sums of money you don’t have, so I don’t know if you’d be able to force Zuckerberg to pay an unreasonable amount of money for your slice of the line, out of spite, if you didn’t have the money to actually drive the bidding war in the first place.
Thanks, we’ve updated the story to reflect the new information. It went live when these details were not yet known!
I mean… does it need anything else?
Oops! Thanks for the catch, though I suppose both watches have the same design, so maybe it’s a self-evident fact.
Drone sales are growing, but DJI is the one collecting a majority of them by a wide margin.
So it’s sales for companies like Parrot and 3DR that are falling.
That’s not a bad idea! "Our own" is a phrasing I could get behind, and will probably use in the future. Thanks for the tip.
It’s a bit of formality that does go a long way in preventing confusion if a reader doesn’t know who Vlad is or was not aware of the original piece and thinks we may be linking out to another website.