PolygonVerified account


Polygon is a website for the renaissance gamer. That's a fancy way of saying we write about Game of Thrones sometimes. But usually games.

Joined January 2012

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  1. Pinned Tweet

    Oh, Deer! has you drifting in a station wagon on the way to grandma's house. It's up to you whether or not you want to hit all those deer.

    Oh, Deer!
  2. 7m
  3. 22m
  4. 52m

    The final season of Samurai Jack is coming — we talked to series creator Genndy Tartakovsky about it

  5. 1h
  6. 2h
  7. 2h
  8. 2h

    We're going live with GTA IV on Xbox One! Let's get back in that Liberty City state of mind.

  9. 3h
  10. 3h
  11. 3h
  12. 4h
  13. 4h
  14. 4h
  15. 4h
  16. 4h
  17. 5h

    The NBA 2K eLeague will be the “first official eSports league operated by a U.S. professional sports league.”

  18. 5h
  19. 5h
  20. 6h
  21. 6h

    The Besties are back. Oh god why. (Best Games of Jan 2017)

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