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Finkatutako Txioa
who knew gadget posts were such a window into my psychepic.twitter.com/fLaXz3ZhoU
facebook just cops its new features from other companies: stories from Snap and redesigned comments that are basically iMessage threads
Best part of new drake album, sorry bout itpic.twitter.com/aujCmwLp9Z
Woah drake and these deep house beats
This filter would be way better if it kept my face in the corner and made it look like I was staring through a window at my dogs that are mepic.twitter.com/Zq4XwJPVIl
what is this!! i'm gonna have amazon employees judge my outfits so i dont have 2 bother my roommates ever againhttp://www.theverge.com/2017/3/17/14961636/amazon-outfit-compare-feature-judge-your-clothing-rating-prime …
u kno winter is the bleakest when people are wearing capris and no coat because it's slightly above freezing
It's like Kylie is stealing my brand ???pic.twitter.com/M53ZQ2Vcdr
This "mindful" phone is interesting and making me wonder if i’m really addicted to tech pic.twitter.com/csQQvJwGkd
Will my parents fall for the troll?pic.twitter.com/OH0EfDQtGh
I c u (on the subway)
Dedicating this tweet to all queens peeps who really wanted dat 1 TJs item before the snowstorm and were willing to fight a crowd to get it
A preview of my next car review
everyone is invited to my apartment for tomatoes and lettuce! (but only if u read my review) pic.twitter.com/4o6Z2VtpAC
is leopard mask the new bae snapchat lens?
What's with peeps who use a space before a question mark in texts ? Someone pls enlighten me
Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.
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