Ashley CarmanEgiaztatu kontua


tech reporter and . big fan of puppy dog lens. I want a flip phone. srsly.

2009(e)ko urriak(e)tik Twitterren

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  1. Finkatutako Txioa
    2016 abu. 3

    who knew gadget posts were such a window into my psyche

  2. Duela 14 ordu
  3. Duela 14 ordu

    facebook just cops its new features from other companies: stories from Snap and redesigned comments that are basically iMessage threads

  4. mar. 20

    Best part of new drake album, sorry bout it

  5. mar. 19

    Woah drake and these deep house beats 💫

  6. mar. 18

    This filter would be way better if it kept my face in the corner and made it look like I was staring through a window at my dogs that are me

  7. mar. 17

    what is this!! i'm gonna have amazon employees judge my outfits so i dont have 2 bother my roommates ever again

  8. mar. 17

    u kno winter is the bleakest when people are wearing capris and no coat because it's slightly above freezing

  9. mar. 16
  10. mar. 16

    It's like Kylie is stealing my brand ???

  11. mar. 14

    This "mindful" phone is interesting and making me wonder if i’m really addicted to tech

  12. mar. 14

    Will my parents fall for the troll?

  13. mar. 14

    I c u (on the subway)

  14. mar. 14

    Dedicating this tweet to all queens peeps who really wanted dat 1 TJs item before the snowstorm and were willing to fight a crowd to get it

  15. mar. 14

    A preview of my next car review

  16. mar. 13
  17. mar. 10

    everyone is invited to my apartment for tomatoes and lettuce! (but only if u read my review)

  18. mar. 10

    summer goals for real

  19. mar. 10

    is leopard mask the new bae snapchat lens?

  20. mar. 9

    What's with peeps who use a space before a question mark in texts ? Someone pls enlighten me

  21. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 8

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
