How effective is this historical adventure?

Herald journeys into the heart of injustice and oppression

The clipper Herald is a merchant ship working the lucrative 19th century indigo trade, running between a fictional London-like Western metropolis and India. Herald, the game (out now on Linux, Mac and Windows PC), mainly takes place aboard this ship. The crew and passengers are a microcosm of a society stratified by class, race and the exigencies of empire. It's an interactive drama that pulls the player along the knotted rope of its beats through point-and-click exploration and dialog choices. Although the world of Herald is based on a fictional empire called The Protectorate, it is, for all intents and purposes, the British Empire at its zenith. The Protectorate is totally in control of the seas, unafraid of its rivals and aggressively expanding its colonies and commercial...

Torment: Tides of Numenera review

The central question presented in Torment: Tides of Numenera is somewhat simple: How much does one life matter? Your character's life matters, obviously, since you have to play with him or her for a number of hours. The lives of your allies matter, since they’ll be your support throughout your journey. But what about the life of the mutant that fishes all day? What about the woman who’s been accused of a crime? What about the lives of your brothers and sisters? It’s easy to make assumptions about Torment’s purpose in regards to this problem, since video games have been posing similar questions for years. But what separates Torment is how complicated its answers become. It creates a rich environment to explore, but it forges a scenario that is well-paced to become more confusing as...
Cover Story
Issue 26

February 27, 2017

What the game industry thinks of Nintendo’s Switch

We talk with third-party developers and industry executives about what to expect.

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The Division’s Year Two content will be free

Today is the one-year anniversary of The Division’s launch, and after releasing three paid expansions over the past 12 months, publisher Ubisoft is going with a different strategy for the game’s second year: free content in the form of two large expansions, the company announced today. “All of the content updates that we’re going to provide are going to be free content updates,” said Julian Gerighty, creative director on The Division at developer Massive Entertainment, during a Twitch livestream today. “There is no season pass for year two.” “There is no season pass for year two” If players wanted everything in the first year of The Division, they had to pay at least $100: $59.99 for the game itself, plus an additional $39.99 for the season pass, which covered the three expansions. (The...

Blackwood Crossing is out next month

We've been watching Blackwood Crossing with great interest, since it first showed up in June last year. Now the game has an official release date of April 4 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with the Windows PC version arriving on April 5. Blackwood Crossing is a narrative game about childhood and loss. Its first-person player-character is a 14-year-old girl called Scarlett, who accompanies her younger brother Finn on a magical train journey. The player interacts with various characters, solving puzzles and working dialog trees. It's being created by indie house PaperSeven, made up of former Black Rock Studio developers. It will cost $15.99 at launch. You can watch our most recent preview below.
Photo Essay
Are we into No Man’s Sky again?

No Man’s Sky was built for this photo mode

No Man’s Sky developer Hello Games added a photo mode to the PS4 version of the game with its Foundation Update, last November. But for today’s Path Finder Update — which includes visual updates like 4K support on PS4 Pro, HDR support, better textures and lighting — it’s enhancing photo mode with the following improvements: Find the perfect angle for your shot in free camera mode, revealing your Starship in third person Pause and change the time of day for the perfect lighting conditions Change cloud layers and fog density to take the most atmospheric shots possible New photo filters can be used to add a finishing touch To celebrate these enhancements, Hello Games enlisted the help of DeadEndThrills, well-known video game photographer, to document the game’s beautiful worlds. For a...
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Quake Champions introduces new champion Nyx

Quake Champions begins its first closed beta this weekend, and to kick it off, Bethesda has released a trailer showing off one of the game’s first champions, the agile assassin Nyx. The reveal trailer demonstrates the new ability-focused, character-oriented direction that developer id Software and its partners at Saber Interactive are taking the series in. Nyx possesses the ability to “Ghost Walk,” vanishing in front of her enemies, avoiding detection and all damage — and reappearing while occupying the same space as an enemy instantly kills them. The Fathom agent also has the passive ability perform a secondary jump off of walls. As shown in the trailer, the usual Quake tricks are in play, including rocket jumps and power-ups. But in a change for the series, different characters in Q...

Voodoo Vince remaster is coming in April

Remastered 2003 platform game Voodoo Vince will be released on Windows PC and Xbox One on April 18, according to an announcement from developer Beep. A new trailer was released yesterday (above), showing how the game — previously only available on the original Xbox — is looking now that it's been reforged to run with enhanced visuals at 1080p resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio and 60 fps refresh rate. It's still got that murky look that players will recall from the early part of the last decade. Starring a voodoo doll and set in a magical New Orleans, the puzzle-platformer was never available via backwards compatibility programs. Although one of the Xbox's lesser-known exclusive games, it was received reasonably well in its lifetime, garnering average review scores of 73 percent,...
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Overwatch players are exploiting custom games for XP, Blizzard is very disappointed

Blizzard Entertainment released an extensive set of new custom game tools for Overwatch last week and it didn’t take long for players to start exploiting that new feature. Shortly after Overwatch’s Game Browser went live, players started using custom game rules to quickly (or idly) earn experience and thus earn more of the game’s precious lootboxes. Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan sounds none too pleased that players are taking advantage of the system, based on a very disappointed-sounding post on the Battle.net forums. “When we introduced the Game Browser and new Custom Game features we were excited to allow players to earn experience playing the game in unique and different ways,” Kaplan wrote. “We also knew that there was the potential for this system to be exploited but we...

Get ready for Mass Effect: Andromeda with these PC specs

Mass Effect: Andromeda launches March 21, but is available a week early to PC users through Electronic Arts’ Origin Access subscription service. Nvidia today published its PC specifications for maximum performance and also revealed the game's numerous graphics options. There are 16 options affecting image quality, most of which have variable detail levels. They include (deep breath): Ambient Occlusion, Anti-Aliasing, Chromatic Aberration, Effects Quality, Film Grain, Lighting Quality, Mesh Quality, Post-Process Effect Quality, Resolution Scaling, Shader Quality, Shadow Quality, Terrain Quality, Texture Filtering Quality, Texture Quality, and Vegetation Quality. To get the maximum out of all of those options, Nvidia is recommending a GeForce GTX 1070 or 1080, which launched last year, or...

The time has come for Rime (update)

Mediterranean adventure Rime is coming out on May 26, developer Tequila Works announced today. First announced in 2013 as a PlayStation 4 exclusive, the Tequila Works title is now also coming out on Windows PC and Xbox One. Sony pulled out of its exclusivity deal following the development's long gestation period. Rime will be released May 26 on those three platforms, both digitally and at retail, for $29.99 in the U.S., £29.99 in the U.K. and €34.99 in Europe. A Nintendo Switch version of Rime is also in development. It will be released “later this summer,” according to a news release from Tequila Works and co-publishers Grey Box and Six Foot. The Switch version will cost extra — $39.99 in the U.S., £39.99 in the U.K. and €44.99 in Europe. It will also be available in physical and...
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Left 4 Dead crossover comes to Dead by Daylight today

Cult hit horror game Dead by Daylight — in which four players try to escape from a rampaging killer — is adding a survivor of a different sort today. Bill from Valve’s Left 4 Dead is coming to Dead by Daylight as part of a free update titled Left Behind. The grizzled Vietnam vet, who also appeared in Left 4 Dead 2, joins the ranks of Dead by Daylight’s survivors as part of a partnership with Valve, developer Behaviour Interactive and publisher Starbreeze Studios announced today. Dead by Daylight Left Behind is a non-canonical follow-up to Left 4 Dead’s downloadable add-on, The Sacrifice, in which Bill sacrifices himself in an attempt to save his fellow survivors. Bill’s appearance is more than just a re-skin of an existing character — though a handful of Left 4 Dead-inspired costumes...

No Man’s Sky Path Finder Update trailer details PS4 Pro support, base sharing, permadeath mode

Since release, the team at Hello Games has been steadily expanding the feature set of No Man’s Sky, and today it has shared the contents of the upcoming Path Finder Update. Notable additions include: PS4 Pro support “optimized for 4K” and with HDR support, planetary vehicles to “aid home planet exploration,” base sharing and Steam Workshop support, permadeath mode and more. The above video details much of the update’s feature set, and the update’s official website goes into way more detail on everything that’s included. It’s ... a lot. The website has it broken down like this: Visual updates Online base sharing Own multiple ships Starship specializations PlayStation 4 Pro New vehicles — exocraft Exocraft races New shops and traders Base building variety Multi-tool specialization and...

Conan Exiles’ infamous ‘endowment’ options won’t be on Xbox One

Conan Exiles has been rather ... notorious for its presentation of ding-a-lings in the game's early access release on PC. That feature won't be a part of Conan Exiles’ launch on Xbox One, says the game's creative director. "Xbox has been pretty clear with us that it's not going to fly," Joel Bylos told Glixel (via Kotaku). He's referring to the infamous "penis slider," which allows users to adjust a male character's endowment. "It's just going to be off by default, I think," Bylos said, adding that he's not sure that partial nudity is OK. "We haven't spoken to Xbox about breasts. They do allow breasts in some of their games, but the penises definitely won't be there." Developed and published by Funcom, Conan Exiles launched in early access for Windows PC on Jan. 31. It hasn't gotten a...
The “nemesis system” is being expanded to help create deeper, branching stories for each player

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War builds on the best part of Shadow of Mordor: the stories

When you think about 2014’s Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, what is it you remember the most? It’s probably not the mix of action and role-playing game mechanics, though they were certainly well-developed. It probably wasn’t the deep plot and connection with J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic Lord of the Rings series — most fans had to get over how much Shadow of Mordor breaks with the tone and lore of the series. No, the reason Shadow of Mordor earned most of its praise, and the reason it’s remembered so fondly today, is the nemesis system. With the nemesis system, your enemies were transformed from generic orcs into named characters who grew, reappeared and changed in appearance, rank and power as you progressed through the game, based around your actions. This single brilliant piece of game...

Crytek sells off Black Sea studio to Sega, Total War creators

Sega Europe and Creative Assembly have acquired Crytek’s Sofia, Bulgaria-based Black Sea Studio, according to an announcement from Crytek. The studio, previously known as Crytek Black Sea, will now operate as Creative Assembly Sofia. Crytek announced in December it was closing five studios — including its Bulgaria office — with only the developer’s Frankfurt, Germany and Kiev, Ukraine studios remaining. That announcement came after reports that Crytek employees were not being paid. “In the past few weeks, we have worked closely with Creative Assembly and the team in Sofia to ensure that the talented staff at Crytek Black Sea would be well taken care of,” Crytek’s managing director, Avni Yerli, said in a news release. “We are delighted to be able to announce that SEGA’s acquisition of...

Overwatch’s new hero isn’t ready to come to consoles just yet

Orisa, the 24th Overwatch hero, will continue to be exclusive to Windows PC players for the time being, according to game director Jeff Kaplan. That may seem like a longer wait for eager console players than usual, a concern Kaplan acknowledged in a forum post. “We're getting great feedback and fixing a lot of issues. I know this feels a little longer than other PTR periods, but we think it will be for the better,” he wrote on the Battle.net forum. “We know how anxious you all are to have Orisa join your ranks... and she will soon... but most likely she will go live later in the month rather than this early.” The reply comes in a thread started by Overwatch players speculating on when to expect Orisa’s console debut. When previous new heroes Sombra and Ana first hit the PC-only public...

Quake Champions beta sign-ups are now open

Quake Champions, the new arena shooter unveiled during the Bethesda press conference at last year’s E3, is now taking sign-ups for its closed beta. A press release issued today says it will begin “in the coming weeks.” The latest in id Software’s long-running series, it’s the first title since 2007’s Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. A new website went up today, allowing players to sign up for the closed beta. Neither Bethesda or id have mentioned when the game will officially release, or how much the Windows PC game will cost. The game will be playable this weekend at PAX East in Boston. Quake Champions was shown off most recently at QuakeCon 2016. Messaging at the time centered around the game’s speed, which will support 120 Hz monitors and feature an unlocked framerate. The team also...

No Man’s Sky’s next update is imminent, adds a planetary vehicle

The next content update for No Man's Sky, the Path Finder Update, will be released this week, developer Hello Games announced today. “It introduces a new vehicle that will aid home planet exploration, building on the Foundation Update to hint at a path ahead for the future,” Hello Games said of Path Finder. No Man’s Sky’s previous content update included files that hinted at an upcoming ground vehicle. Hello Games did not provide any other information on the contents of Path Finder, but said it will release full patch notes when the update goes live. This will be the second major post-launch update for No Man’s Sky. The game’s debut on PlayStation 4 and Windows PC in August was met with a firestorm of controversy, with players feeling like they had been misled as to the nature of the...

Riot Games accuses Arizona man of trafficking stolen League of Legends accounts

Riot Games, makers of League of Legends, is again suing in federal court to shut down users who are trafficking items and services that violate the game's agreements. This time, they're going after someone who allegedly selling stolen user accounts. The lawsuit, filed Friday in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, accuses Zachary Kaufman of Peoria, Ariz. of operating a website called "DivineSmurfs," and selling stolen League of Legends accounts through it. "Defendants pretend, through the unauthorized use of Riot's intellectual property, to run a legitimate business instead of a fraudulent enterprise," says Riot’s complaint. Riot says DivineSmurfs use promises of bonus game content to lure users into buying these accounts, which are impermissible under the game's...
GDC 2017

Wargaming CEO accepts blame, vows renewed focus on World of Tanks

Wargaming’s chief executive office, Victor Kislyi, was in a mood to spill his guts last week. During an interview with Polygon in San Francisco, he was candid about his recent mistakes and vowed a renewed focus on his company’s flagship title, World of Tanks. “We were a little arrogant, let's say, three years ago,” Kislyi told Polygon. “We were thinking we know everything that our players need without talking intensively to them ourselves. It turned into — I wouldn't call it a disaster, but we hit the wall at some point.” That wall had a name: Rubicon. The update was delivered nearly two years ago, but the ill will from players, especially from WoT’s rabid Russian fanbase, still haunts the game. It was so poorly received, Wargaming couldn’t simply roll it back. “We were a little...
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Watch Shantae: Half-Genie Hero’s new Hard Core Mode in action

Today, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero got a major update: the addition of a just-announced Hard Core Mode, a new difficulty setting intended to make the platformer even more challenging. The mode rebalances the difficulty of Shantae’s entire campaign by increasing enemy health, damage and projectile speeds. It also deploys new patterns of enemies in existing stages and even drops late-game enemies in stages they previously never inhabited. The game’s 1.01 update, out today for all platforms, adds the new mode free of charge for all owners of the game, in addition to a few bug fixes and PlayStation TV support for the PlayStation Vita version. Above, watch eight minutes of Hard Core Mode in action, including rebalanced sections of the game’s first two stages, plus the first two boss battles. S...

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