Twitter: @chrisgrant
Website: Polygon
That’s actually VERY RAD. I love that about them. But that’s not the same thing as refusing to do things like "make a good online service" and "be transparent about how you’re responding to user feedback."
It’s a tablet though. I don’t want to carry around multiple tablets.
Like I said, it’s a litmus test for how well Nintendo understands the failures of the Wii U. Sure, it doesn’t need to be 10000% at launch … but what are your plans. Start answering questions instead of saying "trust us" because, if the Wii U has proven anything, it’s that Nintendo needs to stop saying trust us and start earning that trust back.
Well, yeah … that’s why I don’t call the Switch a disaster here. In fact, I’m really excited about it!
Added an update to specify that Nintendo can manually restore your account to new hardware, though the process remains 1) archaic 2) opaque and 3) still unclear if this will be repeated on Switch.
You can only download on a new system if you’ve transferred your account to that system.
"As the rights of usage for software you have purchased apply only to a single Nintendo 3DS family system, you can only register your Nintendo Network ID on one system."
So it’s tied to your account … but your account is tied to a single piece of hardware. And if you lose that hardware, you can’t transfer your account to a new piece of hardware (without a call to Nintendo, who can manually do it, but will apparently cap how often they can do it). That is not a scalable solution that gives me a lot of comfort in the integrity of my digital purchases.
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