I donno, they’re pretty ordinary-looking cars to me.
Well, we know definitively that it does affect primates: they’ve been tested on, and as noted, they’ve found that the disease has decimated populations.
The current thinking is actually that bats might be one of the primary reservoirs for the illness in the wild.
Er, yeah.
I hope this is the case!
Eh, it’s his life and the story has been his passion.
That’s they key, I think. I was talking to someone recently about this, and came away with the realization: the simpler story was a good way to get audiences to go along with it, a sort of loss-leader for the visuals and tech behind it.
Yeah. It’s a huge film with a small footprint. I’m a little surprised they haven’t done any novels or something to keep people engaged with the story or something.
I’m sort of with you there. I dug the first, and I think there’s a lot of promise for the world. I’m interested to see where he takes it.
The outpost: Ganymede?
Look at it from their perspective: she was traumatized, and was talking about a guy without a space suit. They’re a bit incredulous because it’s such a fantastic claim.
Huh, I thought they collected them up from both.
Oh, she’s one of those examples of perfect casting from the books.
Yeah, it’s more of an entry-level thing.
The original game was all metal pieces: I believe that the plastic ones were what they were originally planning to use, but because they got so much money, they could bump them up for that first print run.
Totally love those little metal dragons. I kind of want one for my desk, just to have for decoration.