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Loren Grush
Science reporter at . Daughter of rocket scientists. Lover of spaceflight. Texas-bred: Clear eyes, full hearts.
Loren Grush retweeted
Brooke Owens Fellows 2h
We are incredibly honored to announce the 2017 Brooke Owens Fellows!
Loren Grush 2h
My calendar is already marked!
Loren Grush 2h
<3 <3
Loren Grush 2h
I love what I do. But today I’m not at work
Loren Grush 2h
I’ve lost count of the number of weekend morning or late night launches I’ve followed. I plan my social calendar around major space missions
Loren Grush 2h
I convinced them to put the launch on TV while I sat huddled in a corner (lol) liveblogging and breaking the news
Loren Grush 2h
When SpaceX landed its first rocket, I was with a group of Texas friends I only see once a year for our annual Christmas gathering
Loren Grush 2h
On July 4th last year, my friends partied at my apartment while I sat in a corner with my laptop to hear if Juno got into Jupiter’s orbit
Loren Grush 3h
Last week when I was in New Orleans, I woke up at 4AM on the day of Mardi Gras to write analysis about SpaceX’s Moon mission
Loren Grush retweeted
Elizabeth Lopatto 4h
Why I strike: for women in science
Loren Grush retweeted
Alessandra Potenza 3h
Why it's so important for girls to find role models in female scientists
Loren Grush retweeted
Lori Garver 5h
I could not agree more Will! Can't wait to share them with all of you momentarily... @brookeowensfellowship.org
Loren Grush 17h
The lights went out on the subway while we were in a tunnel, and I may or may not have lightly shrieked
Loren Grush 19h
That person is Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and Bishop all escaping an overloaded atmosphere processor
Loren Grush retweeted
Emily Lakdawalla 20h
So happy to have a short, crisp name for the Europa mission: Clipper! And not a mangled backronym, either. With normal capitalization. Yay!
Loren Grush 21h
I'm into the idea of an Apollo 11 movie, but gonna suggest Ryan and Damien rethink that title
Loren Grush 23h
We've agreed to set aside our differences in order to maintain a healthy work environment
Loren Grush Mar 7
Seriously, is nothing new anymore?
Loren Grush Mar 7
Now we need the capabilities of the larger version of New Glenn
Loren Grush Mar 7
Ahh woops you're right! i messed up kg vs lb, thanks!
Loren Grush Mar 7
Blue Origin releases animation of its future orbital rocket, and it looks really familiar
Loren Grush retweeted
NASA Watch Mar 7
First customer for NewGlenn is
Loren Grush retweeted
Jeff Foust Mar 7
Bezos: New Glenn 2-stage vehicle designed to carry 13 tonnes to GTO, 45 tonnes to LEO.
Loren Grush Mar 7
Also lol it lands on a boat platform.
Loren Grush Mar 7
Oh yay, graphics we can use for future vids :) cc Blue Origin's New Glenn:
Loren Grush retweeted
Christian Davenport Mar 7
Jeff Bezos talking about Blue Origin's plan for space at
Loren Grush Mar 6
Amy, this is my favorite tweet so far
Loren Grush Mar 6
.: "Is this a scene from Magic Mike? Magic Mike by the way is a much better movie."
Loren Grush Mar 6
Loren Grush Mar 6
.: "It's no Pride and Prejudice"

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