David O’Reilly’s Everything is coming to PlayStation 4 later this month. It’s a curious interactive experience that’s relatively easy to describe — you can be everything in Everything, from a strand of DNA to a lion to a galaxy — but since there aren’t traditional gameplay goals, what you ultimately do with that power may not be quite as easy to grasp.
What may help players of Everything better understand the nature of their existence in this game universe is British philosopher Alan Watts, who “narrates” an affecting, nearly-11-minute gameplay trailer for Everything. The late Watts’ thoughts will also serve as narration in the game, according to O’Reilly.
“Everything is narrated by the brilliant British philosopher Alan Watts,” O’Reilly said on Twitter. “It is a massive and unprecedented use of his work!
“Watts had an extraordinary mind and voice — and his recordings have been beautifully remastered for the game.”
If you’re still wondering what Everything is all about, here’s the latest description provided by the game’s developer:
Everything is an narrated sandbox in which everything you see is a thing you can be, from animals to planets to galaxies and beyond. Travel between outer and inner space, and explore a vast, interconnected universe of things without enforced goals, scores, or tasks to complete.
For another look at some philosophy-free Everything gameplay, check out the video below.
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