[status] Investigating: We are investigating a new set of network issues across the Vox Media network. As alway...
[status] Monitoring: The Verge and Polygon are back, as are the SBN community sites.
[status] Investigating: We are in the process of investigating network issues across the Vox Media network. Tha...
We have a whole new
@MMAFighting for you. Take a look around! by SB Nation Support10:54 AM - 19 Dec 13 · Details Flagged (learn more) -
@sammci123@sbnation are you in the UK? We just removed that ad from our rotation so it might take a bit but it should be gone soon. Thanks! -
@gfbiii but still, we really appreciate you reading our network. -
@gfbiii Thanks, George. We actually stopped supporting it over a year ago, so it’s surprising it’s worked this long for you. -
@the1REALHuman what’s your screen name? -
@the1REALHuman Lets try third party cookies: Firefox: e-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences … -
@the1REALHuman So the “join” dialog in the comments section doesn’t work? -
@FraFont it could well be third party cookie issue. Which browser? -
@FraFont Looks like you can login via Twitter - let me know if that works! -
@mikeopinions which video page were you on? What browser and OS do you use? -
@MrRedlegs11 It should already be there. Click “ALL” next to “Blog Memberships” - currently it’s just showing favorited ones. -
@MrRedlegs11 yeah, those didn’t have a waiting period. Cincy Jungle is now activated. -
@MrRedlegs11 I think that’s related to your 24-hour waiting period. What’s the username? We’ll fix it.
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