Declaration of Freedom and Change

Khartoum, January 1st 2019


We, the people of Sudan across cities and villages, in the north, the south, the east, and the west; join our political and social movements, trade unions and community groups in affirming through this declaration that we will continue the course of peaceful struggle until the totalitarian regime is removed and the following goals are achieved:

First: The immediate and unconditional end of General Omar Al Bashir’s presidency and the conclusion of his administration.

Second: The formation of a National Transitional Government. This transitional government will be formed of qualified people based on merits of competency and good reputation, representing various Sudanese groups and receiving the consensus of the majority. Their role is to govern for a term of four years, until a sound democratic structure is established, and elections held. The transitional government shall be responsible for the following goals:

  1. End Sudan’s civil wars by addressing the root cause(s) of each and seeking remedies to their disastrous manifestations. These solutions will have to incorporate the voluntary return of those displaced, and refugees to their domiciles.
  2. Reach out to warring parties to address lingering issues, and security arrangements. These agreements should be fair, just and comprehensive.
  3. Convene a Comprehensive Constitutional Conference to address key national issues, with the objective of forming a National Constitution Committee.
  4. Apply the brakes on the current state of economic freefall, and work to improve the livelihood of all Sudanese citizens.
  5. Oversee efforts to dismantle the structure of governance set up by a totalitarian one-party regime, and transition it to institutions based on a constitution and the rule of law. The goal is to create the conditions for a thriving state in which the people of Sudan elect their representatives freely; and to restructure civil services and the armed forces to be representative of the nation i.e. National, Diverse, and Independent.
  6. Develop an independent judicial system. One based on a constitution, protection of human rights and the rule of law.
  7. Empower Sudanese women and strive to end all forms of discrimination and oppressive practices against them.
  8. Improve Sudan’s image globally, and work on fostering regional and global relationships based on mutual respect and common interests. In that light, special attention will be given to the relationship with the Republic of South Sudan.
  9. Ensure the state commitment to human development, social welfare, and the environment through programs and subsidies in areas of health, education and housing.

Third: Putting an immediate end to all violations against peaceful protesters, repealing of all laws restricting freedoms of speech and expression; and bringing the perpetrators of crimes against the Sudanese people to fair trials in accordance with accepted national and international laws.

By signing this draft declaration – which remains open to additions and amendments, especially regarding the tasks of the transitional government, accommodating all concerns and aspirations of the Sudanese people, and benefiting from previous relevant declarations of opposition groups – we affirm that we will continue taking to the streets and leading the nonviolent struggle, until our demands are met. We call upon our brethren in the armed forces to take the side of the Sudanese people and to refrain from supporting Al Bashir by participating in the brutalizing and killing of unarmed civilians.



  1. Sudanese Professionals Association
  2. Alliance of the National Consensus Forces
  3. Sudan Call Forces
  4. The Unionist Alliance (Opposition)
  5. The Republican Party
  6. The Liberal Party
  7. The Centre Stream for Change
  8. No to Women’s Oppression Initiative
  9. Girifna Movement
  10. Change Now
  11. Alliance of Civil Forces
  12. Sudanese Resistance Committees
  13. Congress of University of Khartoum Alumni
  14. Confederation of Civil Society Organizations
  15. Alliance of Jezira and Managil Farmers
  16. Forum of Sudanese Tweeters
  17. General Nubian Assembly
  18. Revolutionary Council of Revival
  19. Women of Sudanese Civic and Political Groups – MANSAM
  20. The Broad National Front
  21. Binaa Sudan Party
  22. Association of the Families of Ramadan Martyrs


(Translated from the original, Arabic text)