Is ther any way to change the background or correct letter color?, my husband has vision problems and the yellow letters are impossible for him to see, it is a little easier if we get to level 2 but takes forever to do that! Great game
Juker is a word. You should add it to your dictionary.
My first word was paint does this mean im artistic?
SOARE is a word. Please add to your dictionary. Fun game otherwise. 😀
So many genuine words just not accepted - I give up. Today I have had 3 goes at finding word using all the vowels but still have a nil return - how can that be?
I quit the game when there weren’t any possibilities. I didn’t even think to put wrong words in to find out what word they wanted.
I'm baffled as to what dictionary doesn't contain actual words like morph, chink and mafic, but does contain an abbreviation like hippo.
"Sicko" is a word, for some reason...
Could you make a colourblind-friendly mode? The yellow and green are practically indistinguishable to me.
lost at 6 to crepe using erupt as the last wor
this is like mastermind, come to think of it
It would be nice if you didn't lose your streak when you close the tab or browser.
Thanks for making this, though :)
2 years ago