I solved this in my own novel by inventing the concept of "locking" and "unlocking". I have made an assumption that our universe is "locked" in 3D - it's a plot point by who but in your own story you can do anything else. So, every single particle can move only in three dimensions.
Now, to be able to "see" in general you need:
- your retina cells consisting of particles which interact with photons;
- photons moving through space colliding with objects and ending up on your retina.
So, you "unlock" your body from 3D to be able to move in 4D - you turn every particle constituting your body into particles able to move in 4D. You need a serious handwaving to explain why you don't disassemble immediately. One of the possible explanations being that even if particles can they will not necessarily do move.
Moreover, this concept of "unlocking" assumes that the actual universe is, in fact, more than three-dimensional, and the fourth direction has actual nonzero length, or else there's no point in all that. That the "locking" is literal - we are "prohibited from being in the actual world", restrained to a segment of some actual universe.
Now, the second question is photons landing on your unlocked retina. As @Toph said and I agree with them completely, your unlocked retina must be able to interact with unlocked photons, to see the "real" universe "outside" of the 3D fragment you were "locked" in. In addition to that it needs to continue to be able to interact with "locked" photons.
At this point you need to perform the second major handwaving - why your "locked" retina could not interact with unlocked photons before you unlocked. Because the "actual" unlocked photons obviously can and will move through the 3D fragment of 4D space you are locked inside. As @Toph's suggestion, it could lead to the conclusion that "unlocked" photons are not photons at all and are some completely different particles.