iPhone Upgrade Program Terms & Conditions

United States

When you enroll in the iPhone Upgrade Program, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”).

  1. iPhone Upgrade Program. The iPhone Upgrade Program is available to qualified end-user customers who finance and activate an eligible iPhone with an AppleCare+ Plan, as set forth below.
    1. Installment Loan. You will be required to apply for and enter into a 24-month 0% APR installment loan (“Installment Loan”) for the full retail price of the eligible iPhone (“Financed iPhone”) and your choice of AppleCare+ for iPhone or AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss (each an “AppleCare+ Plan”). A credit check will be required to apply. Applicable taxes and fees will be included in your Installment Loan if you purchase at an Apple Store. If purchased on apple.com or the Apple Store app (collectively, “apple.com”), applicable taxes and fees will be charged separately by Apple and will not be included in the Installment Loan. You will enter into the Installment Loan with Apple’s bank partner, Citizens Bank, N.A., doing business as Citizens One (“Bank”). Additional terms and conditions required by Bank apply.
      • Credit or Debit Card; Interest and Other Fees. To enroll in the iPhone Upgrade Program you will need a valid and eligible U.S.-issued personal, small business, or corporate/commercial credit or debit card. Prepaid cards are not accepted. Your use of your credit or debit card is subject to the terms and conditions in your cardmember agreement. You will be charged 0% APR on the Installment Loan. However, the card issuer may charge you interest or other fees pursuant to your cardmember agreement, including interest on unpaid balances or late payments. Your eligibility to receive certain card benefits in connection with installment payments will be determined by your card issuer.
      • Installment Payments. Your first installment payment will be authorized on your credit or debit card at the time of purchase, pickup, or shipment and will be processed within three days. After the first installment payment, your credit or debit card will be automatically charged on a monthly basis by Bank under the terms of the Installment Loan.
    2. AppleCare+ Plans. Your AppleCare+ Plan is subject to the applicable http://www.aigtheftandloss.com/coveragedocs).
    3. Wireless Service Activation. The Financed iPhone requires wireless service activation on a new or existing wireless service plan with an eligible carrier under the carrier’s terms, and may be subject to an additional fee charged by your carrier.
  2. Upgrade Option. You may be eligible to upgrade to a new eligible iPhone (“Upgrade Option”) under the following terms and conditions:
    1. Requirements to Upgrade.
      • Payments. You have paid the equivalent of at least twelve (12) installment payments.
      • Good Standing. Your account with Bank is in good standing under the terms of your Installment Loan.
      • AppleCare+ Plan. You have continuously maintained the AppleCare+ Plan with your Financed iPhone.
      • Physical Condition. Your Financed iPhone must be in good physical and operational condition, as determined solely by Apple or Apple’s trade-in service provider (“Trade-In Service Provider”). It must (i) power on and hold a charge; (ii) have an intact and functioning display; and (iii) cannot have any breaks or cracks.
      • Repairs and Service Replacements. Any repair or service replacement of the Financed iPhone prior to Upgrade must be done at an Apple Store, through an Apple Authorized Service Provider, or under the AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss plan.
    2. Exercising your Upgrade Option. To exercise, you must:
      • Apply for and enroll in a new iPhone Upgrade Program prior to the expiration date of your Installment Loan. This includes applying for and entering into a new 24-month 0% APR installment loan (“New Installment Loan”) with Bank. Applying for a New Installment Loan requires a new credit check.
      • Trade in your Financed iPhone as directed by Apple;
      • Disable Activation Lock; and
      • Remove your SIM card prior to returning the original Financed iPhone, if exercising your Upgrade Option via apple.com.
    3. Early Upgrade Option. At any time after you’ve made six (6) regularly-scheduled installment payments, you may accelerate your payments and become upgrade-eligible by paying the equivalent of at least twelve (12) installment payments under your Installment Loan.
    4. Termination of Original Installment Loan After Exercising Upgrade Option. Upon successfully exercising your Upgrade Option and completing your first installment payment on your New Installment Loan as outlined above, Apple will pay any remaining balance due under your original Installment Loan on your behalf to Bank, and Bank will consider your original Installment Loan to be paid in full. Subsequent monthly payments will be made under the terms of your New Installment Loan, subject to the conditions of “Return of New, Upgraded iPhone After Exercising Upgrade Option,” as set forth below.
    5. Prompt Return of Financed iPhone. If you exercise your Upgrade Option and do not return your original Financed iPhone as directed by Apple within 14 days, your original Installment Loan will be reinstated and you will be responsible for any missed and/or remaining installment payments, as well as any installment payments under your New Installment Loan.
  3. Repairs and Service Replacements. If your Financed iPhone is not in good physical and operational condition when you exercise your Upgrade Option, you will need to exercise your service rights set forth in the applicable AppleCare+ for iPhone Terms and Conditions or AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss Terms and Conditions, including paying any applicable service fee(s) required under the AppleCare+ Plan. In the event you have exhausted your service rights, or the repair is not covered under the AppleCare+ Plan, you must have your Financed iPhone repaired or replaced at an Apple Store or through an Apple Authorized Service Provider at the prevailing service or out of warranty replacement rates. If you are upgrading via apple.com and repairs are not available under the AppleCare+ Plan as outlined above, your original iPhone will be returned to you, the Installment Loan associated with the original Financed iPhone will be reinstated, and you will be responsible for any outstanding installment payments, as well as any installment payments under your New Installment Loan.
  4. Lost or Stolen iPhone. If your Financed iPhone has been lost or stolen:
    1. If you’ve selected AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss, visit https://support.apple.com/iphone/theft-loss-claims to initiate a claim.
    2. If you’ve selected AppleCare+ for iPhone and your iPhone has been lost or stolen, you will not be eligible for the Upgrade Option and you should cancel your plan by calling AppleCare at (800) 275-2273.
  5. Trade-in Service Provider. Apple may use a Trade-In Service Provider to facilitate the trade in of your Financed iPhone. Upon exercising your Upgrade Option, title and ownership of the Financed iPhone transfers to Apple or the Trade-In Service Provider, and you disclaim any further right, title or interest in and to the Financed iPhone, and assign to Apple the right to collect from the Trade-In Service Provider, where applicable, the value of the Financed iPhone, in exchange for Apple paying the balance of your original Installment Loan on your behalf to Bank. Apple or the Trade-In Service Provider may amend or supplement the terms and conditions that govern the trade in of your Financed iPhone. Any fees, charges, or payments made to exercise the Upgrade Option are not reversible and will not be refunded.
  6. Data on the Financed iPhone. You are solely responsible for removing all data, including confidential and personal data, from the Financed iPhone prior to the trade-in. It is your sole responsibility to back-up any files or data from your Financed iPhone that you wish to retain prior to trading-in your Financed iPhone. Data recovery is not a part of the iPhone Upgrade Program and neither Apple nor the Trade-In Service Provider accept any responsibility or liability for any lost files or data.
  7. Return of New, Upgraded iPhone After Exercising Upgrade Option. Should you exercise the Upgrade Option and subsequently return your new, upgraded iPhone under the terms of Apple’s Returns and Refunds Policy, the Financed iPhone that you traded in will not be returned to you and the New Installment Loan associated with your new, upgraded iPhone will be terminated.
  8. Termination of the AppleCare+ Plan. You understand that you have purchased an AppleCare+ plan with funds borrowed from Bank under an Installment Loan. If the AppleCare+ plan associated with your iPhone Upgrade Program is returned or terminated for any reason, including when you exercise your Upgrade Option, any refund due on your AppleCare+ plan will be remitted to the Bank as a payment toward any amount owed by you to Bank. If you do not cancel AppleCare+ on your own, you agree that the Bank is permitted to cancel AppleCare+ on your behalf. If the AppleCare+ refund amount is greater than the amount owed on the Installment Loan, Bank will issue you a refund in the amount of the difference to the credit or debit card you used to enroll in the iPhone Upgrade Program.
  9. Trade in Outside of your Upgrade Option. You may decide to trade-in your Financed iPhone outside of the iPhone Upgrade Program for any reason (e.g., if the market value of your trade-in exceeds the outstanding balance on your Installment Loan). If you do so, you will still be responsible for any remaining balance on your Installment Loan to Bank and you will not be able to exercise the Upgrade Option as set forth above. You should also cancel the AppleCare+ Plan associated with the Financed iPhone by contacting AppleCare at: (800) 275-2273 after your trade-in.
  10. Extended Fraud Alert. If you have placed an extended fraud alert on your credit file, your identity must be verified by Bank before you can enroll in the iPhone Upgrade Program.
  11. General
    1. Subject to Availability. Upgrading to a new eligible iPhone is subject to its release and availability at the time you exercise your Upgrade Option. Depending on the eligible iPhone model chosen, your monthly installment payment may change.
    2. Must be at least 18 years old (or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence) to enroll in the iPhone Upgrade Program.
    3. An eligible iPhone is an iPhone that is designated for inclusion in the iPhone Upgrade Program by Apple.
    4. An eligible carrier is a wireless carrier that is designated for inclusion in the iPhone Upgrade Program by Apple.
    5. The iPhone Upgrade Program cannot be combined with any other promotion, discount, or offer (“Offer”), unless specifically provided for in the Offer terms and conditions.
    6. Enrollment limits may apply.
    7. By enrolling in the iPhone Upgrade Program, you understand and agree that Apple, its subsidiaries and agents, Bank, and Trade-In Service Provider may collect, process, transmit, maintain, share, and use certain of your personal information, such as your name, mailing address, email address, and information related to your loan and loan status, in order to perform the service and support obligations under your iPhone Upgrade Program. You may receive periodic iPhone Upgrade Program-related texts, emails, or other communications from Apple, such as notices regarding expiration of your account, upgrade eligibility, and changes to the iPhone Upgrade Program Terms & Conditions. You may also receive requests to participate in surveys related to the iPhone Upgrade Program. At all times Apple will treat your information in accordance with the Apple Privacy Policy, available at www.apple.com/privacy. Any information collected by Bank and Trade-In Service Provider will be subject to their respective privacy policies.
    8. If any provision (or part of any provision) of these Terms & Conditions is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law, such term shall, insofar as it is severable from the remaining terms, be deemed omitted from these Terms & Conditions and shall in no way affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining terms.
    9. You should keep copies of these Terms & Conditions and any sales receipt or other materials relevant to your purchase of the Financed iPhone and Installment Loan for your records. Apple reserves the right to substitute, change, cancel or add to any part of these Terms & Conditions at any time, including terminating the iPhone Upgrade Program or modifying the AppleCare+ for iPhone Terms & Conditions, or the AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss Terms and Conditions. Visit assurantdeviceclaim.com/SummaryandDisclosures/APL-Single-Pay for the most current Terms & Conditions. In the event the iPhone Upgrade Program is terminated, you will still be responsible for any outstanding balances due under the terms of your Installment Loan with Bank.
    10. iPhone Upgrade Program may not be available in all locations.
    11. iPhone Upgrade Program eligibility and approval is not transferrable.
    12. For questions about your Installment Loan or your application, please contact Citizens One at 1-888-201-6306.

iPhone Upgrade Program US