FreeBSD on EC2

The following page detailed the state of FreeBSD/EC2 development until the middle of 2015. EC2 is now fully supported by FreeBSD, with AMIs built by the FreeBSD release engineering team and announced in release and snapshot announcements; and this page is no longer being updated.

For lists of FreeBSD AMI IDs, please consult the appropriate FreeBSD release announcement; you can also launch FreeBSD through the AWS Marketplace.

If you wish to support my work on the FreeBSD/EC2 platform, I have a Patreon; I'm also happy to accept money in other ways if it's more convenient (send me an email).

FreeBSD on EC2

The following FreeBSD AMIs are available (additional obsolete AMIs are listed at the bottom of this page). For most users and applications, the FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE for Current Generation instances AMI will be the most appropriate one to use.

To use FreeBSD/EC2:

  1. Decide which types of EC2 instances you want to use. There are different FreeBSD/EC2 images for "Current Generation" EC2 instances (m3, c3, r3, i2, and t2) vs. "Previous Generation" EC2 instances (m1, m2, c1, and t1). You will almost always want to use the newer instance types; the only exception is if you already own previous-generation reserved instances.
  2. Decide which FreeBSD release you want. This will almost certainly be either FreeBSD 10.2 (lots of new functionality, improved performance, and the ability to use freebsd-update for system updates) or FreeBSD 9.3 (older but very extensively tested).
  3. Based on the above two decisions, and the EC2 region you're using, look up the AMI name in the table below.
  4. Launch the EC2 instance.
  5. If you're using FreeBSD 9.3 or later, you can provide launch-time configuration settings via the EC2 "user-data" functionality and configinit.
  6. If you're using one of the "Previous Generation" AMIs, you may need to adjust your EC2 "security group" settings to allow incoming TCP connections on port 22 (EC2 thinks that those instances are "Windows" and sets default firewall rules for Windows).
  7. (Optional) Look at the EC2 instance console output ("Get System Log" on the EC2 console) for the SSH host keys. Note that you may need to wait about five minutes for these to appear. (You can also use my ec2-knownhost script to parse the EC2 console log and add keys to your ssh known_hosts file automatically.)
  8. SSH in as "ec2-user" (or the user you specified in the /etc/rc.conf parameters you provided via configinit) using the SSH key you created for EC2, and su to root (no password).
  9. You can now use the EC2 instance like any other FreeBSD system, with the exception that on versions prior to FreeBSD 9.3 you can't use FreeBSD Update to fetch kernel security updates (you'll need to manually rebuild and reinstall the XENHVM kernel).

FreeBSD version us-east-1
(N Virginia)
(N California)
(Sao Paulo)
For Current Generation instances
ami-f709a29c ami-bbc43aff ami-5c4c112b ami-fe6c62ac ami-94209b94 ami-2b88821b ami-49ef6754 ami-1bc28121 ami-2235323f
For Current Generation instances
ami-34b5205c ami-7ff6e03a ami-3013a747 ami-988eadca ami-e1d5ede0 ami-53fcb763 ami-ab70c6b6 ami-37d8b70d ami-4a8eb857
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-1eb42176 ami-2ff6e06a ami-0c13a77b ami-4c8dae1e ami-67cbf366 ami-bbfcb78b ami-0771c71a ami-7fd8b745 n/a
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-d0b520b8 ami-11f6e054 ami-2a13a75d ami-aa8eadf8 ami-45cbf344 ami-41fcb771 ami-ef70c6f2 ami-1bd8b721 n/a
For Current Generation instances
ami-b2a163da ami-efebebaa ami-d38453a4 ami-502a7302 ami-49b4e548 ami-7f344d4f ami-0942ec14 ami-9da7c0a7 ami-f02a1ced
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-80a765e8 ami-97ebebd2 ami-8f8453f8 ami-4a2a7318 ami-73b4e572 ami-51344d61 ami-bf5ef0a2 ami-9da2c5a7 n/a
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-78a76510 ami-f9ebebbc ami-b38453c4 ami-5e2a730c ami-61b4e560 ami-61344d51 ami-4342ec5e ami-97a7c0ad n/a
For Current Generation instances
ami-4761142e ami-15eac450 ami-11908065 ami-e38cc2b1 ami-cf43cbce ami-6369f853 ami-3ede7b23 ami-59e07363 n/a
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-29611440 ami-31eac474 ami-bb9080cf ami-978cc2c5 ami-f743cbf6 ami-5769f867 ami-30de7b2d ami-bfe07385 n/a
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-5f611436 ami-21eac464 ami-d79080a3 ami-eb8cc2b9 ami-eb43cbea ami-5369f863 ami-3ade7b27 ami-43e07379 n/a

EC2 quirks

In order to work with EC2, the FreeBSD AMIs are slightly modified from what you would have immediately after installing FreeBSD from a release CD:

Packaging new AMIs

The process of building FreeBSD AMIs from scratch is non-trivial; it is much easier to modify and re-bundle one of the existing FreeBSD AMIs:
  1. Launch the FreeBSD AMI you want to base your AMI on.
  2. Make your changes (installing packages, adjusting configurations, etc).
  3. Delete the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys or /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys (otherwise your SSH key will be able to log in to any instances launched from this AMI).
  4. Create the file /firstboot on 10.0-RELEASE or /root/firstboot on earlier releases (otherwise the AMI you create won't know to download the new SSH public key for logins).
  5. Stop the instance (but do not terminate it).
  6. Use the ec2-create-image tool or the "Create Image" command in the EC2 Management Console to create an AMI from the instance.
  7. Terminate the instance.

About the author

This page is maintained, and the FreeBSD AMIs were produced, by Colin Percival — a FreeBSD developer, a member of the FreeBSD Core team, and the FreeBSD Security Officer. Work to get FreeBSD working on cc1.4xlarge instances was sponsored by SegPub. Work to get FreeBSD 7.4 working on EC2, fix bugs, and improve network performance was sponsored by LineRate Systems. Work to get FreeBSD working on "defenestrated" Windows instances and to further improve network performance was sponsored by an anonymous donor.

Colin is available for consulting on FreeBSD/EC2 if anyone wants to support further work on FreeBSD/EC2. When he's not working on FreeBSD, Colin spends most of his time running his online backup service.

Obsolete AMIs

The following AMIs were released earlier (and remain available) but have been obsoleted by newer AMIs built from the respective branches. Using them is almost certainly a bad idea, since these contain bugs (on some 8.x and 9-CURRENT images, quite severe stability issues) which have been fixed in the newer AMIs.

On AMIs up to FreeBSD 8.3 and between FreeBSD 9.0 and 9.1-RC1, you need to SSH in as root instead of ec2-user.

FreeBSD version us-east-1 us-west-1 eu-west-1 ap-southeast-1 ap-northeast-1 us-west-2 sa-east-1 ap-southeast-2 eu-central-1
FreeBSD 10.1-RC4
For Current Generation instances
ami-60a22e08 ami-2d0d1a68 ami-a23f94d5 ami-0488a856 ami-a9ae92a8 ami-e31951d3 ami-cd3582d0 ami-a72d429d ami-42dcea5f
FreeBSD 10.1-RC4
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-42a32f2a ami-e30d1aa6 ami-203e9557 ami-3c88a86e ami-d9ae92d8 ami-5b1a526b ami-e33582fe ami-8f2d42b5 n/a
FreeBSD 10.1-RC4
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-c0a22ea8 ami-c70d1a82 ami-523e9525 ami-3288a860 ami-c1ae92c0 ami-651a5255 ami-ef3582f2 ami-9f2d42a5 n/a
FreeBSD 10.1-RC3
For Current Generation instances
ami-0e961166 ami-cd504488 ami-52369825 ami-26aa8b74 ami-bd5b68bc ami-6b307e5b ami-c91bafd4 ami-41375b7b n/a
FreeBSD 10.1-RC3
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-4494132c ami-11514554 ami-16379961 ami-c6ad8c94 ami-85596a84 ami-f1307ec1 ami-9904b084 ami-7d305c47 n/a
FreeBSD 10.1-RC3
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-4a951222 ami-b55044f0 ami-b03698c7 ami-baaa8be8 ami-0f596a0e ami-57307e67 ami-1104b00c ami-cf375bf5 n/a
FreeBSD 10.1-RC2
For Current Generation instances
ami-6c813804 ami-818288c4 ami-f8f15d8f ami-aea385fc ami-45a59244 ami-6782ce57 ami-31dc682c ami-ef127fd5
FreeBSD 10.1-RC2
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-888138e0 ami-41838904 ami-96f15de1 ami-d4a08686 ami-89a39488 ami-4b82ce7b ami-79dc6864 ami-3f6d0005
FreeBSD 10.1-RC2
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-ec813884 ami-a58288e0 ami-b6f15dc1 ami-7ea0862c ami-9da5929c ami-6f82ce5f ami-55dc6848 ami-d1127feb
FreeBSD 10.1-RC1
For Current Generation instances
ami-82ff4cea ami-53e1ea16 ami-fc8a298b ami-fabb9ca8 ami-d71933d6 ami-77094447 ami-8380359e ami-4daac877
FreeBSD 10.1-RC1
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-56fd4e3e ami-0de1ea48 ami-a08a29d7 ami-babb9ce8 ami-731e3472 ami-4b09447b ami-e98035f4 ami-95aac8af
FreeBSD 10.1-RC1
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-f0fe4d98 ami-6be1ea2e ami-c48a29b3 ami-febb9cac ami-271e3426 ami-6d09445d ami-d58035c8 ami-a3aac899
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA3
For Current Generation instances
ami-34e5525c ami-5baaa21e ami-144dec63 ami-b02601e2 ami-215f7720 ami-9bfebdab ami-d9f441c4 ami-13214329
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA3
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-b2e552da ami-0baaa24e ami-c64decb1 ami-56250204 ami-b35078b2 ami-e7febdd7 ami-c5f441d8 ami-7f214345
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA3
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-c4e552ac ami-7daaa238 ami-e44dec93 ami-a62601f4 ami-6f5f776e ami-f3febdc3 ami-d3f441ce ami-03214339
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA2
For Current Generation instances
ami-f62b829e ami-ada6afe8 ami-ce6ccbb9 ami-e8eaceba ami-5fefc05e ami-819bdbb1 ami-dd7ad0c0 ami-5f4f2c65
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA2
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-a62d84ce ami-1db9b058 ami-486bcc3f ami-04ebcf56 ami-0deec10c ami-fd9bdbcd ami-fd7ad0e0 ami-b14f2c8b
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA2
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-6e2a8306 ami-41b9b004 ami-9a6ccbed ami-82eaced0 ami-79efc078 ami-899bdbb9 ami-d57ad0c8 ami-4f4f2c75
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA1
For Current Generation instances
ami-18e04c70 ami-8d767fc8 ami-c808adbf ami-b47753e6 ami-69193468 ami-c9aaebf9 ami-95cf6588 ami-37d7b70d
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA1
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-7ce14d14 ami-47090002 ami-640bae13 ami-a07753f2 ami-6d18356c ami-1badec2b ami-dbcf65c6 ami-13d7b729
FreeBSD 10.1-BETA1
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-c4e04cac ami-b5767ff0 ami-ac08addb ami-be7753ec ami-8f19348e ami-33adec03 ami-b5cf65a8 ami-21d7b71b
For Current Generation instances
ami-69dae900 ami-ae2d1feb ami-c847b2bf ami-14f9ae46 ami-bdcda3bc ami-e8b4d5d8 ami-ad8525b0 ami-33861809 ami-f62a1ceb
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-19dae970 ami-6e12202b ami-7646b301 ami-36f9ae64 ami-dbcda3da ami-c2b4d5f2 ami-a58525b8 ami-2186181b n/a
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-23dae94a ami-42122007 ami-9a47b2ed ami-04f9ae56 ami-cdcda3cc ami-d2b4d5e2 ami-ab8525b6 ami-2d861817 n/a
FreeBSD 10.0-RC5
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-bf390fd6 ami-34af9c71 ami-3c06ec4b ami-2eb6e17c ami-19a3cc18 ami-aeb9df9e ami-95ce6e88 ami-0dc35d37
FreeBSD 10.0-RC5
For 32-bit m1, c1, and t1 instances
ami-e3390f8a ami-26af9c63 ami-4a06ec3d ami-26b6e174 ami-07a3cc06 ami-beb9df8e ami-9bce6e86 ami-17c35d2d
FreeBSD 10.0-RC5
For m3, c3, i2, and HPC instances
ami-2b390f42 ami-14af9c51 ami-5406ec23 ami-22b6e170 ami-f1a4cbf0 ami-b2b9df82 ami-9fce6e82 ami-1fc35d25
FreeBSD 10.0-RC4
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-b1d0e5d8 ami-721f2c37 ami-0634df71 ami-54491e06 ami-57731f56 ami-02fd9a32 ami-4317b65e ami-6732ad5d
FreeBSD 10.0-RC4
For 32-bit m1, c1, and t1 instances
ami-c9d0e5a0 ami-6a1f2c2f ami-2234df55 ami-ac4a1dfe ami-4f731f4e ami-10fd9a20 ami-3717b62a ami-6d32ad57
FreeBSD 10.0-RC4
For m3, c3, i2, and HPC instances
ami-e9d0e580 ami-601f2c25 ami-3e34df49 ami-a44a1df6 ami-41731f40 ami-cafe99fa ami-3517b628 ami-6b32ad51
FreeBSD 10.0-RC3
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-a7efc4ce ami-9e6556db ami-ac668edb ami-7830672a ami-8f7b168e ami-a41a7d94 ami-3d2f8e20 ami-2f178815
FreeBSD 10.0-RC3
For 32-bit m1, c1, and t1 instances
ami-e7efc48e ami-866556c3 ami-fc668e8b ami-4c30671e ami-437b1642 ami-b61a7d86 ami-0f2f8e12 ami-33178809
FreeBSD 10.0-RC3
For m3, c3, i2, and HPC instances
ami-13efc47a ami-fe6556bb ami-08668e7f ami-4830671a ami-2d7b162c ami-b21a7d82 ami-0d2f8e10 ami-3f178805
FreeBSD 10.0-RC2
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-c71739ae ami-0ee1d14b ami-680ae31f ami-f8cc98aa ami-c3d2b1c2 ami-5c75116c ami-ab6fceb6 ami-594cd363
FreeBSD 10.0-RC2
For 32-bit m1, c1, and t1 instances
ami-4d173924 ami-64e1d121 ami-000be277 ami-dccc988e ami-8fd2b18e ami-7e75114e ami-b56fcea8 ami-734cd349
FreeBSD 10.0-RC2
For m3, c3, and HPC instances
ami-bd1638d4 ami-40e1d105 ami-4e0be239 ami-d6cc9884 ami-67d2b166 ami-7a75114a ami-bb6fcea6 ami-7b4cd341
FreeBSD 10.0-RC1
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-c192bfa8 ami-12576757 ami-fc31df8b ami-8483d7d6 ami-21e38320 ami-2ebfda1e ami-0f832212 ami-2db92617
FreeBSD 10.0-RC1
For 32-bit m1, c1, and t1 instances
ami-0792bf6e ami-0c576749 ami-0831df7f ami-8683d7d4 ami-07e38306 ami-22bfda12 ami-1383220e ami-3db92607
FreeBSD 10.0-RC1
For m3, c3, and HPC instances
ami-c193bea8 ami-6a57672f ami-4e31df39 ami-9e83d7cc ami-dbe282da ami-3cbfda0c ami-1b832206 ami-d1ba25eb
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA4
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-e555778c ami-d2a99897 ami-8441aef3 ami-8c7f2bde ami-e32040e2 ami-383e5b08 ami-89a30294 ami-7b970841
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA4
For 32-bit m1, c1, and t1 instances
ami-39557750 ami-c8a9988d ami-c241aeb5 ami-9c7f2bce ami-cf2040ce ami-ca3f5afa ami-7fa30262 ami-0797083d
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA4
For m3, c3, and HPC instances
ami-7755771e ami-12a99857 ami-0e41ae79 ami-907f2bc2 ami-87204086 ami-c23f5af2 ami-23a3023e ami-1597082f
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA3
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-2df4ac44 ami-62102627 ami-d9e507ae ami-9695c0c4 ami-b7f396b6 ami-4a63fb7a ami-a77adcba ami-9b79e5a1
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA3
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-d7f3abbe ami-50102615 ami-fbe5078c ami-ea95c0b8 ami-a1f396a0 ami-5e63fb6e ami-ad7adcb0 ami-a179e59b
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA3
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-51f3ab38 ami-44102601 ami-b3e406c4 ami-f095c0a2 ami-47f39646 ami-5c63fb6c ami-bb7adca6 ami-b579e58f
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA2
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-69e2bd00 ami-0895a24d ami-01896a76 ami-f03f6aa2 ami-6bad376a ami-e2c25ad2 ami-4d872150 ami-25b12d1f
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA2
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-b3e3bcda ami-7295a237 ami-45896a32 ami-c23f6a90 ami-3fad373e ami-fac25aca ami-39872124 ami-27b12d1d
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA2
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-c3e3bcaa ami-6095a225 ami-63896a14 ami-2c3f6a7e ami-35ad3734 ami-f8c25ac8 ami-0387211e ami-d1b02ceb
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-fb590a92 ami-74665131 ami-eeff1e99 ami-c69dd794 ami-d79a02d6 ami-52c85162 ami-e11bbcfc ami-c3d64af9
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-af5a09c6 ami-64665121 ami-0aff1e7d ami-dc9dd78e ami-c79a02c6 ami-6cc8515c ami-ef1bbcf2 ami-cfd64af5
FreeBSD 10.0-BETA1
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-315b0858 ami-886750cd ami-5eff1e29 ami-d69dd784 ami-939a0292 ami-6ac8515a ami-c71bbcda ami-d3d64ae9
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA5
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-bb9fced2 ami-e4be8aa1 ami-66638511 ami-7c612b2e ami-af4bd2ae ami-da66f8ea ami-ab399eb6 ami-1f36ab25
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA5
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-c99fcea0 ami-dcbe8a99 ami-866284f1 ami-74612b26 ami-a14bd2a0 ami-e066f8d0 ami-a9399eb4 ami-1936ab23
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA5
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-119fce78 ami-cebe8a8b ami-a86284df ami-48612b1a ami-7b4bd27a ami-8a66f8ba ami-ad399eb0 ami-2d36ab17
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA4
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-f1c09798 ami-b00b3ff5 ami-b48462c3 ami-8a367cd8 ami-810c9280 ami-d4bc22e4 ami-a75cfbba ami-c91a87f3
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA4
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-0bc09762 ami-b60b3ff3 ami-dc8462ab ami-9c367cce ami-f90f91f8 ami-e2bc22d2 ami-af5cfbb2 ami-cb1a87f1
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA4
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-43c0972a ami-980b3fdd ami-ee846299 ami-94367cc6 ami-1d0f911c ami-febc22ce ami-ad5cfbb0 ami-d11a87eb
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA3
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-71d18518 ami-f83f0bbd ami-321ef945 ami-a0165cf2 ami-518e1050 ami-c0ce50f0 ami-e343e4fe ami-8b73eeb1
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA3
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-bfd084d6 ami-f43f0bb1 ami-4c1ef93b ami-b6165ce4 ami-318e1030 ami-d8ce50e8 ami-e543e4f8 ami-9b73eea1
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA3
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-f3d0849a ami-e43f0ba1 ami-441ef933 ami-88165cda ami-218e1020 ami-5ace506a ami-e943e4f4 ami-af73ee95
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA2
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-41367c28 ami-8cae9bc9 ami-3e678349 ami-dcd2998e ami-e79d02e6 ami-1e7ae52e ami-1f963102 ami-e7a33edd
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA2
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-6f367c06 ami-f0ae9bb5 ami-40678337 ami-d0d29982 ami-cf9d02ce ami-107ae520 ami-e79730fa ami-e3a33ed9
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA2
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-af317bc6 ami-ecae9ba9 ami-60678317 ami-08d2995a ami-b99d02b8 ami-2e7ae51e ami-e59730f8 ami-eda33ed7
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-f34a029a ami-38f6c37d ami-ca58bdbd ami-94a8e3c6 ami-63b52962 ami-e4e778d4 ami-8dae0990 ami-0f851835
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-0d4a0264 ami-7af6c33f ami-ce58bdb9 ami-eea8e3bc ami-5db5295c ami-fce778cc ami-93ae098e ami-09851833
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-3349015a ami-74f6c331 ami-dc58bdab ami-e6a8e3b4 ami-59b52958 ami-f8e778c8 ami-95ae0988 ami-1d851827
FreeBSD 9.3-RC3
For Current Generation instances
ami-2cd31244 ami-975555d2 ami-834f9af4 ami-3eaef06c ami-ddeabddc ami-b9780689 ami-67b41a7a ami-0b1b7c31
FreeBSD 9.3-RC3
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-f4d3129c ami-b55555f0 ami-154e9b62 ami-c2aef090 ami-d9e8bfd8 ami-837806b3 ami-89b41a94 ami-711b7c4b
FreeBSD 9.3-RC3
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-04d3126c ami-a15555e4 ami-234e9b54 ami-d2aef080 ami-1de8bf1c ami-a9780699 ami-91b41a8c ami-791b7c43
FreeBSD 9.3-RC2
For Current Generation instances
ami-5c965334 ami-036f6e46 ami-b79b51c0 ami-86edb2d4 ami-f77421f6 ami-0f39463f ami-cf329dd2 ami-afe78395
FreeBSD 9.3-RC2
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-7a915412 ami-c56f6e80 ami-5f985228 ami-06ecb354 ami-cf7124ce ami-67394657 ami-e5329df8 ami-e5e783df
FreeBSD 9.3-RC2
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-f8965390 ami-236f6e66 ami-71985206 ami-4aecb318 ami-0d71240c ami-75394645 ami-fb329de6 ami-ebe783d1
FreeBSD 9.3-RC1
For m3, c3, r3, i2, and HPC instances
ami-0802fb60 ami-15c4c250 ami-8716def0 ami-407e2112 ami-41662d40 ami-69077b59 ami-316fc02c ami-e54d29df
FreeBSD 9.3-RC1
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-6a05fc02 ami-3fc4c27a ami-4f17df38 ami-7c7e212e ami-87662d86 ami-5b077b6b ami-236fc03e ami-cf4d29f5
FreeBSD 9.3-RC1
For 32-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-da02fbb2 ami-25c4c260 ami-6917df1e ami-727e2120 ami-5d662d5c ami-6d077b5d ami-296fc034 ami-d34d29e9
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA3
For m3, c3, r3, i2, and HPC instances
ami-84ce32ec ami-7a91963f ami-77b97000 ami-aace92f8 ami-ab7930aa ami-155c2125 ami-edcc63f0 ami-0b254131
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA3
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-f0cf3398 ami-cc919689 ami-f3b97084 ami-72cf9320 ami-8b7a338a ami-7b5c214b ami-2bcb6436 ami-5b254161
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA3
For 32-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-22cf334a ami-26919663 ami-3fb97048 ami-40cf9312 ami-ad7b32ac ami-1f5c212f ami-07cb641a ami-7525414f
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA2
For m3, c3, r3, i2, and HPC instances
ami-ac06f6c4 ami-1c414659 ami-d705caa0 ami-787e222a ami-6f84cb6e ami-1b7b092b ami-d3379bce ami-6da9cc57
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA2
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-1207f77a ami-e24146a7 ami-4d04cb3a ami-067e2254 ami-db84cbda ami-7b7b094b ami-f7379bea ami-bda9cc87
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA2
For 32-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-6607f70e ami-3841467d ami-b505cac2 ami-647e2236 ami-9b84cb9a ami-037b0933 ami-fd379be0 ami-4fa9cc75
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA1
For m3, c3, i2, and HPC instances
ami-aa37c0c2 ami-ec1612a9 ami-09aa667e ami-081e425a ami-33f5b832 ami-0d691a3d ami-494de154 ami-03036639
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA1
For 64-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-2436c14c ami-bc1612f9 ami-21ab6756 ami-2e1e427c ami-e9f5b8e8 ami-65691a55 ami-6f4de172 ami-63036659
FreeBSD 9.3-BETA1
For 32-bit m1, m2, c1, and t1 instances
ami-8c37c0e4 ami-8c1612c9 ami-61ab6716 ami-301e4262 ami-77f5b876 ami-73691a43 ami-7f4de162 ami-73036649
For Current Generation instances
ami-498eda20 ami-da3f0b9f ami-461ef931 ami-8a165cd8 ami-1f8e101e ami-26f96716 ami-ef43e4f2 ami-a973ee93
For 64-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-538eda3a ami-fa3f0bbf ami-3e1ef949 ami-a6165cf4 ami-578e1056 ami-12f96722 ami-1d42e500 ami-9773eead
For 32-bit Previous Generation instances
ami-418eda28 ami-ea3f0baf ami-4e1ef939 ami-b4165ce6 ami-358e1034 ami-2af9671a ami-e743e4fa ami-a573ee9f
FreeBSD 9.2-RC4
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-11ace578 ami-9e1d28db ami-ba6683cd ami-e69fd4b4 ami-27e27e26 ami-c6c659f6 ami-5dda7d40 ami-9f920fa5
FreeBSD 9.2-RC4
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-3bace552 ami-801d28c5 ami-ce6683b9 ami-c49fd496 ami-69e77b68 ami-e8c659d8 ami-0bda7d16 ami-d5900def
FreeBSD 9.2-RC4
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-4bace522 ami-f81d28bd ami-e2668395 ami-2c9fd47e ami-0df06c0c ami-e2c659d2 ami-eddb7cf0 ami-f7900dcd
FreeBSD 9.2-RC3
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-996022f0 ami-3813397d ami-67fde613 ami-fa0942a8 ami-6327b462 ami-5cd64a6c ami-8f379392 ami-8336a4b9
FreeBSD 9.2-RC3
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-af6022c6 ami-30133975 ami-79fde60d ami-f20942a0 ami-3d27b43c ami-6ed64a5e ami-9137938c ami-8f36a4b5
FreeBSD 9.2-RC3
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-df6022b6 ami-14133951 ami-7ffde60b ami-cc09429e ami-2927b428 ami-6ad64a5a ami-9b379386 ami-8936a4b3
FreeBSD 9.2-RC2
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-bee7a6d7 ami-2a68426f ami-4bfde53f ami-36ca8264 ami-8b3bab8a ami-7a4ad74a ami-3d47e320 ami-c966f4f3
FreeBSD 9.2-RC2
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-e2e7a68b ami-22684267 ami-57fde523 ami-08ca825a ami-973aaa96 ami-724ad742 ami-0547e318 ami-d166f4eb
FreeBSD 9.2-RC2
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-02e7a66b ami-10684255 ami-7ffde50b ami-00ca8252 ami-6d3aaa6c ami-044ad734 ami-0d47e310 ami-dd66f4e7
FreeBSD 9.2-RC1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-7c226515 ami-60163d25 ami-73d0c907 ami-32703860 ami-0d6bfa0c ami-e9d548d9 ami-a38e2abe ami-9150c2ab
FreeBSD 9.2-RC1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-b22364db ami-ba173cff ami-e3d1c897 ami-06703854 ami-7568f974 ami-8dd548bd ami-a58e2ab8 ami-9f50c2a5
FreeBSD 9.2-RC1
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-ba2364d3 ami-aa173cef ami-f9d1c88d ami-00703852 ami-6b68f96a ami-89d548b9 ami-ad8e2ab0 ami-9950c2a3
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA2
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-8cb0cae5 ami-6e614a2b ami-37c0de43 ami-783e762a ami-1363f512 ami-c55fcdf5 ami-79da7e64 ami-b587158f
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA2
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-dab0cab3 ami-4c614a09 ami-5dc0de29 ami-423e7610 ami-cb62f4ca ami-e75fcdd7 ami-43da7e5e ami-b3871589
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA2
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-c2b0caab ami-ba6249ff ami-7fc0de0b ami-583e760a ami-c162f4c0 ami-f35fcdc3 ami-41da7e5c ami-bb871581
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-42e69f2b ami-eaf6deaf ami-a7f3ecd3 ami-b6fdb4e4 ami-cd6afdcc ami-5dc95b6d ami-3bf25626 ami-93fa68a9
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-ace79ec5 ami-eef6deab ami-bbf3eccf ami-8cfdb4de ami-bf6afdbe ami-55c95b65 ami-3df25620 ami-9ffa68a5
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA1
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-c2e79eab ami-def6de9b ami-b3f3ecc7 ami-8efdb4dc ami-b76afdb6 ami-69c95b59 ami-03f2561e ami-99fa68a3
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA0 (aka 9.1-STABLE @ 2013-07-07)
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-3ea5d957 ami-987951dd ami-6f3a261b ami-1490d946 ami-7fae3a7e ami-b9a83b89 ami-f4389de9 ami-743ba84e
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA0 (aka 9.1-STABLE @ 2013-07-07)
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-9ea4d8f7 ami-947951d1 ami-613a2615 ami-6e90d93c ami-71ae3a70 ami-4da83b7d ami-fe389de3 ami-723ba848
FreeBSD 9.2-BETA0 (aka 9.1-STABLE @ 2013-07-07)
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-8aa4d8e3 ami-f87951bd ami-7d3a2609 ami-6090d932 ami-45ae3a44 ami-5fa83b6f ami-c6389ddb ami-043ba83e
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-5339bb3a ami-4c8baa09 ami-c0b2bfb4 ami-35054767 ami-cef348cf ami-aa09819a ami-05fc2418 ami-d54addef
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-9d38baf4 ami-9c88a9d9 ami-68b2bf1c ami-0905475b ami-b6f348b7 ami-b2098182 ami-0dfc2410 ami-d34adde9
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-d738babe n/a ami-7cb2bf08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-RC3
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-eaf44e83 ami-22082e67 ami-17cecd63 ami-2e23607c ami-844af485 ami-6c58d15c ami-58419845 ami-5fbb2c65
FreeBSD 9.1-RC3
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-d6f44ebf ami-c6082e83 ami-e5cecd91 ami-d0236082 ami-944af495 ami-5658d166 ami-4e419853 ami-4bbb2c71
FreeBSD 9.1-RC3
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-3cf44e55 n/a ami-3fcecd4b n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-RC2
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-a5823ecc ami-a7e8cfe2 ami-235e5e57 ami-ca9fdf98 ami-ba803fbb ami-fc3ab4cc ami-b212cbaf n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-RC2
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-6f833f06 ami-a3e8cfe6 ami-015e5e75 ami-cc9fdf9e ami-c4803fc5 ami-e63ab4d6 ami-d812cbc5 n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-RC2
For Cluster Compute / High-I/O instances
ami-05823e6c n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-RC1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-f1249198 ami-992f0bdc ami-5bb5b22f ami-c4c78696 ami-0072cf01 ami-9633bca6 ami-d28950cf n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-RC1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-8b2792e2 ami-af2f0bea ami-49b5b23d ami-cec7869c ami-2a72cf2b ami-9a33bcaa ami-ce8950d3 n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-RC1
For Cluster Compute / High-I/O instances
ami-4324912a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-BETA1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-e1b10488 ami-6f5d792a ami-b59691c1 ami-a8b9f8fa ami-b68e33b7 ami-d624abe6 ami-9290498f n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-BETA1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-a5b104cc ami-0d5d7948 ami-a39691d7 ami-58b8f90a ami-d88e33d9 ami-3623ac06 ami-bc9049a1 n/a
FreeBSD 9.1-BETA1
For Cluster Compute / High-I/O instances
ami-05b1046c n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-d560b7bc ami-83a9f7c6 ami-31a69945 ami-22e2a770 ami-8ac6708b ami-ec4ac7dc ami-7a598667 n/a
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-1d4c9874 ami-fd6739b8 ami-ddffc0a9 ami-ecb8fdbe ami-b4f640b5 ami-cab73afa ami-a822fdb5 n/a
For Cluster Compute / High-I/O instances
ami-479f482e n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT @ 2011-01-04
For t1.micro instances only
ami-8cce3fe5 ami-61683824 ami-e388bd97 ami-36bdc364 n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT @ 2011-01-01
For t1.micro instances only
ami-f4db2a9d ami-c7643482 ami-5b82b72f ami-aabec0f8 n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT @ 2010-12-29
For t1.micro instances only
ami-a0fc0dc9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT @ 2010-12-12
For t1.micro instances only
ami-c01aeca9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 8.4-RC3
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-5b543832 ami-df17389a ami-7d352309 ami-e0b1feb2 ami-cbf778ca ami-23b92f13 ami-ce27fdd3 ami-d360f0e9
FreeBSD 8.4-RC3
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-935b37fa ami-d7173892 ami-893422fd ami-fcb1feae ami-79f77878 ami-3db92f0d ami-d627fdcb ami-df60f0e5
FreeBSD 8.4-RC3
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-a55b37cc ami-c3173886 ami-913422e5 ami-f0b1fea2 ami-4ff7784e ami-cbb82efb ami-de27fdc3 ami-e360f0d9
FreeBSD 8.4-RC2
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-ca7414a3 ami-b6a28ef3 ami-72adb906 ami-71470823 ami-f455d8f5 ami-fc74e3cc ami-00f52f1d ami-90b424aa
FreeBSD 8.4-RC2
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-e674148f ami-aaa28eef ami-86acb8f2 ami-45470817 ami-ec55d8ed ami-f874e3c8 ami-08f52f15 ami-92b424a8
FreeBSD 8.4-RC2
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-ee741487 ami-98a28edd ami-9cacb8e8 ami-bd4807ef ami-dc55d8dd ami-8a74e3ba ami-12f52f0f ami-9cb424a6
FreeBSD 8.4-RC1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-f8305791 ami-90200cd5 ami-d2a4b1a6 ami-befdb1ec ami-8aa0228b ami-8ade49ba ami-71a8726c ami-80fc6cba
FreeBSD 8.4-RC1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-1a305773 ami-ee200cab ami-e6a4b192 ami-b0fdb1e2 ami-64a02265 ami-9cde49ac ami-79a87264 ami-82fc6cb8
FreeBSD 8.4-RC1
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-3630575f ami-c8200c8d ami-0ea4b17a ami-8afdb1d8 ami-56a02257 ami-96de49a6 ami-43a8725e ami-8efc6cb4
FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-40a83329 ami-76d9f433 ami-2c808a58 ami-fa81cda8 ami-432bab42 ami-deb723ee ami-7775ae6a ami-f23dacc8
FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-96a932ff ami-6ed9f42b ami-32808a46 ami-f081cda2 ami-232bab22 ami-d4b723e4 ami-7f75ae62 ami-843dacbe
FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1
For Cluster Compute, High-I/O, and "m3" instances
ami-aaa932c3 ami-5ed9f41b ami-4e808a3a ami-c481cd96 ami-6528a864 ami-e4b723d4 ami-4375ae5e ami-803dacba
For 32-bit "Windows" instances
ami-978d55fe ami-6d154e28 ami-05794271 ami-628acd30 ami-5c1dac5d ami-70fd7140 ami-e2a876ff n/a
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-358e565c ami-79154e3c ami-e3794297 ami-328acd60 ami-6c1dac6d ami-74fd7144 ami-18a97705 n/a
FreeBSD 8.3-RC2
For 32-bit Windows instances
ami-6d13cd04 ami-a7aef6e2 ami-e5f0c891 ami-6e4a0d3c ami-0454e505 ami-72d95542 ami-1abd6307 n/a
FreeBSD 8.3-RC2
For 64-bit Windows instances
ami-9313cdfa ami-59aff71c ami-b7f0c8c3 ami-324a0d60 ami-1c54e51d ami-74d95544 ami-16bd630b n/a
FreeBSD 8.3-RC1
For 32-bit Windows instances
ami-d6e538bf ami-9b1840de ami-cbecd5bf ami-bace8ae8 ami-00e95801 ami-9a109daa ami-0063bc1d n/a
FreeBSD 8.3-RC1
For 64-bit Windows instances
ami-7ae43913 ami-41194104 ami-a9ecd5dd ami-a0ce8af2 ami-26e95827 ami-82109db2 ami-3a63bc27 n/a
FreeBSD 8.3-BETA1
For 32-bit Windows instances
ami-dc4093b5 ami-67b9e022 ami-2d695059 ami-0281c550 ami-be398fbf ami-52098462 ami-dc76a9c1 n/a
FreeBSD 8.3-BETA1
For 64-bit Windows instances
ami-9e4093f7 ami-73b9e036 ami-0d695079 ami-0a81c558 ami-d0398fd1 ami-5a09846a ami-de76a9c3 n/a
For t1.micro instances only
ami-b55f99dc ami-e3025fa6 ami-4cd7e738 ami-36285364 ami-aaa316ab n/a n/a n/a
For cc1.4xlarge instances only
ami-290eca40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
For 64-bit Windows instances
ami-c69862af ami-0fa4f64a ami-78a1910c ami-dc93eb8e ami-14e15415 n/a n/a n/a
For cc1.4xlarge instances only
ami-646c9e0d n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
For t1.micro instances only
ami-423bc82b ami-0fc3934a ami-bfdaeecb ami-46f78914 ami-ce01aacf n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 8.2-RC3
For t1.micro instances only
ami-c003f3a9 ami-b3a0f0f6 ami-4f1a2e3b ami-5490ee06 n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 8.2-RC @ 2011-01-08
For t1.micro instances only
ami-4a15e423 ami-376e3e72 ami-f77e4a83 ami-3eb6c86c n/a n/a n/a n/a
FreeBSD 8.2-RC1
For t1.micro instances only
ami-d29b6abb n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
For 64-bit "Windows" instances
ami-8d985ee4 ami-59e8ba1c ami-541c2c20 ami-1ad7af48 ami-96ca7f97 n/a n/a n/a
For Cluster Compute / High-I/O instances
ami-0d08cc64 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

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