- Data Protection Basics
- Data Sharing in the Public Sector
- Guidance on Requesting Personal Data from Prospective Tenants
- Data Subject Access Requests - FAQ
- Guidance on the Principles of Data Protection
- Guidance relating to third parties accidentally in receipt of personal data relating to other individuals
- Data Protection Considerations Relating to Receivership
- When your personal data has been affected by a breach
- Guidance on the Collection of Personal Data Prior to Viewing a Property
- Redacting Documents and Records
- Data Protection Considerations Relating to Multi-Unit Developments and Owners’ Management Companies
The Fundamentals for a Child-Oriented Approach to Data Processing - Guidance for children on their data protection rights
- The supervision of personal data in the courts and certain statutory bodies exercising decision making functions
- Children, Parents and Data Protection: Can I make a complaint on behalf of my child?
- My Child's Data Protection Rights
- Data Protection Toolkit for Schools
- What should you be aware of online? Some common online risks
- Securing Cloud-based Environments
- Guidance for Organisations Engaging Cloud Service Providers
- Guidance on Connected Toys and Devices
- Guidance for Controllers on Data Security
- Guidance for Drivers on the use of "Dash Cams"
- Data Protection and Community Based CCTV Schemes
- Video Recording
- Guidance on the Use of CCTV - For Data Controllers
- Guidance on the Use of CCTV - For Individuals
- Guidance on the use of Domestic CCTV
- Guidance for Organisations on Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks
- General Portable Storage Device Recommendations
- Guidance on Body Worn Cameras or Action Cameras
- Guidance on cookies and other tracking technologies
- Employer Vehicle Tracking
- Guidance on the use of drones
- The Legislative Consultative Process
- Garda Vetting – Some Data Protection Considerations
- Quick Guide to GDPR Breach Notifications
- A Practical Guide to Personal Data Breach Notifications under the GDPR
- Data Breach Trends from the First Year of the GDPR
- Guide to Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
- Transfers of Personal Data to Third Countries or International Organisations
- Limiting Data Subject Rights and the Application of Article 23 of the GDPR
- Anonymisation and pseudonymisation
- Guidance on qualifications for DPOs (GDPR)
- Data Processing Operations that require a Data Protection Impact Assessment
- Guidance for Controllers on Data Security
- GDPR Guidance for SMEs
- Data Security Guidance for Microenterprises
- A Practical Guide to Controller-Processor Contracts
- Guidance on Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data
- Records of Processing (Article 30) Guidance
- Data Protection Guide for Small Business
- Examples regarding Data Breach Notification
- Restrictions under Article 23 GDPR
- The European Essential Guarantees for surveillance measures
- Measures that supplement transfer tools to ensure compliance with the EU level of protection of personal data
- Relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679
- The targeting of social media users
- The concepts of controller and processor in the GDPR
- The interplay of the Second Payment Services Directive and the GDPR
- Consent under Regulation 2016/679
- The use of location data and contact tracing tools in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
- The processing of data concerning health for the purpose of scientific research in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
- transfers of personal data between EEA and non-EEA public authorities and bodies
- Processing personal data in the context of connected vehicles and mobility related applications
- Right to be Forgotten and Search Engines
- Data Protection by Design and by Default
- Processing of Personal Data through Video Devices
- Recommendation on the Draft List of the European Data Protection Supervisor Regarding Processing Operations Requiring a Data Protection Impact Assessment
- Processing Personal Data under the Legal Basis of Contractual Necessity in the Context of the Provision of Online Services
- Codes of Conduct and Monitoring Bodies
- Accreditation of Certification Bodies
- Territorial scope of the GDPR
- Derogations for Specific Situations Regarding International Transfers of Personal Data
- Certification and Identifying Certification Criteria
- Article 29 Working Party GDPR Guidelines, endorsed by EDPB
- Consent under the GDPR
- Transparency under the GDPR
- Automated Individual Decision-making and Profiling
- Personal Data Breach Notification under the GDPR
- The Right to Data Portability under the GDPR
- Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and Determining if Processing is "Likely to Result in a High Risk"
- Data Protection Officers (DPOs)
- Identifying a Lead Supervisory Authority (LSA) under the GDPR
- Derogations from the Obligation to Maintain Record of Processing Activities (ROPA)
- Co-operation Procedure for the Approval of Binding Corporate Rules
- Approval of Controller Binding Corporate Rules Form
- Approval of Processor Binding Corporate Rules Form
- Working Document on Binding Corporate Rules for Controllers
- Working Document on Binding Corporate Rules for Processors
- Working Document on Adequacy
- Guidelines on the Application and Setting of Administrative Fines
- Data Protection and COVID-19
- OVID-19 and Subject Access Requests
- Data Protection implications of the Return to Work Safely Protocol
- Processing Customer Data for COVID-19 Contact Tracing
- Protecting Personal Data When Working Remotely
- Data Protection Tips for Video-conferencing
- Tips for Avoiding Data Breaches
- Staying safe online during a pandemic
- Processing COVID-19 Vaccination Data in the context of Employment
- Vaccine Certificate check guidance