axe Monitor® Sitewide scanning and reporting with ease

Dynamically scan, monitor and report on the accessibility status of your entire site. Pinpoint improvements or what’s declined over time and drill-down to perform root cause analysis.

An illustration of axe Monitor user interface highlighting total issues and the accessibility score increasing

Why use axe Monitor

Increase visibility

Improve end-to-end customer experiences by automatically scanning everything users touch, from static content and PDFs to complex interactive business flows.

Reduce legal risk & cost

Maintain compliance, reduce legal risk and manage costs by dynamically tracking issues across sites and apps. Prioritize the highest risk issues for immediate attention.

Improve reporting

Provide fully configurable, dynamic reports to all stakeholders with drill-down capability to identify and act on problem areas.

Monitor everything–easily

Streamline monitoring and management for websites and mobile web apps of any size with a single, elegant, and massively scalable interface.

How axe Monitor works

Ensure that your complex, dynamic web sites and content become—and stay accessible. You get comprehensive, enterprise-level accessibility management in one easy-to-use product. Pinpoint improvements or what’s declined over time with historical records and drill down quickly to perform root cause analysis.

Screenshots of axe Monitor scans indicating issue details, accessibility score, total issues and more.

Reduce risk

Accessibility problems cause bad customer experiences—resulting in higher legal risk and lost business. Axe Monitor delivers the complete picture, so you can create a prioritized backlog for developers to address issues that pose the highest compliance risk first.

Manage change

Your website changes almost constantly: New content, new products, new business flows, and more. Axe Monitor automatically captures accessibility issues at scale, and at speed and dynamically triggers notifications when the results vary significantly from the last scan.

Relevant reporting

You have a variety of stakeholders who need accessibility information. Axe Monitor delivers clear, actionable, role-specific information to each stakeholder: Developer backlogs, compliance KPIs, program performance, and more.

Who is axe Monitor For?

Accessibility Subject Matter Experts

Capture detailed accessibility issues at scale to prioritize remediation and evaluate accessibility progress over time.

Product Managers/Owners

Track the ongoing performance of your digital products to identify systemic problems and adjust quickly.

Accessibility Leaders, Agencies & Consulting Firms

Monitor and manage all of your web properties together to reduce risk and drive clear, consistent program standards across teams.

Dev/QA Team Leads

Support business objectives by managing backlog and testing activities to address the highest priority issues first.

Why Use Deque Tools?

  • Accessibility icon

    End-to-end Accessibility

  • Code editor

    Maintain Development Velocity

  • Lock

    Enterprise Secure

Deque tools and services are used in the world’s most secure government and enterprise organizations. Built by developers, for developers, Deque tools are designed to minimize the impact on your development efforts and fit across the entire dev lifecycle for full accessibility coverage.