DigitalMicrograph Software

DigitalMicrograph, also known as Gatan Microscopy Suite, drives your digital cameras and surrounding components to support key applications including tomography, in-situ, spectrum and diffraction imaging, plus more.

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DigitalMicrograph® is the industry standard software for (scanning) transmission electron microscope ((S)TEM) experimental control and analysis, which people also know as Gatan Microscopy Suite® (GMS). DigitalMicrograph 3.5 is completely revamped and uses a new, much-simplified user interface. DigitalMicrograph 3.5 enables novice users to easily perform basic research applications, while it continues to provide the deep access and control highly experienced microscopists are used to and demand.

Recent highlights:

  • Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS)
    • CountedEELS acquisition across all voltages with GIF Continuum® system
  • Diffraction imaging
    • Expands 4D STEM data analysis to include differential phase contrast (DPC)
    • Simplifies micro-electron diffraction (MicroED) acquisition with Latitude® D software
  • In-situ imaging
    • Enables new in-situ data types, including EELS and STEM
    • Automates the synchronization of multiple data sets, holders, and processing data
  • Cathodoluminescence 
    • Adds wavelength- and angle-resolved cathodoluminescence for energy-momentum spectroscopy

Selected benefits of DigitalMicrograph software:

  • Technique-centric workflow: Guides you through experimental setup, execution, and analysis
  • Tabbed workspaces and data layout manager: Provides a user-friendly way to organize and manage data
  • Dedicated view for live data: Clearly separates newly acquired data from prior experiments
  • DigitalMicrograph and Python scripting: Uncompromised full control for expert users
  • Expanded file format: Now included HDF5 support



Sakakibara, M.; Hanaya, M.; Nakamuro, T.; Nakamura, E.

Journal of Structural Biology

Clabbers, M. T. B.; Martynawycz, M. W.; Hattne, J.; Nannenga, B. L.; Gonen, T.



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Digital imaging software
Latitude D Delivers the efficiency and high-throughput data collection that you expect from Latitude software to MicroED studies.
Latitude S Sets a new standard for the efficient, high-throughput collection of low-dose, single-particle, cryo-EM datasets from Gatan’s cameras
In-Situ Explorer Full in-situ control and data handling within DigitalMicrograph software. Module includes eaSI™ proprietary technology.
TEM AutoTune Automates adjustment of focus, astigmatism, and misalignment
DigitalMontage®  Stage and optics control so you can seamlessly stitch images together
HREM AutoTune  Facilitate your HREM assays by automatically adjusting the critical imaging parameters of a TEM microscope focus, stigmation, and beam tilt
DIFPACK  Diffraction analysis package to automate the selection area of your electron diffraction (SAED) patterns and high-resolution lattice images of crystalline samples. Module includes eaSI proprietary technology.
HoloWorks  Computes live phase images from live holograms, allows for live phase unwrapping, and provides image stack acquisition and stack processing (including sample and interference-fringe drift correction), enabling high-resolution phase images at the 2pi/1000 level 
EELS, EFTEM & STEM software
STEM Diffraction Imaging  Allows you to acquire diffraction patterns pixel-by-pixel as a 4D data set. Module includes eaSI proprietary technology.
Advanced AutoFilter Automates your multi-element EELS and EFTEM data acquisition experiments



DigitalMicrograph Software



Extensible real-time data processing with Python in DigitalMicrograph


Observing beam-induced dendritic growth over two different timescales

Fast simultaneous acquisition of low- and core-loss regions in the EELS spectrum from catalyst particles containing the heavy metals Au and Pd

Atomic-level EELS mapping using high energy edges in DualEELS™ mode

High speed EELS composition analysis, in DualEELS mode, of metal alloy ohmic contacts for the fabrication of III-V MOSFET devices




Computer recommendations


DigitalMicrograph Tips & Tricks


Gatan’s DigitalMicrograph application and Gatan Microscopy Suite (GMS) software suite, including all the plug-ins and modules developed by Gatan, do not use the Log4j framework and is therefore not exposed to the Log4Shell vulnerability.

DigitalMicrograph makes only very limited use of third-party software modules and only uses one that actually installs a Java Virtual Machine, which is necessary to run Log4j. This 3rd party module is developed by National Instruments. Gatan uses a National Instruments card to integrate the JEOL EDS detector, and NI’s statement is available here. National Instruments has indicated that the product we use is not affected.

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