Development statistics
See also: Special:Statistics
Links to statistics about Wikimedia / MediaWiki software development.
Live statistics
- Wikimedia software statistics on Open Hub (formerly Ohloh), including many projects.
- Technical community metrics (Git, Gerrit, Phabricator, mailing lists) at
- Gerrit:
- Phabricator
- Phabricator offers tables showing open tasks by priority and by either user or project and burndown charts under each project's "Reports".
- "Phabricator monthly statistics" emails on the wikitech-l mailing list - see its archives.
- Active users and new accounts per month
- Mailing lists
- IRC:
- Gerrit and Phabricator: phab:T220254).
Other selected statistics
- Yearly (?) code review statistics, including information about Gerrit reviewers.
- Test coverage trends in our continuous integration .
- Code quality reports for core (may still be gathering data).
- Development statistics/Extensions
Historical / Obsolete / Outdated / Non-working
- Top commenters and distribution of unreviewed revisions
- Commit summaries and reversion ratio
- Active committers by year
- Code review (SVN era, pre-2012: still in need of replacement):
- archive by Nemo)
- Total number of
each status Codereview stream- Signpost investigation: code review times
See also
- Contributor Dashboard by Mozilla.
- "How many unique contributors submitted unique pull requests to a repo" - Python script by marktraceur
- cmd-query for Gerrit.