Editing team/Archive/Current priorities
Last updated: 2017-01-03.
Current tranches
Tranche 0: Interrupt
Maintaining the production service at a suitable quality level:
- No loss/corruption of existing article data
- No loss/corruption of the user's contribution
- No security issues
- No regression in performance
- No regression in usability
Tranche 1: Release support
Support community-requested releases/deployments, and urgent key usability improvements as they arise
- Goal: Provide improvements to the Beta Feature of the wikitext edit mode — T142523
- Goal: Provide a single edit tab interface, and switch all WMF wikis over to using it (without any other change in configuration) — T102398
- Goal: Run an A/B test of providing the visual editor by default rather than the wikitext editor on clicking 'edit' for a small proportion of anonymous users on the English Wikipedia — T119269
- Goal: Enable by default for all users on all Wikisources – T138391 for deployment
Tranche 6: Visual diffs
Provide an alternative to wikitext two-column diffs for users, in case they are not fluent in wikitext, and where it would be more appropriate. This covers:
- Goal: Letting users choose between visual and wikitext views in the "Review your changes" tab inside the visual and new wikitext editors, on desktop and mobile — T143350
- Goal: Letting users choose between visual and wikitext views in MediaWiki's diff page, on desktop and mobile — T105173
- Exploring letting users "play" over the history of a page, seeing a stack of visual changes animate
Lower-priority tranches
Tranche 2: Mobile MVP
Improve VisualEditor for mobile tablets and phones to the point where it is credible to provide it by default
- Goal: Support sub-documents inside the editor stack, and use this to support loading parts of the page asynchronously and only when needed — T76544
- Goal: Load parts of the editor asynchronously and only when needed — T54365
- Goal: Provide a way to edit parts of a page (paragraphs, tables, images) individually — T50429
Tranche 3: Language support
Expand VisualEditor's content language support
- Goal: Enable by default for all users on the remaining, language-variant Wikipedias – T93388
Tranche 5: Rich media tools
Improve the editing of various 'rich' editing tools so that particularly-difficult tasks are simplified – specifically:
- Images, including uploads (part of MediaWiki core),
- Formulæ ("Math" extension),
- Charts ("Graph" extension),
- Galleries (part of MediaWiki core), and
- Sheet music ("Score" extension).
Decision tree
Priority issues:
- Functionality regression
- Performance regression
- Data corruption
- Security issue
- Crash of entire editor
- Crash of bits of editor (e.g. copy & paste stops working)
- Very common -> Unbreak now! if a priority issue, Normal if not
- Common -> High if a priority issue, Normal if not
- Sometimes -> Normal if a priority issue, Low if not
- Rare / very rare -> Low if a priority issue, Lowest if not
- On list for this quarter -> High
- On list for this year -> Normal
- On list for next year -> Low
- Not on list -> Lowest
Former tranches, now complete
Note: Former goals in active and former tranches are not listed for brevity.
Tranche 4: Link editor tweaks
Improve the link editing experience
Active for "FY2016Q2" (completed in October–December 2015).