The Mozilla Foundation Site Licensing Policies
Unless otherwise indicated, the text of documents in this collection is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license, or any later version.
Rights in the trademarks and service marks of Mozilla, as well as the look and feel of this website, are not licensed under the terms mentioned above. However, we support you making full use of your rights under fair use, fair dealing and other exceptions and limitations to trademark, and Mozilla also allows some additional uses under our Trademark Policy. Please see our Trademark Policy for further information.
If you have any questions about complying with our licensing terms for this collection, you should email:
- [email protected] for general trademark questions; or
- [email protected] for permission to use Mozilla’s trademarks or logos; or
- [email protected] for copyright questions.
For more information about these and other licensing policies, please see our Licensing Policies page.