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Peak Month (Peak Quarter)       Trough Month (Trough Quarter)ContractionExpansionCycle
Red indicates that the turning point quarter does not include the turning point monthDuration, peak to troughDuration, trough to peakDuration,
trough to trough
peak to peak
 December 1854 (1854Q4)   
June 1857 (1857Q2)December 1858 (1858Q4)183048 
October 1860 (1860Q3)June 1861 (1861Q3)8223040
April 1865 (1865Q1)December 1867 (1868Q1)32467854
June 1869 (1869Q2)December 1870 (1870Q4)18183650
October 1873 (1873Q3)March 1879 (1879Q1)65349952
March 1882 (1882Q1)May 1885 (1885Q2)383674101
March 1887 (1887Q2)April 1888 (1888Q1)13223560
July 1890 (1890Q3) May 1891 (1891Q2)10273740
January 1893 (1893Q1)June 1894 (1894Q2)17203730
December 1895 (1895Q4)June 1897 (1897Q2)18183635
June 1899 (1899Q3)December 1900 (1900Q4)182442
September 1902 (1902Q4)August 1904 (1904Q3)23214439
May 1907 (1907Q2)June 1908 (1908Q2)13334656
January 1910 (1910Q1)January 1912 (1911Q4)24194332
January 1913 (1913Q1)December 1914 (1914Q4)23123536
August 1918 (1918Q3)March 1919 (1919Q1)7445167
January 1920 (1920Q1)July 1921 (1921Q3)18102817
May 1923 (1923Q2)July 1924 (1924Q3)14223640
October 1926 (1926Q3)November 1927 (1927Q4)13274041
August 1929 (1929Q3)March 1933 (1933Q1)43216434
May 1937 (1937Q2)June 1938 (1938Q2)13506393
February 1945 (1945Q1)October 1945 (1945Q4)8808893
November 1948 (1948Q4)October 1949 (1949Q4)11374845
July 1953 (1953Q2)May 1954 (1954Q2)10455556
August 1957 (1957Q3)April 1958 (1958Q2)8394749
April 1960 (1960Q2)February 1961 (1961Q1)10243432
December 1969 (1969Q4)November 1970 (1970Q4)11106117116
November 1973 (1973Q4)March 1975 (1975Q1)16365247
January 1980 (1980Q1) July 1980 (1980Q3)6586474
July 1981 (1981Q3)November 1982 (1982Q4)16122818
July 1990 (1990Q3)March 1991 (1991Q1)892100108
March 2001 (2001Q1)November 2001 (2001Q4)8120128
December 2007 (2007Q4)June 2009 (2009Q2)18739181
February 2020 (2019Q4)April 2020 (2020Q2)2128130146
1854-2020 17.041.458.459.2

Business Cycle Dating Committee Announcements

For further information please contact:

Kevin Tasley
Director of Communications
National Bureau of Economic Research
1050 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA
347 853 4161

Permission to copy is granted, provided attribution of source is given.


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