new/updated experiments
experiment | date |
heroquest (amstrad/spectrum) font | 12/03/2025 |
phantomas 2 / vampire font | 11/03/2025 |
mega bucks (amstrad/spectrum) font | 10/03/2025 |
r-type (amstrad/spectrum) font | 09/03/2025 |
kung-fu master (spectrum) font | 07/03/2025 |
kung-fu master (amstrad) font | 06/03/2025 |
after burner (spectrum) font | 04/03/2025 |
the fifth quadrant (amstrad) font | 03/03/2025 |
el cid (amstrad/spectrum) font | 02/03/2025 |
la abadía del crimen (amstrad/spectrum) font | 01/03/2025 |
overlander (amstrad/spectrum) font | 28/02/2025 |
lotus esprit turbo challenge (amstrad) font | 27/02/2025 |
one man and his droid (amstrad) font | 26/02/2025 |
one man and his droid (spectrum) font | 25/02/2025 |
sphaira: le royaume des atlantes font | 24/02/2025 |
death stalker (amstrad/spectrum) font | 23/02/2025 |
throne of fire (amstrad/spectrum) font | 21/02/2025 |
catch 23 (amstrad/spectrum) font | 20/02/2025 |
sepulcri font | 19/02/2025 |
pokémon silver (japanese) (GBC) font | 18/02/2025 |