
Dublin Core metadata editor


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DC-dot news archive

DC-dot news is no longer regularly updated, as of 3-Aug-2000. UKOLN maintains DC-dot in recognition of its popularity as a legacy metadata tool.

DC-dot now conforms with the Expressing Dublin Core in HTML/XHTML meta and link elements recommendation.

Documentation is now available describing the CGI parameters supported by DC-dot.

DC-dot now supports an XML 'display format' that fully conforms with the Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core in XML recommendation.

DC-assist - is a small, flexible help utility for metadata applications and is intended to complement the help pages embedded within existing software.

DC-dot is now conformant with DC 1.1 and partially conformant with the recommended DC qualifiers. [more]

You can now use DC-dot to generate <meta> tags that conform to the XHTML 1.0 specification. [more]

DC-dot does IMS! Convert your Dublin Core to IMS metadata. Select 'Other formats', 'IMS', 'Create'. [more]

Add a DC-dot button to your browser! Drag this link [ DC-dot] to your 'personal toolbar'. Now you can click on the DC-dot button, wherever you are, to create Dublin Core metadata about the current page. [more]

DC-dot now extracts metadata from Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files as well as HTML Web pages.

New to DC-dot and the Dublin Core? Try this simple set of DC-dot exercises.

Is your embedded Dublin Core valid? DC-dot performs some simple checks on any metadata it finds in your Web page.

In light of the cessation of core funding for the Innovation Support Centre at UKOLN after 31 July 2013 we are providing notification of the planned withdrawal of this service after 31 April 2013.

This service will retrieve a Web page and automatically generate Dublin Core metadata, either as HTML <meta> tags or as RDF/XML, suitable for embedding in the <head>...</head> section of the page. The generated metadata can be edited using the form provided and converted to various other formats (USMARC, SOIF, IAFA/ROADS, TEI headers, GILS, IMS or RDF) if required. Optional, context sensitive, help is available while editing.

The Dublin Core is a metadata element set intended to facilitate discovery of electronic resources. Originally conceived for author-generated description of Web resources, it has attracted the attention of formal resource description communities such as museums, libraries, government agencies and commercial organizations.

News from the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

DCMI names Advisory Board inaugural Chair and Chair-Elect
2013-12-04, DCMI is pleased to announce that Marcia Zeng has been elected as inaugural Chair of its Advisory Board and Joseph Busch as Chair-Elect. The Advisory Board is a primary source of expertise informing DCMI activities, serving as DCMI ambassadors, maintaining links between stakeholders in the DCMI community and DCMI, liaising with other metadata and content communities, and serving as a voice of their constituents by drawing the attention of the Initiative to constituent concerns as potential DCMI ?work themes?. DCMI is in the process of creating a governance structure for the Advisory Board. The election of Advisory Board officers is the first step in that structuring. More information about the charge and membership of the Advisory Board can be found at http://dublincore.org/about/advisory/.

The W3C "Dublin Core to PROV Mapping" designated a DCMI Recommended Resource
2013-12-04, The W3C Working Group Note Dublin Core to PROV Mapping has been designated a DCMI Recommended Resource. The document provides a mapping between the PROV-O OWL2 ontology and the Dublin Core Terms Vocabulary. The Dublin Core Metadata Terms mapping document is part of the PROV family of documents defining various aspects that are necessary to achieve the vision of inter-operable interchange of provenance information in heterogeneous environments such as the Web. More information regarding the mapping is available at the DCMI Metadata Provenance Task Group homepage at http://dublincore.org/groups/provenance/.

NISO/DCMI Webinar with Thomas Hickey, OCLC Research: Cooperative Authority Control
2013-11-07, A NISO/DCMI Webinar with Thomas Hickey, Chief Scientist with OCLC Research, will be held online at 1:00PM Eastern Time on 4 December 2013 (18:00 UTC - see World Clock: http://bit.ly/H3ccLC). Libraries around the world have a long tradition of maintaining authority files to assure the consistent presentation and indexing of names. As library authority files have become available online, the authority data has become accessible -- and many have been published as Linked Open Data (LOD) -- but names in one library authority file typically had no link to corresponding records for persons and organizations in other library authority files. After a successful experiment in matching the Library of Congress/NACO authority file with the German National Library's authority file, an online system called the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) was developed to facilitate sharing by ingesting, matching, and displaying the relations between records in multiple authority files. Although the most visible part of VIAF is an HTML interface, the API beneath it supports a linked data view of VIAF with URIs representing the identities themselves, not just URIs for the clusters. It supports names for persons, corporations, geographic entities, works, and expressions. With English, French, German, Spanish interfaces (and a Japanese in process), the system is used around the world, with over a million queries per day. This Webinar will cover some of the challenges VIAF meets in dealing with many different formats and approaches to describing identities, the relationship of VIAF to the source authority files, to other identity systems such as ORCID and ISNI, VIAF's approach to sustainability, governance and persistence, and how ambiguity is recognized and managed. Additional information can be found at http://www.niso.org/news/events/2013/dcmi/authority/. Registration for the webinar closes 4 December 2013 at 12:00PM Eastern (17 UTC).

DCMI names Oversight Committee inaugural Chair and Chair-Elect
2013-10-17, DCMI is pleased to announce that it has named Michael Crandall as inaugural Chair of the Oversight Committee and Eric Childress as the Committee's Chair-Elect. Michael Crandall is a Senior Lecturer in the Information School of the University of Washington and current Director of its iAffiliates Program. Eric Childress provides project management support for OCLC Research projects and participates as a team member and subject matter expert on various OCLC Research and product-related activities focused on metadata, controlled vocabularies, and classification. The Oversight Committee oversees the policies and activities of DCMI, provides oversight and guidance to the Initiative's managing Directorate and contributes to the development and promotion of the Initiative. DCMI is in the process of restructuring the governance of its Oversight Committee and its Advisory Board. The creation of Oversight Committee officers is the first step in that restructuring. More information about the membership of the Oversight Committee can be found at http://dublincore.org/about/oversight/.

GSLIS at Simmons College joins DCMI as Institutional Member
2013-10-03, DCMI is please to announce that the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College in Boston, USA, has joined DCMI as an Institutional Member in the Initiative's revised membership programs. As one of the top programs in the U.S., GSLIS strives to be innovative, bold and dedicated to making a difference in the world of libraries, archives, museums, and in the information industries. Associate Professor Daniel N. Joudrey will represent GSLIS on the DCMI Oversight Committee. Regional, Institutional and Supporting members of DCMI are pivotal to guaranteeing the continuing contributions of DCMI to the metadata community. Information about the revised membership programs is available at http://dublincore.org/support/.

NISO/DCMI Webinar: Metadata for Public Sector Administration
2013-10-03, A NISO/DCMI Webinar with Makx Dekkers and Stijn Goedertier will be held online at 1:00PM Eastern Time on 30 October 2013 (17:00 UTC - see World Clock: http://bit.ly/19EvBJe). One key challenge for e-Government programs around the world has been the lack of easily accessible information about the metadata schemas, controlled vocabularies, code lists, and other reference data that provide interoperability among a broad diversity of data sources. The Asset Description Metadata Schema was developed for exchanging information about such "interoperability assets". The schema was developed with support from the European Commission with the objective of facilitating interoperability across eGovernment programmes in Europe, but it is already proving its usefulness in a wider context, for example to describe specifications maintained by DCMI and W3C. One key implementation of ADMS is in a federation of semantic asset repositories on the Joinup server. Libraries that collect government information will benefit if such information is based on a set of commonly used schemas, vocabularies and code lists, making it easier to aggregate information from multiple sources. This webinar introduces the ADMS schema and discusses examples of its implementation. Additional information can be found at http://www.niso.org/news/events/2013/dcmi/publicsector. Registration for the webinar closes 30 October 2013 at 12:00PM Eastern (16:00 UTC).

Best Paper Awards for DC-2013
2013-10-03, For the first time in the history of the Dublin Core International Conference, Best Paper and Best Project Report awards have been given from among three papers on the shortlist in each category. The Best Paper Award went to Antoine Isaac, Valentine Charles, Kate Fernie, Costis Dallas, Dimitris Gavrilis, and Stavros Angelis for their paper titled "Achieving Interoperability between the CARARE Schema for Monuments and Sites and the Europeana Data Model". The Best Project Report Award went to Biligsaikhan Batjargal, Takeo Kuyama, Fuminori Kimura, and Akira Maeda for their project report titled "Linked Data Driven Dynamic Web Services for Providing Multilingual Access to Diverse Japanese Humanities Databases. For complete information including runners-up, see http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/index/pages/view/awards-2013.

Dublin Core launches Autumn Membership Drive
2013-10-03, DCMI has launched an Autumn Membership Drive that continues through 30 November 2013. Individual Members who join before the close of the Drive have the chance to win a free conference registration to DC-2014 in Austin, Texas. DCMI individual and organizational members support the work of DCMI, participate in its governance, and receive benefits such as access to content, discounts for events, and visibility. DCMI is an organization committed to the development and open availability of the specifications and best practice resources that support a healthy global metadata ecosystem. Annual membership dues by DCMI members play a significant role in ensuring that DCMI continues to advance its commitment to support innovation in metadata design and best practice. To find out more about the DCMI membership program, go to http://dublincore.org/support/.

DCMI launches Individual Member program
2013-09-12, On 12 September, DCMI launched its Individual Member program. In addition to Individual Members financially supporting the work of DCMI, they also enjoy the benefits of reduced registration fees for the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications and webinars and tutorials. Regular Individual Memberships are available for practicing professionals as well as a Student category. Retired professionals can join at the Student rate. Organizational memberships remain available for Regional, Institutional and Supporting members. For details of membership, see Join/Support.

392 participants gather in Lisbon for the collocated DC-2013/iPRES-2013 conferences
2013-09-12, The collocated conferences for DC-2013 and iPRES-2013 in Lisbon attracted 392 participants from over 37 countries. In addition to the Tuesday through Thursday conference days comprised of peer-reviewed paper and special sessions, 223 participants attended pre-conference tutorials and 246 participated in post-conference workshops for the collocated events. The peer-reviewed papers and presentations are available on the conference website Presentation page. In sum, it was a great conference.

Infocom Corporation renews DCMI Supporting Membership
2013-09-12, DCMI is very pleased to announce that Infocom Corporation of Japan has renewed its Supporting Member status until 30 June 2014. Please see the Supporting Member section on the membership page for more details. The Supporting Member program is open for all companies and organizations that want to support DCMI financially to continue its work to the benefit of the global audience.

Karen Coyle and Sam Oh to lead sessions at DCMI-AsiaPac workshop
2013-08-07, The DCMI-AsiaPac workshop titled "RDA, DC and Linked Data" takes place in Singapore on 15 August in conjunction with IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2013. Karen Coyle will lead the morning session of the workshop and will introduce attendees to the basics of Linked Data, including important vocabulary and concepts. Using familiar examples, participants will build some linked data together and will end with a survey of Linked Data projects in the library community. Sam Oh will lead the afternoon session and will examine converting MARC records and other forms of structured data into Linked Data including the processes of mapping existing data elements to RDF properties and classes and linking to sources of Linked Data authorities such as DBPedia for subject headings and people. Additional information on the workshop can be found at http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/BibData/ap2013.

NISO/DCMI Webinar:Implementing Linked Data in Developing Countries and Low-Resource Conditions
2013-08-07, A NISO/DCMI Webinar with Johannes Keizer and Caterina Caracciolo will be held online at 1:00PM Eastern Time on 25 September 2013 (17:00 UTC - see World Clock: http://bit.ly/18LAQwh). Open data is a crucial prerequisite for inventing and disseminating the innovative practices needed for agricultural development. To be usable, data must not just be open in principle -- i.e., covered by licenses that allow re-use. Data must also be published in a technical form that allows it to be integrated into a wide range of applications. While the webinar focuses on AGRIS, a central and widely-used resource linking agricultural datasets for easy consumption, and AgriDrupal, an adaptation of the popular, open-source content management system Drupal optimized for producing and consuming linked datasets, the issues and approaches addressed are applicable across a broad array of similar open data contexts. This webinar describes the technical solutions adopted by a widely diverse global network of agricultural research institutes for publishing research results. Additional information can be found at http://www.niso.org/news/events/2013/dcmi/developing/. Registration for the webinar closes 25 September 2013 at 12:00PM Eastern (16:00 UTC).

Final Program published for DC-2013
2013-07-17, The Conference Committee of DC-2013 has published the final program of the event. On Monday, 2 September, there will be four half-day Tutorials

Created by: Andy Powell
Maintained by: UKOLN Systems Support Team
Last actively updated: 3-Aug-2000
Last maintenance fix: 5-Apr-2011

[Resources] [Metadata] [UKOLN]

DC-dot was developed by Andy Powell, UKOLN, University of Bath.

UKOLN is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher and Further
Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European
Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.

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