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Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, W3C Staff
Who am I?
Vast question! But leaving apart the introspection questions, I hold an
Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Paris
; I joined W3C first as its Webmaster through a V.I.E. exchange program at M.I.T.,
then was recruited as part of the INRIA-, then ERCIM-based European Team
of W3C.
My work in W3C
Working from France, I’m currently involved in the following
Before my current activities, I served as Staff Contact in the Mobile
Web Best Practices Working Group, and as co-Chair of the Mobile
Web Test Suites Working Group, the Geolocation Working Group, the Devices and Sensors Working Group. I also served as Staff Contact of the Web & Mobile Interest Group
I have also developed a number of the Web applications used by W3C to support its on-line collaborative work as part of the W3C Systems Team, and continue to develop tools for my W3C groups on a more ad-hoc basis (mostly on GitHub).
Even earlier, I was Activity Lead of the Quality
Assurance Activity and Staff Contact of the Quality
Assurance Working Group; I was also involved in the early work on GRDDL and various Semantic Web
I’m also interested in Web Accessibility — as part
of a larger focus of mine on usability.
More details about my activities are discoverable through my Mastodon.
I’m available for speaking engagements, both in French and in English;
contact me at [email protected], preferably well
in-advance of the event, especially for events outside of Europe.
- 2019
- Des nouvelles de WebXR
- Meet-up AR/VR/XR - 2ème édition, Marseilles, France, June 12
- Making the Web & 5G work together
- #5GMediaRoad2019, Munich, Germany, May 9
- L’API Web Authentication
- /dev/var/23, Toulon, France, Jan 22
- 2018
- Web5G: Aligning Evolutions of Network and Web Technologies
- FUSECO Forum, Berlin, Germany, Nov 15
- W3C & les développeurs Web
- Atelier Paris Web 2018, Paris, France, Oct 6
- Video)
- Paris Web 2018, Paris, France, Oct 4
- Le Web Immersif : VR & AR dans les navigateurs
- Meetup Réalité Augmentée et Virtuelle Marseille-Aix-Toulon, Marseilles, France, June 5
- Web5G: Aligning evolutions of network and Web technologies
- Fokus Media Web Symposium 2018, Berlin, Germany, May 16
- WebXR - bringing virtual and augmented reality to the Web
- Fokus Media Web Symposium 2018, Berlin, Germany, May 15
- The Browser as An App Platform
- W3C Web5G Workshop, London, UK, May 10
- WebXR - bringing virtual and augmented reality to the Web
- W3C Track in the Web Conference 2018, Lyon, France, April 27
- Standardizing service platforms for 5G: A view from the Web
- 21st Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN) conference, Paris, France, February 22
- 2017
- L’API Web Payments
- /dev/var/19, Toulon, France, October 19
- WebVR panel
- VRX Europe conference, London, UK, May 11
- The Web Platform: Build it, Use it
- Mobile Web Progress, Barcelona, March 1st
- W3C WebRTC Standardization Update
- MWC17 Real-time Communications Meetup, Barcelona, February 28
- Web & Réalité Virtuelle
- /dev/var/16, Toulon, France, January 12
- 2016
- Web, meet Virtual Reality
- ViewSource 2016, Berlin, Germany, September 14
- Panel on WebRTC standardization status
- WebRTC Global Summit, London, UK, 12 April
- Web & Interactions de proximité (Web & Proximity Interactions)
- /dev/var/13, Toulon, France, 24 March
- W3C WebRTC API updates
- WebRTC Barcelona Meet up, Barcelona, Spain, Feb 23
- 2015
- Les notifications Push pour le Web
- /dev/var/11, Toulon, France, 8 October
- Web & Mobile meet-up
- W3C Track in WWW2015 conference, , Florence, Italy, May 20-21 2015
- The Web, on Mobile and Beyond
- ISOC NL HTML5/Webapps workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2nd
- Part 2 (deep dive)
- W3C.NL Masterclass on WebRTC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2nd
- WebRTC et les standards du Web
- Pôle SCS Info day on WebRTC, Sophia-Antipolis, France, January 22
- earlier…
- See the archives of older talks and
A few W3C projects I am involved in:
- demos of Web-based multi-devices usage: remote
whiteboard and 3D
- W3Connect Web App for TPAC 2011 and
W3Connect Web app for
Over the Air 2011, based on an
open-source node.js powered Web application
- W3C Cheatsheet for
developers (source)
- the WebIDL checker
and widlproc, a
Web IDL parser
- the 2009 redesign of
the W3C web site
- organization and co-chairing of the W3C
Workshop on the Future of Social Networking in Barcelona, Jan
2009, that led to the creation of the Social
Web Incubator Group
- organization of the W3C Workshop on
Securing access to Device APIs from the Web in London, Dec 2008,
that led to the creation of the Device APIs and
Policy Working Group
- the Web Compatibility Tests for Mobile Browsers: first
and second version
- the Mobile Test Harness
- co-authored and tutored the on-line
course on the W3C Mobile Web Best Practices
- W3C GRDDL service, HTMLDiff
- the mobileOK checker
(and its predecessor, the W3C Mobile Web
Best Practices checker)
- Tracker, a W3C internal issues and
action items tracking system used by many W3C Working Groups
- the Last Call comments tracker,
a W3C internal tool to manage feedback received from the public on W3C
- Planet Mobile Web, an aggregation of blog
posts regarding the Web on mobile devices
- the W3C Working Groups management system
that serves as a basis for ensuring the proper application of W3C
Patent Policy
- WBS, the Web Balloting and Straw Poll
System, a W3C internal tool used to run survey and questionnaires
- the first version of the publication
checker and various other
spec-editing assistants
- the semantic data extractor
- the W3C mailing list
archives accessibility and usability improvements
- the Glossary project
- the old “W3C new visitors”
page (2002)
- the initial move from table-based to
CSS-layout for the W3C Home page back in 2002
- RDFization of the QA
- Automation (and RDFization) of the
Technical Reports list management
- the spell checker
- Web and Native Gap Analysis report, Oct 2013
- The Web on Mobile and Beyond, A List Apart column, March 2013
- Le W3C vu de l’intérieur (Insider view of W3C), Le Train de 13h37, Jan 2013
- Standards for Web
Applications on Mobile, a quarterly updated overview of
technologies used to build Web applications on mobile;
- Relever
le défi du Web mobile (Eyrolles editions), book in French
on developing and designing for the Web on mobile devices
- On the Web: mobile and accessible?, In ÆGIS
conference proceedings (PDF), 1st
ÆGIS International Conference (HTML
- Method for Writing Testable
Conformance Requirements, Working Group Note, January
- Guidelines for writing device
independent tests, Working Group Note, May 2009
- Return
of the Mobile Style Sheet, article in A List Apart,
January 2009
- QA Framework Specification
Guidelines, W3C Recommendation, August 2005
- Variability in Specifications,
Working Group Note, August 2005
- Bridging
XHTML, XML and RDF with GRDDL, accepted paper to XTech
2005 conference, May 2005
- Gleaning Resource Descriptions from
Dialects of Languages (GRDDL), co-author of the original
Team Submission in May 2005
- Buy
compliant web sites, W3C QA Article, July 2002
Office address
2004, Route des Lucioles
Sophia Antipolis
06410 Biot
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux <[email protected]>
Last Modified: $Date: 2022/11/15 21:56:19 $