Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded):
Understanding SC 1.2.7
1.2.7 Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded): Where pauses in foreground audio are insufficient to allow audio descriptions to convey the sense of the video, extended audio description is provided for all prerecorded video content in synchronized media. (Level AAA)
Intent of this Success Criterion
The intent of this Success Criterion is to provide people who are blind or visually impaired access to a synchronized media presentation beyond that which can be provided by standard audio description. This is done by periodically freezing the synchronized media presentation and playing additional audio description. The synchronized media presentation is then resumed.
Because it disrupts viewing for those who do not need the additional description, techniques that allow you to turn the feature on and off are often provided. Alternately, versions with and without the additional description can be provided.
Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.7:
People who are blind, people with low vision who cannot see the screen, as well as those with cognitive limitations who have difficulty interpreting visually what is happening, often use audio description of the visual information. However, if there is too much dialogue the audio description is insufficient. Extended audio description can provide the additional information needed to understand the video.
Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.7
Example 1. Video of a lecture. A physics professor is giving a lecture. He makes freehand sketches on the whiteboard, speaking rapidly as he draws. As soon as he has finished discussing one problem, he erases the drawing and makes another sketch while continuing to speak and gesture with his other hand. The video is paused between problems, and extended audio description of the professor's drawings and gestures is provided; the video is then resumed.
Related Resources
Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.
Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.7 - Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded)
Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this Success Criterion. However, it is not necessary to use these particular techniques. For information on using other techniques, see Understanding Techniques for WCAG Success Criteria, particularly the "Other Techniques" section.
Sufficient Techniques
G8: Providing a movie with extended audio descriptions using one of the following:
Using any player that supports audio and video
Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.7
Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.
H96: Using the track element to provide audio descriptions (HTML)
Adding extended audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 1.0 (future link)
Adding extended audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 2.0 (future link)
Common Failures for SC 1.2.7
The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.2.7 by the WCAG Working Group.
(No failures currently documented)
Key Terms
- audio description
narration added to the soundtrack to describe important visual details that cannot be understood from the main soundtrack alone
Note 1: Audio description of video provides information about actions, characters, scene changes, on-screen text, and other visual content.
Note 2: In standard audio description, narration is added during existing pauses in dialogue. (See also extended audio description.)
Note 3: Where all of the audio, no additional audio description is necessary.
Note 4: Also called "video description" and "descriptive narration."
- extended audio description
audio description that is added to an audiovisual presentation by pausing the live
- synchronized media
video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components, unless the media is a media alternative for text that is clearly labeled as such
- video
the technology of moving or sequenced pictures or images
Note: Video can be made up of animated or photographic images, or both.