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This document is for people who make web content (web pages) and web applications. It gives advice on how to make content usable for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. This includes, but is not limited to: cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities (LD), neurodiversity, intellectual disabilities, and specific learning disabilities.
This document has content about:
The objectives and patterns presented here provide supplemental guidance beyond the requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG [WCAG22]. Following this guidance is not required for conformance to WCAG [WCAG22]. However, following this guidance will increase accessibility for people with cognitive and learning disabilities.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at
This document was published by the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group as a Working Group Note.
This document is for people who make web content, including web applications. It focuses on meeting the needs of people with cognitive and learning disabilities. It covers aims and objectives for usable content; design patterns (ways) to make content usable; including users in research, design, and testing activities; personas; and user needs. Details of changes are described in the changelog.
Comments regarding this document are welcome, input received and further evolution of technology may trigger additional updates. To comment, file an issue in the archives).
Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership.
This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
This document was produced by groups operating under the 1 August 2017 W3C Patent Policy. The groups do not expect this document to become a W3C Recommendation.
This document is governed by the 15 September 2020 W3C Process Document.
This section is an easy to understand summary of the key points of this document. Also see How to Use this Document, for more orientation. To help web content providers meet the needs of people with cognitive and learning disabilities we have identified the following key topics:
Use icons, symbols, terms, and design patterns that are already familiar to users so that they do not have to learn new ones. People with cognitive and learning disabilities often need common behavior and design patterns. For example, use the standard convention for hyperlinks (underlined and blue for unvisited; purple for visited).
Make navigating the system easy. Use a clear and easy-to-follow layout with visual cues, such as icons. Clear headings, boundaries, and regions also helps people understand the page design.
This includes easy words, short sentences and blocks of text, clear images, and easy to understand video.
A good design makes errors less likely. Ask the user only for what you need! When errors occur, make it easy for the user to correct them.
Avoid distracting the user from their tasks. If the user does get distracted, headings and breadcrumbs can help orientate the user and help the user restore the context when it is lost. Providing linked breadcrumbs can help the user undo mistakes.
Memory barriers stop people with cognitive disabilities from using content. This includes long passwords to log in and voice menus that involve remembering a specific number or term. Make sure there is an easier option for people who need it.
This includes: making it easy to get human help. If users have difficulty sending feedback, then you will never know if they are able to use the content or when they are experiencing problems. In addition, support different ways to understand content. Graphics, summaries of long documents, adding icons to headings and links, and alternatives for numbers are all examples of extra help and support.
People with cognitive and learning disabilities often use add-ons or extensions as assistive technology. Sometimes, extra support requires minimal effort from the user via personalization that allows the user to select preferred options from a set of alternatives. Support personalization when you can. Do not disable add-ons and extensions! Sometimes users can receive extra support through personalization.
Involve people with cognitive and learning disabilities in the research, design, and development process. They’re the experts in what works for them. This includes involving people with cognitive and learning disabilities in:
Making web sites and applications usable by people with cognitive and learning disabilities affects every part of design and development.
Traditionally, accessibility focused on making the interface usable for people with sensory and physical impairments (vision, hearing, or mobility). Some accessibility features will help people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Often the issues that affect people with cognitive and learning disabilities include:
Some common designs create barriers for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. The patterns presented in this document have been designed to avoid such barriers for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. While this guidance may improve usability for all, these patterns are essential for some people with cognitive and learning impairments to be able to use content independently.
The objectives and patterns build on the:
The objectives and patterns presented here provide supplemental guidance beyond the requirements of WCAG. Following this guidance is not required for conformance to WCAG. They address accessibility barriers that were not included in the current normative WCAG 2.x and may not otherwise be addressed.
Following the advice in this document, as much as possible, will be particularly valuable for web content and applications that address:
Note that people with cognitive and learning disabilities may also have other impairments such as motor disabilities or visual impairments. For example, some people with age related forgetfulness may also require higher contrast. It is always important to follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG [WCAG22] and ensure the needs of all disabilities are addressed.
This document provides information on the development process and design options for making web sites and applications more usable and accessible for people with cognitive and learning disabilities.
It is organized by high level objectives which are listed along with user stories in section 3.
The high-level objectives outline key design goals that will help people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Each objective has associated:
Mappings of objectives, user stories, patterns and personas are available in Appendix A. This provides a way to understand how to address the objective and why it is important. Some people may prefer to start with Appendix A.
This document is divided into parts. Each part can be used in different ways in the product development life cycle. This will help teams achieve the objectives in this document without significantly changing the way they work.
It should be noted that all teams should try to involve users with cognitive and learning disabilities throughout the design and development process. Teams that are too small for user testing and focus groups can find affordable ways to involve the user by reading Section 5.
In many cases the “use” and “avoid” examples for each pattern can be used as a testable case. The pattern is probably applied if:
There are additional ongoing efforts to make testable statements for each design pattern with corresponding test processes and failure examples, that are always applicable. These are available at Testable Statements for COGA Design Patterns.
In some cases, the testable statements only cover part of the design pattern. The Cognitive Accessibility Task Force intends to continue working on these statements as a supplement to the design guide.
One can also test that the additional advice in this document is integrated into development and design processes. For example:
Cognitive and learning disabilities include long-term, short-term, and permanent difficulties relating to cognitive functions, such as:
Design, structure, and language choices can make content inaccessible to people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Examples may include:
These difficulties may sometimes also be experienced by the general population due to environmental or situational barriers. For example, when they are trying to use a web site when distracted or stressed. Working on a mobile device while in an unfamiliar or noisy situation can also place an additional cognitive load on users by splitting their attention. However, for users with cognitive and learning disabilities, these difficulties are likely to be persistent and significant. As a result, they may be unable to access content and complete these tasks independently.
Cognitive and learning disabilities are difficult to diagnose and categorize. They are usually hidden and can be age related. Users are less likely to have a formal diagnosis of a disability than individuals with physical and sensory difficulties. Often, only some functions are impaired while other cognitive functions are unaffected. For example, someone with dyslexia may be a fantastic engineer. Sometimes, cognitive and learning disabilities may include intellectual impairments that affect comprehension, alongside written and spoken expression. People may also experience more than one type of cognitive and learning disability. Note that the terminology and definitions used for cognitive and learning disabilities varies between countries.
Other groups who will benefit include:
Some aspects of making web content and applications usable by people with cognitive and learning disabilities should be dealt with as part of the overall design process. Most organizations should include scope for a user-centered design process. See our developer resource page for related resources.
Key parts of this process for people with cognitive and learning disabilities should be:
Web sites that include people with cognitive and learning disabilities in usability testing and account for their feedback will be easier to use for everyone, including people who are experiencing stress, or mental health issues. (See Section 5.)
Language and terminology for cognitive and learning disabilities varies greatly between cultures and communities. Preferred language is also changing over time. We selected terms and defined them in the glossary for consistency within this document. We do not assert these are correct in all cases and for all groups.
When we were aware of conflicting opinions, we reached out to individuals that identify with each term. When preferences varied, we have used our best judgement to select a term based on the feedback. We have provided alternatives within the glossary definition.
When deciding on language and terminology to use when discussing cognitive and learning disabilities, we recommend reaching out to individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities to select the best terms within the specific situation and culture.
This section contains user stories, followed by the user needs that relate to them. They are divided into the same objectives as the design guide above.
Note that for people with cognitive and learning disabilities, meeting these needs can be the difference between being able to use the site or not being able to use it at all. This may also be true for people with mental health issues or under temporary stress.
User needs for people with cognitive and learning disabilities often help other users, although they can usually manage to use the site without these user needs being met.
As a user with a memory impairment, attention impairment, or executive function impairment or as a user with a communication disability who uses symbols, I need to know the purpose of the content so that I know if I am in the right place, and what I am doing, even if I lose attention and focus for a time.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with a memory impairment, a learning disability, or a communication disability who uses symbols, or executive function impairment, I find it hard to learn new interface design patterns. I need to know which controls are available and how to use them so that the site is usable for me.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with complex communication needs that may include a mild language impairment, I want symbols that help me understand the content.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
Related Persona: George, Gopal
As a user with a severe language impairment, who has managed to learn a symbol vocabulary, I need to have symbols on top of each phrase and very simplified language. Of course, it is best if I understand the symbols and they are the ones I have learnt (via personalization).
Related Persona: George
As a user with a memory impairment, impaired executive function, or impaired language processing skills who has trouble finding the features they need, I need to identify important information and critical functions on a page, so that I can find things in a reasonable amount of time.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with a cognitive or learning disability and who learnt how to use search to find things, I need to be able use search, so that I can find things on a web site.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
Related Persona: Kwame
As a user with impaired executive functioning and attention impairments, I want media presented in small chunks of understandable content, so that I can understand the main points and not lose focus.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
Related Persona: Yuki
As a user with a language, processing, or memory impairment, I need the language used to be clear and easy for me to understand so that I can understand the content.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with a language or communication impairment, dyslexia, or an impaired memory, I want a page layout that helps me follow and understand the content without getting overwhelmed.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user who does not understand numerical concepts, I need content to be usable without understanding math concepts.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user who has difficulty with organization (executive function), typing, and putting letters and numbers in the right order, I want an interface that stops me from making mistakes, and helps me complete forms and perform other similar tasks successfully.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
Related Personas: Alison, George, Gopal, Jonathan, Kwame Maria, Sam, Tal, Yuki
As a user who often makes mistakes or touches the wrong thing, I want to undo what I just did quickly and easily so that I can manage to use applications.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with an attention impairment and impaired memory, I need to avoid distraction. If I lose focus and forget what I am doing, I need reminders of what I was doing, so that I can complete my task.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with short-term and working memory difficulties, I need processes that do not rely on memory and access to information I entered during previous steps in a process.
Related Personas: Maria
As a user who has memory impairments and often forgets passwords, and has impaired executive function, I need a method of secure web site authentication that I can use.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user who finds some web sites hard to use, I need to get help and give feedback easily from every place where I get stuck. This ensures I am not excluded and the site is aware of my needs.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
Related Persona: Alison
As a user who finds some web sites hard to use and struggles with text and words, I sometimes need in-page and inline support so that I can use the content. However, with an attention impairment any support required needs to be in my control to avoid distractions.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with cognitive and learning disabilities that affect navigation and sequencing, I need help understanding and using directions and navigation.
As a user with sensitivities that can be affected by content (e.g. content that is busy, confusing, depressing, or has loud noises), I need content that I can cope with so that I can be successful.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user who struggles using web content due to executive function impairment, or struggles with numerical concepts, I want to be confident that I can manage my tasks.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with short and medium-term memory impairment and impaired executive function, I need a familiar interface so that I do not need to figure out and remember new interfaces. This may take a few weeks of repetition and I may not manage to learn it all if I have a condition affecting learning new things, such as dementia.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
As a user with cognitive and learning disabilities, who uses add-ons and extensions as assistive technology, I need my add-ons, application programming interface (API), and extensions to work with the content so that I can use it.
This user story also includes the following user needs:
This guide provides assistance making web sites and applications friendly for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. The patterns in this guide provide practical guidance to improve the accessibility of designs and the design process.
The objectives and patterns presented here provide supplemental guidance beyond the requirements of The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG [WCAG22]. They are intended to address barriers that could not be included in the normative WCAG [WCAG22] specification and may not otherwise be addressed.
This guide is divided into design objectives. An outline of these objectives can also be found in the summary section. Simply understanding the objectives and related user stories may help designers make content more accessible to some users with cognitive and learning disabilities.
Each objective contains a number of practical patterns (repeated designs for controls and other elements) that describe what to do to address user needs. Implementing these patterns is essential for some people with cognitive and learning disabilities to be able to use content independently.
Users with cognitive and learning disabilities may have trouble with orientation and learning. This can mean people get disoriented in a site.
Learning new things and remembering new information is especially difficult for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. They can also struggle or be unable to learn new design patterns. Make controls, icons and elements simple and conventional to help.
Make it clear to users what things are and how to use them. This includes clearly indicating the purpose of:
Use headers, labels, and other signposts to help users know the purpose of the page, region, or control.
Help users understand how to use controls and elements on each page.
Use familiar design patterns, terms, and icons to help users who struggle to remember new designs. Ensure the look, location, and interaction of controls and other elements are familiar and consistent across the site.
Show a clear relationship between controls and the content they effect to help users understand the effect of possible actions and reduce potential confusion.
I need to know the context and purpose of the page.
Related User Story: Clear Purpose.
Help the user know the purpose of the content. Use:
This helps many people, including those with impaired memory and attention as well as anyone who is easily distracted due to age-related forgetfulness and AD(H)D.
For example, someone with mild dementia is using online shopping. They get distracted and then when they look at the screen again they have forgotten what they were doing. A clear heading at the top of each page shows clearly what the page is about and what they are doing.
In another example, a user with AD(H)D is looking for information in a video. They can tell by the video title that this video has the information they need.
Headings clarify the purpose of this specific page.
When possible, provide information to help users understand how they got to the page. For example: clearly indicating breadcrumbs on main navigation, highlighting currently selected tab, etc.
I need to understand my options and the tasks I can perform and I can identify the controls I can interact with to complete actions. (I find it hard to learn new interface design patterns.)
Related User Story: Clear Operation.
Use common designs that are familiar to most users. This includes:
Many users cannot easily learn and remember new design metaphors. Without these skills, it can be much harder or impossible to locate desired items with which to interact, and to know what interactions may do. Users can feel lost or overwhelmed.
Users are more likely to find and recognize common design elements that are repeated often over a long period of use, across many sites.
For example, a user with a mild cognitive impairment or dementia, goes to a site to buy a product. They cannot find where to pay for the item that they want. They may think the site does not allow shopping and the site just provides information.
Common design elements, affordances, and patterns include:
I need to understand my options and the tasks I can perform and I can identify the controls I can interact with in order to complete actions.
Related User Story: Clear Operation.
Use a consistent visual design across groups of pages.
Many users take a long time to learn new designs and recognize elements. Once learned, the elements should be used throughout the site.
For example, an older user with age-related forgetfulness takes a long time to learn new designs. When they come to a site, the first page takes time to understand, but then they know what to do on the next page. If the next page is different from the first and also difficult to learn, they become tired and make more mistakes. As they move to a third difficult page the cognitive load becomes too much and they cannot complete the task.
This includes:
Plan the design for your information before adding content. Think about the colors, font choices, and areas where text and images will appear.
I need to recognize where I am in the architecture of the web site, application, or multi-step process, even after I get distracted.
Related User Story: Clear Purpose.
Provide breadcrumbs, a “how I got here” button, or heading to help the user orientate themselves inside a site or task.
In a multi-step process, this includes showing:
This pattern helps a user who loses focus, forget what they are doing or gets distracted reorient themselves to their current activity. Clearly indicating the current location and progress helps the user continue after they lose focus without reading a great deal of content or restarting.
Providing information about the steps that need to complete a task helps users determine if they can successfully finish the task. This is especially important for users who often find processes difficult to complete.
Examples include:
I need to understand my options and the tasks I can perform and I can identify the controls I can interact with in order to complete actions.
Related User Story: Clear Operation.
Use a clear and recognizable design for controls. Make it clear what elements are controls and how to use them.
This includes:
When this is not possible, provide instructions that explain how to use the control. Instructions should be on the same page or one click away and written in easy to understand language.
Controls are parts of web pages that do something, e.g. a link, button, checkbox. Common style and design patterns on controls are easier to recognize and understand how to use it.
The goal of these controls is to allow someone to use them. As soon as the user needs to discover the control or work out how to use it, some users will fail.
For example, an older user with age-related forgetfulness takes longer to learn new designs. They go to an ecommerce site that has boxes around the headers such as “sale”. It also has simple large text for controls such as the “add to cart” button. The user clicks on the headings and not on the “add to cart” button (that looks like text). After a few failures they assume they cannot manage it and leave the site.
Some users have trouble when controls have a different look, color, or shape than they have used before. For example, when links do not have underlines and blue or purple text some users will not know there is a link (even if this appears with focus).
If you have difficulty with memory, it can be harder to use unique controls. It may take longer to find controls on the page. Even if they work just a little differently than similar ones, some users may need to relearn how to use them each time.
Using typical controls on the page will help people know how to use them. When using more unique controls, include easy to follow instructions and make them easy to find. It should be easy to identify, understand, and use the controls, regardless of how a user uses the page (vision, auditory, voice input).
Use standard controls and design patterns.
If you are designing a new control, make them easy to:
Use a simple style or have easy to follow instructions that explain their use. Test with people with different cognitive and learning disabilities.
I need to know how to use all the controls and the effects of each action.
Related User Story: Clear Operation.
The relationship between controls and affected content should be completely clear and unambiguous.
This can be achieved through:
If a control on a page operates only on part of the page, it can be hard to tell what it will affect and what it will not. Users may try the wrong control. Many users will try again, and discover the correct control or scrollbar. However, many people with cognitive or learning disabilities may not be able to work out what to do. Others will feel cognitive overload, and stop as a result. They may assume the application is broken, or that it is too complicated for them. For these users, the application will not be usable.
Clear borders and groupings on the page can help indicate what element the control effects. Having a border or other visual cue around the controls and the relevant section can help make it more understandable. Check with user testing that users with cognitive and learning disabilities find all the page relationships clear and quickly know how to use the controls. Testing is essential when the controls cannot be in the area they affect.
For example, consider a user living with dementia trying to work out which scrollbar to use for embedded scrollable regions. When they try the wrong scrollbar, they do not get the effect they desire and their content may seem to disappear.
I need to know what features and content are on this page or if I should move on.
Related User Story: Use Symbols.
Add familiar icons, images, and symbols to important content such as controls and section headings. Each icon or symbol should convey a single meaning and be next to the content it relates to.
People who have language comprehension, learning, or reading difficulties may rely on symbols to understand content and navigate to content they need. Symbols also help people who struggle with language and attention to navigate content, including media.
For example, a person with aphasia, has the intellectual ability to understand concepts, but struggles with language. They may be dependent on the use of symbols to browse pages for information.
It can also help the elderly population who can find cluttered pages with dense text hard to read on a screen. Clear symbols, icons, and images that act as signposts to the text content can be very helpful.
Use common icons that the user is likely to understand.
Provide common icons next to key texts, headings, media sections, “contact us” buttons, and "help" buttons.
Users with cognitive and learning disabilities may have trouble finding the content they need. They may also struggle to orient themselves inside the content or task. Users should be able to quickly and easily locate what they are looking for. Use a clear and easy layout to help users navigate the system easily. For example:
I need to find it easy to identify the content that I need, and do not need. Information I need to know and important information stands out, or is the first thing I read and does not get lost in the noise of less important information.
Related User Story: Findable.
Make important tasks and features on the site stand out and easy to find.
This includes:
People with impaired executive function, impaired memory, and other cognitive and learning disabilities may have difficulty determining what they can do on a site. By calling out important tasks and features, people can more quickly determine whether the site will meet their needs.
For example, a user goes to a web site to buy tickets. He sees many reviews and other information but cannot see how to buy the tickets. The user leaves the site.
Make important features and tasks both visually and programmatically prominent. See The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG [WCAG22].
Start by thinking about what are the key tasks for the user.
Usage data can normally identify the most common tasks. Focus groups and surveys are also useful for identifying what users want.
I need to easily understand, navigate, and browse both the site and page structure.
Related User Story: Clear Navigation.
Carefully design the layout of the page. Make sure it has a clear structure and hierarchy so that it is easy to understand.
This can be achieved by:
People with cognitive and learning disabilities may not be able to use content and applications when the page structure and relationships are unclear. The user may not complete tasks and miss key information. The user may not return to pages that are complicated to use and understand.
Clear, well organized page layouts enable users to easily find key information. They can focus on their tasks instead of working out what is on the page. Using a standard visual layout, and positioning elements consistently, will help users rely on muscle memory and use them. This supports people with disabilities that impact their problem solving skills, slow readers, or people who get overwhelmed when presented with a lot of text. This includes:
A good structure: Organization of page content into sections, each with an obvious purpose, allows users to more easily locate and focus on the sections they need. Content that is not directly relevant to the main purpose of a page should be distinctly separated.
Use borders and shading to group: Grouping information using a border or color shading makes it easier for people to identify groups.
For example:
Figure: Example of grouping with shading and borders.
Visual cues: People who have difficulty recognizing or comprehending written language or concentrating, can find graphical cues easier to process. Examples of common graphical indicators and visual cues include:
If pages have a lot of content, check that content is grouped and you can see what is related.
Making regions and a clear page structure can include:
Icons should be used consistently. It is also important the graphical indicators do not clutter the interface. Too many icons can add to the cognitive load for users to process. Examples of clear dividers include high contrast borders or white space. A change in background color can be a clear divider if the contrast is strong enough.
I need to reach important information and the controls I need without scrolling or carrying out other actions. They are not hidden or off screen.
Related User Story: Findable.
Make key content visually stand out. Key content should be visible to users without needing to scroll the page or hover over content. This includes:
Slow readers, people with impaired executive function, impaired memory, and other cognitive and learning disabilities may not be able to find the information and features on a page. For example, content that requires a lot of reading or the use of the scroll bar or pointer hovers may be hard to find. Other users cannot find content that requires paging through different screens
Users who are unfamiliar with the page (or common design patterns) may rely on prominent visual styling aids to find important information. A clear heading structure can also help with this by reducing what needs to be read.
For example, an elementary school publishes a weekly newsletter with stories, activities, and important announcements. One important announcement is that school will end early one day. The newsletter has less important information before the early school dismissal, and does not have a warning symbol next to the important information. A parent who reads slowly may need to stop before the important information and does not find out that the school is ending early one day. The parent is not home for the child on time.
In another example, a user is writing a comment, but the send button is not visible when the focus is on the text area. As a result, she cannot see how to send her feedback. The company will then not receive any feedback from groups who unable to find the feedback button.
The amount of page visible before scrolling is dependent on a wide range of factors such as physical device size and resolution. Where possible, use site statistics to understand what technology users are using. Keep this in mind when designing the page.
Consider the most constrained user experience first (e.g., a 240px wide mobile phone) and then design upwards from there. This will account for the widest range of scenarios. Adopting responsive development practices can improve the flexibility of the page for more devices and situations.
Make it easy to find the most important things on the page. Identify key content and its placement early in the design process.
Space at the top of the document is most likely to be visible to users without scrolling. Place key content at the top of the page to give the best experience to the widest range of users.
I need to easily navigate to what I want, take breaks and easily jump back a step if I do not follow or get distracted.
Related User Story: Media.
Provide a logical organization and structure that is easy to navigate.
Divide long pieces of media into segments that are:
Using a clear, logical structure, with headings allows users to orient and navigate through the content easily even if they get distracted or lose focus. This is particularly important for people with an attention impairment.
Providing short logical segments help users find and focus on a specific topic. If the user loses concentration they can find their place in the material and start again from the last point that they remember. This is especially important for educational content or instructions.
Chunking media also allows for each segment to be given a unique URI. It can then be easily referenced and shared.
For example:
I need to be able to find features and content easily.
Related User Story: Searchable.
Provide a friendly search capability. Ideally search should include:
Having a search capability allows users to find the content they need even if they cannot use the site menus. A user can learn how to use search and reuse that skill on many sites.
Menu systems and most site navigation require the user to understand the menu categories. Users with impaired executive function may be unable to identify the correct categories.
In some cases, users know the correct category via memory, rather than logic. For example, most users remember that the print function is often found under the file menu. Users with impaired memory may not be able to find these menu items based on recall.
Users with impaired short-term memory, age related forgetfulness, or who are easily distracted may also find navigating a site and going to many pages to look for content difficult. If it takes too long they may lose focus and forget what they are looking for.
Search is most useful when it corrects misspellings, finds appropriate or related content, and provides suggested auto-corrected versions of the search terms.
If there are many results from related topics, it helps if search results are presented under the appropriate heading and categories. This helps the user find the search results they are looking for.
Search is less important on small sites where every page is no more than two clicks away from the main page.
Some users have impaired language skills. More of these users understand content which uses easy to understand language. For example, someone with a language impairment may be able to understand simple sentences and common words. However, complex language with uncommon words may be inaccessible to them.
Help users understand the message and purpose of the page by using:
A good visual layout and small chunks of text makes content easier to understand. Use whitespace and good separation of foreground from background to help comprehension. Also, avoid relying on numerical or mathematical skills.
I need to understand the language used, including vocabulary, syntax, tense, and other aspects of language.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
This benefits many people such as those with language impairments, processing difficulties, or a memory impairment. Using uncommon words can make text and media difficult to understand.
People with language impairments often have a reduced vocabulary. Learning new terms is a very slow, difficult process. For other groups, such as people living with dementia, learning new terms is not realistic or possible. Using uncommon words, that they do not already know, will make the content incomprehensible (unable to be understood) and unusable.
For example, someone with mild dementia is trying to turn on an ICT heating and air conditioning unit. The menu item for selecting heat or air conditioning is labeled “mode”. The user cannot use the whole unit because of this one term. This type of design has caused emergencies such as hypothermia.
Using common words and terms, with their most common meanings will help avoid these problems.
See our developer resource page for pages of common words and related resources.
When using uncommon words, provide an explanation by:
Start using clear words in headings, labels, navigational elements, instructions, and error messages. This will increase the usability without a large time commitment.
Your landlord must follow the law.
A Landlord’s Right to Deduct. When a tenant moves into a rental property, he or she will pay the landlord a security deposit. Depending on the jurisdiction, this deposit will be returned to the tenant within a specific time period at the cessation of the lease term, as long as the tenant follows all the terms and tenants of the lease agreement or contract. Select links below to read the laws that pertain to your situation.
I need to understand the language used, including vocabulary, syntax, tense, and other aspects of language.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
Use the tense and the voice that is easiest to understand. In English, this is usually the present tense and active voice. Speak directly to the user, and use the simplest form of verbs and sentence structure.
Use local plain language guidance to find the tense and the voice that is easiest to understand in different languages.
Using simple tense and voice benefits many people such as people with language impairments, dyslexia, or a memory impairment. For example, more people will understand “press the on button” (present tense and active voice) than “the on button should be pressed.” (passive voice).
Active voice makes it clear who is supposed to take action. For example, “It must be done.” is passive voice ad does not say who must act. “You must do it.” is active voice and clearly states who has the action.
Putting the aim of the sentence at the beginning can also make English sentences easier to follow. Local language experts may have additional linguistic advice that helps make content easy to understand.
I need to understand the language used, including vocabulary, syntax, tense, and other aspects of language.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
Use a simple sentence structure.
This includes:
Simple sentence structure benefits many people, including those with language impairments, dyslexia, or a memory impairment. Both double negatives and nested clauses can be confusing.
For example, more people will understand “You must get the agency’s approval before we can answer your claim”, rather than “No approval of any claims can be achieved without the agency’s approval.”
Simple language allows more people to understand. For example, a person with early stage dementia can manage their own affairs when the language is clear and understandable.
I need to understand the meaning of the text. I do not want unexplained, implied or ambiguous information because I may misunderstand jokes and metaphors.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
Use literal and concrete language. When possible, use concrete terms and examples that refer to objects or events that you can see, hear or touch.
Do not use metaphors and similes unless you include an explanation.
Many people do not understand non-literal content. For example, an autistic person may not understand jokes and similes. Sometimes instructions have jokes and similes to make the content friendlier. However, this confuses the user who now cannot do her job as needed.
You can explain any non-literal language by:
In non-text media, explain non-literal content as part of the media or include it in a separate file or track. See best practices.
Make sure the meaning remains clear when you replace non-literal text with literal text. Check this when providing literal text in a popup or other alternative.
Start by putting clear literal text on headings, labels, navigational elements, instructions, error messages, and any content that may affect the user’s rights or wellbeing. This will increase the usability in critical places without changing your writing style.
I need to understand the language used, including vocabulary, syntax, tense, and other aspects of language.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
Use short blocks of text
This includes:
Chunking text content makes it easier to read and understand. This helps people with learning or cognitive disabilities related to processing speed or language. People with a memory impairment or anyone who is easily distracted will also benefit. Chunking is also helpful to anyone who is multitasking. Try to put the aim or purpose at the beginning of each chunk or paragraph.
For example, a graduate student with AD(H)D may need to teach themselves a new software skill. The software documentation is broken up into short paragraphs and lists by topic. The student finds the documentation easy to read and understand.
I need words to include accents, characters, and diacritics that are necessary to phonetically read the words.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
Use punctuation and format for text, numbers, and symbols that reduce ambiguity and improve readability and comprehension.
For some readers, decoding words, numbers, and symbols does not happen automatically and can be demanding on working memory and executive functions. If they find content too demanding they are at risk of losing its meaning.
Some users may use assistive technology or personalization tools to help understand content such as text-to-speech that reads aloud the content. However, sometimes the punctuation or format makes it more likely that the screen reader will read it incorrectly. For example, Roman numerals may be read as text.
A user with a learning disability may be unable to manipulate letters, numbers, and words to correct mistakes that occur because of formatting or punctuation errors. They also need to focus on understanding the meaning of the content in order to use it.
For example, a user with a communication disability may listen to content using text-to-speech. If the content is phrased correctly, they can understand it. Sometimes they hear content read incorrectly or skipped, particularly numbers and symbols, and they cannot understand it. If text, numbers or symbols are in an unfamiliar layout, the user may become confused.
In contrast, a blind person listening to the content, is likely to be able to figure out the correct meaning even when words are not pronounced correctly. However, the word manipulations necessary to work out the correct meaning are not achievable by someone with a communications or language impairment.
Use language tags. Language tags are the key means to achieve the goal of unambiguous text formatting. See HTML [HTML] language tags and BCP 47 Language Codes.
Use punctuation correctly for the language you are writing in, as it will affect how the stress and intonation (known as prosody) patterns from the text are heard, when converted into speech. For example, in English, commas and semicolons will result in a short pause in the speech, whereas a hyphen - will generally be ignored. Question marks, exclamation marks, and speech marks can result in changes in intonation, such as a rise in the pitch of the voice.
Avoid the use of Roman Numerals and unfamiliar symbols in text were possible. These can confuse readers and are likely to be read incorrectly by text-to-speech tools. If these symbols are necessary then ensure they are marked up correctly, using techniques such as MathML and abbreviation expansions to provide additional support. Roman Numerals should be presented in upper case if used in isolation as they are likely to be read as individual letters.
Long numbers may be read as single digits or phrased as a single number. This is a particular problem for phone numbers or zip codes. While it is difficult to control exactly how these numbers are read aloud, content creators can help by:
Consider how you write dates, because once again the text-to-speech will use the format associated with the language of the voice. A date such as 04/03/2019 will be read as “April 3rd 2019” by a US English voice and “4th of March 2019” by a British English voice. Writing out the month in words can avoid confusion.
I need words to include accents, characters, and diacritics that are necessary to phonetically read the words. This is often needed for speech synthesis and phonetic readers in languages like Arabic and Hebrew.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
Include vowels, letters, or diacritic marks that users need to decipher words correctly. This is often needed in languages like Arabic and Hebrew.
Some languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic, have optional vowels and diacritic marks. Without these marks, most words with the same characters have between two (Hebrew) and seven (Arabic) different ways of being pronounced with different meanings. Most readers can read the word based on the context, and use their visual memory to guess the correct pronunciation. People with impaired visual memory, slow readers, and text-to-speech may often guess the incorrect term or pronunciation.
For example, a user with a language disability is trying to sound out a word. They guess three different pronunciations until they find one that makes sense. Unfortunately, many people with language impairments cannot work out the meaning as words out of context may only provide an idea rather than a specific meaning. Text-to-speech often requires these characters to speak the correct word.
Note that not all diacritic marks are necessary to pronounce the word correctly. Only letters and diacritic marks that are necessary for the unambiguous pronunciation need to be included.
Words can be deciphered and pronounced to have the correct meaning.
In Hebrew add additional Yud (י) and Vav (ו) that enables correct pronunciation.
I need an easy to understand, short summary for long pieces of content or an option for an Easy to Understand version.
Related User Story: Clear Language.
Provide a brief summary for a long document and media.
Emphasize any important keywords to help people understand the purpose and content of the document, and determine if it might contain information they need.
Summaries should use common words, short sentences, and be written in an easy to understand style and tense.
Providing an easy to understand summary helps many people to quickly decide if the content is relevant to them and their current goal. A high level outline in a few sentences or bullet points is most effective. Abstracts and executive summaries are usually much longer and more detailed as they are designed to summarize the entire document.
For media, summaries help users with short attention span find the exact file they need and jump to correct content. All media files should have a summary description.
Provide a text summary that can be understood by people with lower secondary education level reading ability.
In pieces of content with less than 300 words, headings can act as a summary.
Summaries of each segment should include the main points from the content. Users should be able to use the summary to uniquely identify the content and know what it will contain.
I need short boxes or chunks of content or sections
Related User Story: Support.
In instructions, separate each step. State each step clearly. This includes:
Step-by-step instructions benefit many people such as people with language impairments, processing difficulties, or a memory impairment.
For example, a person with an impaired working memory cannot hold onto many pieces of information at the same time. They are more likely to make mistakes if they need to remember what they are doing, divide the steps, and track what they have done. When instructions are clearly separated and laid out, they can follow them without making mistakes.
If | Then |
If you want to work in programing: |
If you want to work in design: |
I need a good use of white space, so that the chunks are clear and the page does not get overwhelming.
Related User Story: Visual Presentation.
Put white space around objects and text, including boxes, paragraph headings, and content, so that each section is clearly separated.
White space (also called negative space or the background color) reduces clutter and provides definition to content. This gives the viewer a clear overview of a web page. It is used by designers to enhance text and the position of objects on a page.
Using white space aids navigation through a page and helps people read it. It can help the user find important elements on a page. For those with cognitive and learning disabilities, white space has been shown to ease reading difficulties and improve understanding of content.
Make sure users can also adjust the amount of white space around objects and text via a web extension or user setting. This supports the ability to identify important elements in the content of a web page.
Use clear spacing between letters, words, sentences lines, paragraphs, and blocks of text.
Allow for the ability to easily adjust white space around objects and text, including boxes, paragraph headings, and content, to a degree that suits the user and does not disrupt the overall integrity of a web page. Do not add so much white space that important content cannot be seen above the scroll.
Note that “white space” is a term that means the background color. It does not always need to be always white!
I need to easily perceive the content, for example:
Related User Story: Visual Presentation.
Do not overlay words on busy backgrounds. Provide an option to remove background noise behind auditory content or ensure background sounds do not interfere with the main auditory content.
For text:
For auditory content:
Reading a sentence phrase by phrase conveys more meaning than reading individual words. Phrases are also easier to comprehend. The more words an individual can process in one glance, the faster they can read, the easier they can understand what’s written, and the more they stay interested. Most people can take in a whole line of text, or more at once. Fixating on many words at a time is necessary for comprehension for many people. A slow reader may read a sentence slowly using 6 to 9 eye fixations, sometimes taking in only a single word (or part of a word) at a time. Adding backgrounds reduces the number of words readers can fixate on. Removing backgrounds helps users comprehend more words at the same time.
Also, automatic word recognition is often used for reading comprehension. For example, approximately 200 words exist in the English language that do not fit traditional letter sound patterns. These words must be memorized and automatically recognized. If a user can’t recognize these words, the text is harder to understand. Backgrounds can increase the amount of time it takes users to recognize words.
Similarly, background noise in an audio track can make it harder to process and understand the main content.
I need to understand the meaning of the text. I do not want unexplained, implied, or ambiguous information because I may misunderstand jokes and metaphors.
Related User Story: Visual Presentation.
Provide definitions or explanations for implied or ambiguous information such:
These definitions and explanations should be provided in text close to the implied content or in the markup (see best practices).
Implied content can be difficult for some users because the meaning is not clear. This includes abstract content, sarcasm, or metaphors. The meaning is not clear and requires the user to have additional knowledge to understand.
When using body gestures, emotional communication, and facial expressions as the only way to communicate something, it is important to include this in another way to ensure all users understand. One way this can be done is through supplementary text.
For example, an image is used in a social media post to communicate a person’s true feelings. Some individuals may not be able to understand the emotion being demonstrated by the image. They miss the point the author is trying to make without more context.
Similarly, a research study asked autistic people to watch a movie that had a lot of implied content. They were watching the actors’ mouths, but information such as sarcasm is communicated by their facial expressions. When asked what happened in the movie, some missed the implied communication and the point of the dialogue.
This includes:
Note that standard emojis often come with an explanation or alternative text.
I need words rather than numbers and numerical concepts.
Related User Story: Math Concepts.
Provide alternatives for numbers and numerical concepts.
Provide alternatives for numbers and numerical concepts.
Not all people can understand numbers and numerical concepts.
For example, some people have dyscalculia, a learning disability specifically-related to mathematics. People with dyscalculia have significant problems with numbers and mathematical concepts, but often excel in other intellectual areas.
For example, a user with dyscalculia may have difficulty processing temperature data when presented only in a numeric format. However, if non-numeric alternatives are provided (cold, warm, hot etc.) then they are able to understand the content.
Numeracy issues can occur due to a range of disabilities, the most severe being the inability to read or understand numbers. Other people have challenges with any calculations such as relative sizes or times.
For example, a user may understand the concept of 90cms as a length but find it hard to cope with the fact that 0.9m and 900mm are the same length.
In another example, a train schedule has a list of relative times that the train leaves on the hour. The user cannot calculate when the next train leaves from their location.
Where an understanding of mathematics is not a primary requirement for using this content use one of the following:
Note that other users may find math easier to understand than long text.
Where some math skills are essential for the content:
For the above, there is a description or representation of what the number means as a concept.
Users should be able to avoid mistakes and correct them easily if mistakes occur.
It is difficult for many users to complete forms, especially people with cognitive and learning disabilities. A good design makes errors less likely.
Users with cognitive and learning disabilities are more likely to make mistakes. This can include entering information incorrectly or accidently touching the wrong control. Help the user notice form errors and make it easy to correct them. Always let users go back and recover if they accidentally touch a control.
Completing forms and similar tasks is often overwhelming for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Many users with cognitive and learning disabilities cannot remember numbers, such as zip or post codes or their social security number. Many users even need to check their phone numbers. This makes entering information slow, and they may need to leave their desks or take breaks. Help them by providing a design that reduces mistakes. Give them the time they need without annoying timeouts and data loss.
I need to know where things are. Controls and content do not move unexpectedly as I am using them.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Make sure controls and content remain in place and do not move, unless the user initiates the movement.
A user may initiate a movement by triggering an action or by altering a property of the device, such as window size.
This can usually be achieved by:
If a control moves, users with slow hand-eye coordination or impaired cognitive processing speed may hit the wrong control. This causes unwanted actions and errors. The user may experience disorientation, confusion or even incorrect understanding of the content.
For example, a user moves to press a button on a video. The user accidentally nudges the device. The orientation changes to landscape and the control moves. Because the user has slow eye tracking or hand-eye coordination, they end up pressing a link to a new video.
Shifting controls and content can also cause cognitive overload and increase mental fatigue. For example, as a user with Traumatic Brain Injury reads content, the content refreshes and an additional article appears above the current content. The article the user is reading moves down. The user becomes disoriented and the application becomes very hard to use or understand.
Controls moving unexpectedly includes:
I need predictable back or undo features so that I know exactly where I was previously, before I made a mistake.
Related User Story: Undo.
Always let the user return to a previous point.
The standard back button is the best way to do this as it is familiar to the user. Many users will try the back button first.
The user should never lose their work if they press back.
Allowing users to return to a previous point helps prevent mistakes and makes it easy to correct mistakes when they happen.
Examples of mistakes include:
If a person easily makes mistakes or makes them often, it is important that they can go back and make changes without having their work or previous choices deleted.
For example, a user is watching a video. They try to increase the volume but touch a different link instead. A new video now loads. The user can press the back button and return to the video they were watching before. They now know they can try and increase the volume and if they make a mistake, they can easily go back and try again.
In another example, the back button did not work as expected, but took them somewhere else (such as the home page). When they try to change the volume or add a comment they often lose the video they were watching and cannot find the way to get back to it. The user now feels they cannot use any of the web site’s features in case they lose their main content again. They do not expand the screen, change the volume, or leave comments.
In forms, each time the user has to re-enter data presents a new chance for mistakes to occur. Entering and re-entering data can be stressful and tiring for some people with cognitive and learning disabilities. This increases the likelihood of mistakes and may make it impossible to submit correct data and complete the intended task.
For those with anxiety, memory challenges, and difficulty following directions, the ability to go back and review information they have entered is very important. For example, for some people the task of following directions and reviewing their answers works best as two separate tasks. Being able to enter information with their focus being on following the directions, and later going back to review their answers, helps them be more effective.
When the user has an opportunity to go back and review the data they entered, even if submitted by mistake. The back button always works as expected.
Options for supporting users going back include:
I need support to manage the task, such as letting me know what information I will need (credit card, full address, etc.) before I start.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Tell the user about all charges at the start of a transaction including typical values. Any conditions and terms should also be available at the start of the transaction in easy language.
Users with cognitive and learning disabilities who have trouble with memory, attention to detail, or reading comprehension may not be aware of charges unless they are explicitly noted at the start of a transaction task. Terms and conditions can be under a link, but charges must be clearly displayed and available in easy to understand language.
Clearly identifying charges at the start of a sale benefits all users. Those with cognitive and learning disabilities will particularly benefit because some groups are less likely to have inferred or guessed the charges would be included. They may not know to look in other places in the user flow, such as on the homepage, or on a designated rates page.
People with impaired executive function or memory need to have all the consequences presented in an orderly form to be able to make an informed decision. When charges are not clear, the consent of the transaction is unclear.
It also can take much longer for users with disabilities to go through the process of making a purchase. If a person has spent hours making an online purchase, it is much more difficult and upsetting to find out that they cannot afford it. They will often blame themselves for not understanding the price and may experience a loss of confidence. They may stop trusting themselves with online, day-to-day activities.
For example, a person who has challenges with executive function may be trying to order a plane ticket, and not realize that there are extra fees not quoted in the original price, such as taxes, international fees, baggage fees, etc. They may spend hours booking a holiday only to find that they cannot afford it. Alternatively, sometimes they end up purchasing something they cannot afford. Also, even if they have completed this process in the past, they may not be not able to use their experience to anticipate the final price. The result is the user loses confidence in their ability to independently purchase a holiday online. They may have a debt they are unable to pay, may not attempt again, or only with the help of a hired professional (e.g. travel agent or assistant).
I need an interface that helps me avoid mistakes.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Choose a form design that reduces the chance that the user will make a mistake. This includes:
After making many errors, people with cognitive and learning disabilities and users with age-related forgetfulness often abandon their tasks and believe they cannot complete them. Error messages may be confusing. Correcting errors is often difficult and frustrating for users and increases cognitive fatigue. Many users need to stop when they get successive errors.
For example, while registering for an online banking account a form requires the input of the user’s birthdate. The required input format is xx/xx/xxxx with a leading zero for single digits. If a single input field with no input correction is presented, a user with a cognitive disability may enter 1/3/1996 triggering an error notification. It may not be clear to the user that the required format is 01/03/1996 (even if the format is shown below the input field or in the error notification).
A well-designed form makes it easier to fill in the information and prevents the user from making mistakes by automatically correcting or suggesting the correct date format.
Minimizing user generated errors by automatically correcting them will also minimize error notifications. Error notifications may be tiring and distracting, taking focus away from tasks and task completion.
Designs that make mistakes less likely. For example:
Designs that make mistakes more likely. For example:
I need to check my work and go back without losing the work I have just done.
Related User Story: Undo.
Always allow the user to check their work and correct any mistakes. Once the user has fixed their mistake it should be easy to get back to the place they were at without redoing additional steps.
For financial transactions and important information, allow the user to easily cancel the transactions. Provide clear information and simple instructions for important information such as the amount of time the user has to cancel a transaction.
People with cognitive and learning disabilities make many more mistakes filling out forms than the general population. When mistakes cannot be easily corrected they cannot complete the task.
The ability to undo errors helps people with cognitive and learning disabilities safely use forms and reduces the consequences that result from a mistake.
For example, a user with a memory impairment may not remember that they have already added an item to their shopping cart and may add the item a second time. They may confuse the dates when booking a trip or make other mistakes.
It is essential that people with cognitive and learning disabilities have the opportunity to check their work and fix their mistakes easily.
For people with cognitive and learning disabilities, mistakes being theoretically reversible is not enough. Often the process of reversing a transaction is too complex for them to manage without help. They may not have access to that help meaning they have to live with all the mistakes they have made. In addition, if the process of correcting mistakes is too difficult, users may stop, either losing the transaction or buying unwanted items.
The effect of this happening multiple times is devastating. As a result, many users with disabilities may stop using the Internet for many tasks.
Allowing the user to change the number of items in the shopping cart at any time can significantly reduce mistakes.
A summary of the order, including product quantities and other costs before the final submission, gives the user the chance to identify any errors and make changes to the order. In this example given, a summary of the purchase helps the user see the error in quantity as well as a higher than expected order total.
In some cases, a user may realize that a mistake has been made after the final submission of data. Provide simple language instructions on how to cancel transactions and help the user understand the amount of time needed to cancel a transaction. This makes them less susceptible to scams.
For example, a user with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder purchasing a travel ticket on a web site may struggle with details and may have an impaired attention span. The successful completion of the order relies on the information provided at multiple steps in the process. An error such as an incorrect street number or zip code in the billing address will result in the order not going though. If a summary is not provided before submitting the final order, the user may not understand the reason for the declined payment and give up on the order. The user may also stop if there is not a clear and achievable way to make a correction.
This typically includes:
Start with forms where a mistake can have serious consequences such as financial loss or vulnerability.
I need clear labels, step-by-step instructions, and clear error messages.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Use clear labels. Labels should:
When labels are missing or unclear, users often do not know that the feature is available or what the control is. Although many users can guess what a control is for users with cognitive and learning disabilities with impaired memory or executive function are less likely to be able to remember the design pattern or work out what it is. A clear label that uses familiar terms and is located next to the control, helps people with cognitive and learning disabilities.
Similarly, if a label is not next to a control it is confusing for some users. When a label cannot be next to a control, there should be clear visual indicators that visibly and unambiguously associate the label with the control. This will need user testing with users who have learning and cognitive and learning disabilities to ensure it is usable.
For example, a user living with early stage dementia is using an application. Some controls do not have visual labels. A caregiver shows them what the control is for and they can use the application. The next day they try to use it again, but cannot remember what the control is for. This application is not usable for them.
In another example, the label disappears when the focus is removed. The user cannot remember what the control is and does not know how to make it reappear.
Labels need to be visible, readable by assistive technology, and be nearby the labeled content.
Many people with cognitive and learning disabilities use web extensions and simple text-to-speech. These assistive technologies often do not read WAI-ARIA [wai-aria-1.2] or titles. Until that changes, or an extension displays them, labels should not rely on these attributes for people with cognitive and learning disabilities.
I need clear labels, step-by-step instructions and clear error messages, so I know exactly what to do.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Write clear instructions that are:
Clear instructions help prevent user errors. This reduces frustration and enhances users’ autonomy and independence because they can avoid asking for help. This helps many people with cognitive and learning disabilities as well as people from different cultures, emerging markets, and new users who may not be familiar with web forms or may miss cultural context.
For example, a person with age-related forgetfulness is trying to complete a form. They put the whole address and zip or postal code in one line (as one would do when writing a letter). They are given an error message. After a few error messages, they are exhausted and cannot complete the form.
Provide instructions at the start of the process, not simply in an error message.
Provide instructions needed to enable the user to complete the task. When multiple formats are accepted or errors are automatically corrected, less instructions are needed for the user to complete the task.
Note that instructions can be hidden behind a familiar icon.
In a system with common errors, tackle the most impactful errors first and add guidance as needed.
I need inputs to accept different formats and not mark them as mistakes.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Accept all format variations in text inputs for values such as currency, time zone, locale, address, or credit card number.
Forgiving form entry processes help the user fill out forms, without an overwhelming amount of errors. They can avoid asking for help when errors cause them problems. This reduces frustration while enhancing the user’s autonomy and independence.
This benefits anybody with a learning and cognitive disability or age related forgetfulness. It will also help anyone who is used to a different format.
For example, a user with age related forgetfulness enters their phone number with hyphens inserted. They receive an error message, because the system does not accept that format. They wonder if they have forgotten their phone number or made a different mistake. They stop trying to use the form.
I need time to complete my work. I do not want a session to timeout while I try to find the information needed, such as my postal/zip code or social security number.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Avoid timeouts and let the user save their work as they go.
When this is not possible, inform the user when they initiate the process:
Timed events can present significant barriers for users with cognitive and learning disabilities. These users may require more time to read content or to perform functions, such as completing an online form. They may need to read help or look at notes.
Users with cognitive and learning disabilities may need additional time to look up the information required to complete a transaction. They may need a break, without losing their place in the process, and without losing data that has already been entered.
For example, while making a purchase on an e-commerce web site, a user does not remember required information. This may be a date, a phone number, or a zip code that may seem easy to remember for users without a cognitive or learning disability. They need to look up this information, which takes them time away from the screen. Then they need to copy it carefully into the form.
In another example, a user is completing an online process for reserving a hotel room and purchasing a plane ticket. They become overwhelmed with the amount of instruction and data input required to complete the process. The user cannot complete the process in one sitting, and takes a break.
Users’ cognitive skills may diminish as they get tired. They then must stop the task for that day. When users know that their data won’t be lost, they can recover from mental fatigue and return to successfully complete the task.
It is important to note that many people need time to read the “timeout” notice. Often, the session ends before the user has finished reading about how to extend the time. If the user is looking up information, they will not see the timeout notice.
When a web site must timeout because sensitive information (such as credit card information) is entered or displayed, the web site should ask for the sensitive information at the last stage.
The web site should also warn the user that once they give the credit card information they should complete the process quickly as the session can timeout.
I need rapid feedback or visual cues to indicate an event was successfully triggered. For example, I need to know when an email has been sent, otherwise it looks as if it has just disappeared.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
For each step in a process let the user know of its status and if it was successfully completed.
For example, a user with age-related forgetfulness, may have difficulty remembering how the interface worked. So when they press the send button they may not feel confident that the form was submitted. Feedback, such as a thank you message, will tell them submission occurred and make them feel confident in the process.
During a multi-step task this feedback (user-action feedback) can also assist people with attention or short-term cognitive and learning disabilities to remember what they are doing. For example, a user with early dementia may get distracted and then forget exactly where they were in the task. This user-action feedback helps re-orient them. It also helps them avoid leaving a task by reminding them that they are in a process, and where in the process they currently are.
Provide easily-recognizable success or failure feedback with every user action. When possible, the feedback should use consistent and familiar design patterns. For example:
The success or failure of every user initiated action is clearly indicated to the user by visual, programmatically-determinable, rapid feedback in the primary modalities of the content. Audio feedback is supported.
I need to know I am safe and secure when using a web site, especially if providing information or communicating with others.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Keep the user safe. This includes:
Users need to know they are safe and secure when using a web site, especially when providing information or communicating with others.
Users with impaired executive function are less likely to identify risks correctly so clearly identifying potential risks helps the user stay safe and in control. Add helpful tips for staying safe while using your content and provide help in case of problems.
To help identify risks, we suggest holding research and focus groups with people with cognitive and learning disabilities and to work with people with cognitive and learning disabilities to solve potential and existing problems. Groups should have people with learning and cognitive disabilities in mind when working on security and risk mitigation.
For example, many people who cannot copy and paste passwords or use two-step authorization codes ask a caregiver to help them. As caregivers are often just temporary employees, this leaves the user exposed. Making passwords longer or requiring users change them regularly increases these unsafe practices and can actually make the application less secure. This type of design error is common when people with cognitive and learning disabilities are left out of the user research and analysis.
I need interfaces to use metrics I know, and that are common in my location (such as feet or meters) otherwise I get confused. I do not always know what metric they are talking about or notice that the number looks wrong.
Related User Story: Assistance and Support.
Provide metrics in units that users will be familiar with.
Most people are familiar with a single set of units that are commonly used for metrics in their location or culture. When the metrics are in other units they need to perform a conversion in order to understand them. Even tools such as a calculator can be hard to manage. Provide an option to change units and default the units to the users’ location. Common examples are the units used for distance, weight, area, currency, and temperature.
For example, a user may know the temperature in Centigrade. When it is given in Fahrenheit, they think it is going to become very warm.
Sometimes metrics are commonly declared in a specific unit even when localized alternatives are available. For example, TV or monitor sizes are usually given in inches even when centimeters are the common unit. However, even, in these cases, providing alternatives are still useful as users may not be familiar with the metrics given.
Provide a mechanism to select a different set of metrics that are more meaningful to the user, or provide common alternatives in the text
Distractions can prevent users with cognitive and learning disabilities from completing their tasks.
Once users become distracted, they may find it difficult to remember what they were doing. Then they can no longer complete their task. This is especially problematic for users with both impaired attention and impaired memory, such as users with dementia.
Avoid using any content or elements that distract users or interrupt them. Also, consider removing content the user will find unnecessary. Provide clear headings and breadcrumbs to help users reorient and refocus if they lose focus.
Also, help users maintain focus on their task by telling them what information they may need to prepare at the beginning of the task, so that they can collect all required information before starting.
I need tasks to not have distractions.
Related User Story: Distractions.
Avoid interruptions. This includes:
This content includes: Social media, violent content, advertisements, distracting backgrounds and images, moving content, soft and loud noises, or triggers.
Interruptions stop people with memory or attention impairments from completing their task. This can include individuals with Dementia, those that have had a stroke or brain injury, and those taking medications with side effects impacting memory or attention. Certain types of interruptions or a certain number may cause them to stop, even if the task is very important. Interruptions can include sounds, content that visually appears or changes (such as advertisements on a page). Interruptions can be as simple as text notifications about the presence of new changes while working in a shared online document.
A site will work best for those with memory or attention challenges if they have:
Many news web sites have a lot of interruptions that can cause challenges for people needing to read important information, such as school closures due to bad weather. They may encounter breaking news text, advertisements, and pop-up windows. For those with difficulty focusing and sifting through the school names, or have two or three they need to check, these distractions may make the task impossible. By letting the user pause these distractions, and ideally temporarily remove them from the page, they will better be able to complete the task.
Some people are sensitive to noise and can easily become overwhelmed by too many stimuli.
Sometimes, noises and different types of content may adversely affect mental health. For example, noises, distractions, or distressing content may make the user more anxious or possibly trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There has also been research to suggest that too many interruptions and use of social media may aggravate depression and difficulty focusing. Allowing users to control this content could help them be more productive online.
Where standard techniques exist to remove or control distractions, they should be used.
For example, a person with traumatic brain injury is filling out their taxes online. The social media application pings them with notifications. They try to turn notifications off and then they try to turn off the application, but it is too complex. They are unable to submit their taxes without help.
I need to be able to find features and content easily.
Related User Story: Distractions.
Streamline processes and workflows so that they include only the minimally necessary steps. Separate out optional steps that are supplemental but not required. Do not require the user to go through optional steps.
Streamlining processes and workflows reduces distractions, mistakes, and mental fatigue. Using short critical paths increases the chance that users with cognitive and learning disabilities can successfully and accurately complete a process or task and navigate a workflow.
For example, a user with early stage dementia is trying to buy a new phone. Before they can pay, steps are added offering them headphones and other items. They become overwhelmed and confused. They leave the site without buying the phone.
The movie theater allows the user to view descriptions about the movie and ratings, buy snacks ahead of time, and donate to a charity. These actions, or steps, are not required in order for the user to complete the task of purchasing a movie ticket. Instead of requiring the user make these selections as part of the purchasing process, the user is given these options before the process is started and after it is complete.
The movie theater forces users to decide on snacks and make a charitable donation before paying for their tickets. While an opt out option is available, it is somewhat hidden on the screen, particularly on mobile devices, and users often stop when they cannot figure out how to pay.
I need to find it easy to identify the content that I need, and do not need. Information I need to know and important information stands out, or is the first thing I read and does not get lost in the noise of less important information.
Related User Story: Findable.
Keep the interface simple. Provide users with five or less main choices on each screen and remove unnecessary content. This can be provided via a simplified version, as an alternative that is generated in real time from the same code base as the main content.
Extra links that do not relate to the main purpose of the page should be limited to the footer section. Extra choices can also be hidden under a “more” link or other clear and descriptive titles.
Busy pages, too much text, too many images and too much other content can cause cognitive overload, anxiety and loss of focus. Keeping content down to a small number of important points reduces the clutter, calms the user, and allows for better understanding while aiding memory. For example, it can help slow readers or those with a short attention span, who may leave the page if it appears complex.
Simplified content and a consistent simple design helps reduce cognitive overload and decreases stress and mental fatigue. For example, a person with early stage dementia goes to their doctor’s application. There are five choices on the screen: appointments, ask your doctor a question, test results, approvals and more. Each option has an icon, clear text, and is separated by whitespace. In two clicks they have asked their doctor their question. They can easily select what they need without asking for help. More options are also available if they swipe left. However, they are unlikely to do so.
Avoiding long paragraphs, lots of choices, and non-meaningful imagery ensures those with cognitive and learning disabilities can concentrate on the important points being made.
Keeping to a few short bullet points and limiting to one or two images related to the main subject areas of a web site or service allows the user to choose whether to explore the site further.
The intent of this pattern is not to clutter the page with unnecessary information but to provide important cues and instructions that will benefit people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Too much information or instruction can be just as much of a hindrance as too little. The goal is to make certain that enough information is provided for the user to accomplish the task without undue confusion or navigation.
I need to know how to start a task, and what is involved.
Related User Story: Distractions.
Emphasize the start of important tasks.
Before a user performs a task consisting of multiple steps, ensure they have an estimate of the amount of effort required to complete the task. This should include:
Once the user starts the task, ensure the user clearly understands when the task is still “in-process” and when it has been completed.
Some users find distractions difficult especially when the distractions cause them to switch focus mid-task and subsequently return to where they left off. For example, a web site may have a large arrow pointing the way to the “book here” link. The arrow emphasizes the start of the booking task, and will help users know when they have started the task.
Often people need to manage their times of concentration so they can focus without interruptions. Prior advice on the time a task takes, its complexity, or working memory load enables them to better prepare and complete it. The list of required resources before starting the task, along with the number steps left until completion of the task, will help users avoid failures.
Provide a generous estimate of time required and a list of all required resources at the start of a multi-step task or form. Break the task into steps.
Memory barriers stop many users from using products or accessing help or content.
People with any impairment that affects memory or language can find it difficult or impossible to overcome memory barriers.
For example, many users have an impaired short-term memory. On average people can remember 7 letters or items at the same time. A person with an impaired working memory may be able to remember one to four pieces of information at the same time (depending on the extent of the impairment). If they need to remember other tasks, such as track what they have done, they are likely to make mistakes.
Avoid barriers such as:
Allow users access to content, services or help, without using processes that rely on memory. Make sure there is an easier option for people who need it.
I need to be able to use a site without remembering or transcribing passwords and usernames.
Related User Story: Accessible Authentication.
Users can login, register, and reset credentials, without having more cognitive abilities then they need to use a simple web page. They do not have to:
People with memory impairments often forget their passwords and are not able to login. Their solutions often are only sometimes helpful and have security risks:
They may also struggle with other steps during login, such as:
Users can stop after getting frustrated with time-limited procedures or presentations of digital security tokens. Or they can be locked out of vital services because of their disability.
Without this design requirement, many people cannot use an application or content at all. See Security and Privacy Technologies issue paper for the full description of this issue, and how it stops people from using web services that are often critical. For example, many people cannot make doctors’ appointments, etc., by themselves. This may be partly responsible for the reduced life expectancy of people with learning and cognitive disabilities.
There are many ways to meet this design pattern:
Methods of meeting requirements for alternative user authentication would include:
I need the login process to be simple, and not multi-step.
Related User Story: Accessible Authentication.
Provide a simple, single-step alternative for logins.
A simple login allows people with impaired executive function or impaired memory to use applications. This is especially important for users who become confused or overwhelmed with multi-step processes. For example, a user with traumatic brain injury wishes to use a site for online banking. They may have put their finger on a fingerprint scanner to authenticate who they are. Other examples include some third party logins.
I need a login process I can use that does not rely on a lot of words (as someone with a severe language impairment).
Related User Story: Accessible Authentication.
Provide at least one login alternative that does not require reading or writing a lot of words
This pattern allows people with language and communication disabilities to login without being overwhelmed by blocks of text.
For example, someone with a severe language impairment using an AAC device wants to send a message to their doctor. They can press the login with the icon they know and send a message without having to read text.
I need navigation and processes that do not rely on memory.
Related User Story: Previous Steps.
Create a process that does not require:
Instructions and labels should be located before a call to action or activation mechanism. When appropriate, provide a summary of information from previous steps, and a mechanism for traversing the process.
Often content has barriers which prevent users with cognitive and learning disabilities from completing a step or process, and as a result, prevents them from achieving whatever they wished to achieve.
To increase security when making a purchase, sometimes puzzles or calculations are required. For example: To finalize a purchase, a user is asked to enter the result of multiplying positions 1 and 2 of a number. This type of statement cannot be understood by some people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Both security and cognitive accessibility should be guaranteed.
Many users have an impaired working memory. They cannot remember many details at the same time. However, systems, such as dialog menus, rely on all users using working memory to make choices. They expect the user to remember several choices and to select one choice, whether by speaking or through a key press. The user needs to hold multiple pieces of transitory information in the mind.
Users with an impaired executive function may need more time to complete a task. But there can also be problems if the system response is too slow. For example, some people may need longer to compare similar options such as “billing”, “accounts”, and “sales” and decide which is the service they need. Using clear language will also help.
Good practice that reduces the reliance on memory skills include:
For voice interfaces:
Note that this is essential for critical systems such as health, finance, communication, water, and government services.
Processes that do not rely on memory. For example:
Support different ways of understanding content. Provide extra help and support such as:
Explain choices to help the user successfully complete their tasks.
Make it easy for users get help when they run into difficulties and give feedback. If users have difficulty sending feedback, they cannot tell you if they are unable to use the content. You will not know when they are experiencing problems.
Some applications depend on user data, such as smart cities. Data from users who cannot use the system can be missing from data driven systems. The problem is worse when they cannot even give feedback about their problems. They become invisible and their needs are not met.
I need to know how to get human help and can manage the process easily.
Related User Story: Help.
Many people rely on human help. When possible, there is human help available, and it is easy to use. This includes:
Access to human help should never require the user to manage complex menu systems such as a voice menu with many different options.
Organizations mechanisms should be in place to ensure support staff effectively help people with learning and cognitive disabilities and provide a good experience.
When a user gets stuck or confused for any reason, getting help from a human is usually the most effective solution. In reality many sites provide this option only to users who can navigate complex systems.
Examples of complex system include a process where a user needs to follow many links to get to the human contact information. It could also be a phone number requiring the user to answer many questions before connecting with a person. With a complex system, the people who need it most will not have access to the human help option. They may the user may have cognitive overload and stop trying to complete the process. They may also leave with a negative attitude towards the service or supplier.
For example, a user with an intellectual disability wants to use a coupon. They cannot find the instructions for applying the coupon to their online purchase, and they cannot find the phone number for support. They effectively cannot use the coupon.
I need contextually-relevant graphs and pictures to supplement text.
Related User Story: Help.
Provide content that helps users understand complex information.
This should include redundant information for different user groups such as:
Where there is alternative or supplemental content:
The use of complex information, long documents, and complex data formats can present significant barriers to users with cognitive accessibility needs. Users should be able to understand the information and successfully complete described tasks without requiring further external assistance as much as possible.
Sometimes the content’s subject matter is complex. In this case, it is likely to need careful explanation, organization, and presentation so as many users as possible are able to understand without any mistakes, confusion, or need of assistance.
The way information is presented, such as a graph, diagram, or table, may make it more complex for some users. Here, a supporting description and guided interpretation will highlight the key features the user needs to understand.
Different people find different types of information easier to understand. This is particularly true for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. For example, some people have an impairment that affects numbers but not language, and other people have a language impairment but may intuitively understand numbers. Help may be provided in various forms, to support different users, for example:
Recommended techniques for content relating to numbers and complex information (use whichever apply).
Provide explanatory content for complex information that is important for successful completion of a task including tasks in the real world.
I need support and explanations for any choices. The advantages or disadvantages are clear to me and I understand the effects of the choice I might make.
Related User Story: Cognitive Stress.
When presenting users with actions and selections, clearly explain the benefits, risks and consequences of each option. This includes any:
Clearly stating benefits and consequences of each action and selection option helps individuals avoid mistakes. This is particularly important when the results cannot be easily corrected, lead to safety risks, or may never be known.
For example, a user of a travel site is booking a trip to Geneva. They see an option at a good time, but this ticket is to a different city. They assume the options given are to the location they asked for. They check the dates and times, but, because they can only read by spelling out words, they do not notice the changed destination. They are taken to a different location than their hotel, and the vulnerable user arrives at night in an unfamiliar city without accommodation.
In another example, a user sees a laptop for sale at a good price. They do not see the refurbished word in the long description. The laptop is not actually a good price.
Whenever you ask the user to make a selection or take an action, consider whether there are any implied or hidden results that the user should be aware of. Clearly indicate those results within the user interface and confirm the user is aware of them.
I need explanations for unusual controls in a form I find easy to use (such as a video or text).
Related User Story: Task Management.
Provide help for any complex forms, particularly when there are multiple steps, unusual interactions, non-standard controls, and required fields that do not support autocomplete. Give examples that make it easy to understand what to do.
Users often find forms and related tasks to be the most complex experience with web sites. They can easily become confused, unsure, or even completely lost. Providing extra help can make the difference between being able to successfully complete a task and giving up. This is especially true if any part of the form is complex or requires nonstandard interactions.
Many standard form controls provide support automatically. For example, many fields can be automatically filled in with information using autocomplete or personalization semantics [personalization-semantics-content-1.0]. Then the user will not make mistakes filling it out.
When you require additional fields and nonstandard controls many users will have difficulty using them. Many users with disabilities will get the information incorrect or be unable to work out how to complete the task. Often this results in the task being completely abandoned. In other cases, the user asks a caregiver for help to complete the form or work the control. In either case, they have not been able to complete the task because of their disability.
The standard [HTML] forms and controls have been carefully specified for maximum usability and accessibility. They are usually understood by users, especially if they are familiar with web interactions. However, users are likely to experience difficulties if the standard form behavior has been altered or completely new controls are provided. Assuming the new behaviors have been carefully designed and user tested, users may still require help in order to successfully use them.
Examples of forms and controls that are likely to require additional help:
I need to get help and give feedback easily from every place where I get stuck.
Related User Story: Help.
Make it easy for the user to ask for help or report issues at any point in a process. This includes:
The option to provide feedback should never require the user to manage complex menu systems such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR) with many different options.
Providing an easy way for users to give feedback will help people be able to share problems, ask for help, make suggestions, and give positive comments. If users cannot give feedback easily, problems will continue to exist without the site owner being aware of the problems. It is essential to allow users to provide feedback from any point in the process so that people do not get lost when trying to explain why they are stuck. Ideas for improvements and positive feedback will also be missed.
For example, a user with a cognitive and learning disability struggles to use an ecommerce site. They have an idea about how to make it much easier to use. They spend an hour trying to give the feedback and then they stop trying. The site continues to lose customers.
Make sure the feedback option is:
Providing multiple methods for gathering feedback is recommended. For example, on a web site, consider providing all 4 options for feedback including live chat, a phone number, a web form, and a feedback email address.
Note that chat bots may not be appropriate for this particular type of feedback other than to start the feedback process. These can be extremely frustrating if you cannot easily get to the area you are trying to reach.
I need help understanding and using directions and navigation.
Related User Story: Help.
Content is provided that helps users understand and use directions or navigational systems. This can include:
People with cognitive and learning disabilities experience different levels of difficulty with wayfinding directions or wayfinding applications. The help needed to address wayfinding issues can be different for indoor navigation, where there are more stimuli, and outdoors, where there can be more demands on memory. The help needed also varies with the individual.
Wayfinding requires many cognitive functions. Designs should accommodate a wide range of cognitive and learning disabilities including those supported by other design patterns. For example:
Some users may need more detailed help, such as step-by-step directions. Many users need to preview a route before following it. Then landmarks can help with recognition and orientation as well as reducing anxiety. Alternative relative directional terms and cardinal directions matching a user’s preferences are most effective. For example, the application could refer to “the driver’s side” or “the East Wing”. Helping people imagine relative and absolute distances can help, for example, “you’ve travelled half way”.
Due to the wide variation in personal requirements, personalization mechanisms can be very useful. For example, the units used for distances. Platforms or other technologies often provide personalization options for relative and cardinal directions and terms which can be used. For example, the platform locale settings.
Changes can be very confusing. A user may be prepared to change the route to save hours of traffic, but this will involve them pulling into a gas station to learn the new route. They may not want to change routes to avoid a small amount of traffic. Help the user to find the option that works for them.
For example, a person with traumatic brain injury is using a Global Positioning System (GPS). They review the route before leaving, and look at pictures of the turns. These preparations will enable them to follow the route. While driving, the route changes to avoid three minutes of traffic. They are no longer able to follow it and become lost.
I need reminders integrated into my calendar, otherwise I will forget appointments and when I am meant to do things. Sometimes I need reminders to revisit a web site to complete the next task.
Related User Story: Support.
Make it easy for the user to set a reminder for date and time sensitive events. Use standard application programming interfaces (APIs) when possible.
Reminders must be set only at the user’s request and the user must be able to personalize the remainder method.
People with cognitive and learning disabilities often have challenges managing events and time. (In fact, being unable to correctly manage events and time without support is a diagnostic criterion for some groups of disabilities.) This results in missing meetings, not submitting a request by a certain date or a form within a specified time period and missed opportunities. For example:
Using calendar APIs (or task manager) that allow the user to automatically add events and deadlines to their own calendar can help.
For example, a user with a cognitive and learning disability sets a doctor’s appointment online. Often they copy the details incorrectly into their calendar. However, in this case, the web site gives them an option to add the appointment to the calendar and sets a reminder an hour before. The user now comes to the correct place at the correct time with the correct papers.
The benefit to users with cognitive accessibility needs is that they can independently manage appointments, deadlines, and schedules. The ability to set reminders can reduce the cognitive load associated when processing time bound tasks. Time dependent activities may be monitored and tracked by the user to ensure that they are completed in a timely manner.
Always give the option to set a reminder at the end of the task so that the user does not get interrupted.
It is essential not to add unwanted reminders, as this makes the user’s calendar too full. This can even prevent them from being able to use their calendar at all. The user is the best person to know how many reminders, and which type, will best meet their needs.
Where a standard mechanism exists for the platform or technologies, it must be used. See:
Date and time sensitive events are any event that has to be completed by a certain time. The time constraints on such an event may be defined by a calendar date and time or by the total elapsed time.
Variables that could be considered include:
Many users need products that support adaptation and personalization. Users should be able to use add-ons and extensions as assistive technology. This includes spell checkers, passwords support, support for text-to-speech, and synchronized highlighting of the phrase being read.
Personalization can allow the user to select preferred, familiar options from a set of alternatives.
Support personalization and simplification when you can. Do not disable add-ons and extensions.
I need to know where things are. Controls and content do not move unexpectedly as I am using them.
Related User Story: Adapt.
Ensure that changes of context, functionality, settings, route, and orientation are initiated only by user request or an easily available mechanism is available to turn off such changes. Also provide an easily available mechanism to go to previous context, functionality, settings, route, and orientation.
Any content, settings, or functionality which changes unexpectedly, without user initiation can result in significant problems for users with cognitive and learning disabilities. Unexpected changes in any of these areas can result in loss of focus, anxiety, or confusion in understanding or using a user interface (such as menus, buttons, and design components). Examples include, but are not limited to:
For example, a user may not have a sense of direction or know their left and right. Before using a GPS, they may study the route so that they know approximately what they are doing and can augment the directions of the GPS with their own context, using the GPS for cues. The GPS automatically reroutes them because of a small traffic delay. They become completely lost and disoriented and can no longer use the application.
In another example, a user is watching a video and wants to press “like”. As they are about to press the button, the controls shift and they load a different video instead of pressing “like”. They are now less likely to press “like” because they do not want to lose their content. As a result, their preferences are not taken into account.
Letting users control when content changes gives users with cognitive and learning disabilities more control over how web sites and applications behave. This gives them the opportunity to make choices that enable them to use the content and complete the task.
Exception: The changes are part of an activity where it is essential (e.g. a game).
Route: This is the directions and flow such as a GPS route.
Orientation: perspective or view such as map direction.
Easily available (or easily available mode or setting), is when one or more of the following is true:
I need to use additional support features from widgets or extensions.
Related User Story: Extensions and APIs.
APIs and extensions work with your content.
People with cognitive and learning disabilities are often using add-ons or extensions as assistive technology. For example:
However, sometimes a web site stops extensions and APIs from working. The result is that these users cannot use this web site.
If these add-ons and APIs are not supported, the author should provide support for all the functions of the add-ons used as assistive technology.
For example, a user with traumatic brain injury has executive function and memory impairments impacting their ability to remember details such as:
Supporting the use of an add-on that simplifies content and gives support (such as the long form of acronyms, and a popup dictionary) enables them to understand most content.
Supporting password management tools enables users to successfully login and avoid being locked out of secure sites.
Storing non-sensitive information and auto complete helps them fill out a form. This suggests common information, like a person’s phone number or address. It also helps them avoid making mistakes. It eliminates the need for accurately recalling this information from memory or having to copy and paste it, which is a task that often prevents them from successfully using a form.
When overwhelmed by textual content, they have an extension that inserts symbols that they are familiar with that helps them find the content they need.
Too many options may add to the complexity of interacting with IoT devices. Additional options should be easy to ignore and not require a lot of reading to understand that they are additional, as well as how to skip them.
Sometimes the Internet of Things (IoT) interfaces may confuse the user, such as a default “reading” on a meter being set to “2” and not “1.” The user would then need to reset it to “1.”
It is important in any proposed solution to make operational tasks, such as interacting with the IoT, as transparent as possible so that users can focus their attention on the functional aspects, such as relating to content.
People with cognitive and learning disabilities often use add-ons as assistive technology. It is essential that add-ons and similar tools work as expected, except when:
When add-ons are automatically disabled by the code, the burden of supporting the extra functionality of the add-ons falls to the author.
Content can be used with APIs and extensions that support those with cognitive and learning disabilities.
Testing verified through the use of some of the APIs appropriate for the content. For example:
I need less content without extra options and features as I cannot function at all when there is too much cognitive overload.
Related User Story: Adapt.
Support simplification of your content. Often this includes allowing the user to:
A user who has difficulty reading or using web content can be easily overwhelmed with too much information on a web page. They need to simplify the page to include the critical information that they need and not spend all their energy reading and understanding other content and features. This is also true for users who are easily distracted.
For example, an email program has lots of features and formatting options when drafting an email. This makes it too complex for a lot of people. With personalization the user can have a simple option with only send and cancel options. There is a “to” and subject line but no cc or bcc options. In this setting there is a clear heading (write an email) and they have icons that the user understands.
Note that:
Add data-simplification="critical"
on content that is in any critical
user testing paths.
I need (a version of) a familiar interface, that I recognize and know what will happen.
Related User Story: Adapt.
Provide users with a way to personalize their interface to make it familiar.
This can be done by:
Ensure the user knows the personalization options and can easily configure them. Clear instructions can help.
Personalization changes the interface to meet the needs of the user.
Having familiar terms and symbols is key to many users being able to use the web. However, what is familiar for one user may be unfamiliar to another requiring them to learn new symbols. Adding semantics allows symbols and support to be added by an extension or browser that is familiar to the individual user.
A stronger example is people using AAC. These users usually only learn one symbol set. They cannot easily communicate with other people using AAC in a written format or may struggle to understand different symbols used in different applications. When using personalization, such as [personalization-semantics-1.0] the user agents can load the symbols that are understandable by the individual user. The user can also access the Web and other applications.
Other support includes autocomplete and extensions that help the user fill out forms and understand the content. Many users with memory or executive function impairments cannot fill in forms without asking someone to help copy over information or check their work. Autocomplete allows many more users to manage forms by themselves.
This section aims to help people work with users with cognitive and learning disabilities. It focuses on:
Usability testing professionals should pay extra attention to ethical considerations, as this audience is potentially more vulnerable.
It is beyond the scope of this document to provide a guide to usability testing and user-research. Note that you can find additional information about including users with disabilities at developer resource page.
Usability testing is the best way to know if your content and design works for real people with cognitive and learning disabilities.
Usability is important for everyone. However, if someone cannot use the content or design without help because of their disability, then the content is not accessible for them. It is important to change the design so that users with cognitive and learning disabilities can use the content independently.
Including digital accessibility throughout a project, right from the beginning, improves accessibility for all users. Include people with cognitive and learning disabilities in focus groups, user needs, design patterns (repeated designs for controls and other elements) and usability testing.
Automated testing for accessibility focuses on more technical areas of accessibility. While important, automated testing often cannot assess if people with a cognitive or learning disability can use the content. It is vital for people with cognitive and learning disabilities that development teams do not rely solely on automated accessibility testing. Development teams should
Sometimes designs and content are usable for some people, but not if they have cognitive or learning impairments. Sometimes content is usable by people with one cognitive and learning disability but not a different one. For example, content with fewer words and more numbers may be perfect for some autistic and dyslexic users. However, the same content is inaccessible for people with dyscalculia who struggle with numeric information. It is important that usability testing includes a diverse set of users with different cognitive and learning disabilities, such as: people with a memory impairment, learning difficulty, attention impairment, numeric impairment, language and communication disability, and intellectual disability.
Finding people to include in usability testing who have different cognitive and learning disabilities is strongly encouraged and can be achievable, even for small groups on a low budget. If your organization already involves users, this section aims to expand that activity to include people with cognitive and learning disabilities. For developers without formal user involvement, even a small amount of user input and testing can make a large difference to usability and accessibility. Further links about user testing and usability can be on our developer resource page.
People sometimes recruit users from an organization or self-help group for people with learning difficulties. Social media groups can be a convenient resource. Small development groups can achieve a large improvement by asking people who they know, such as friends, colleagues, relatives or neighbors. Try to build a group of users who:
People with acquired cognitive issues have the same challenges as people with other disabilities such as:
It is helpful to find people with learning and cognitive difficulties who are also in your target group as customers or users.
If your organization has a more formal process, work with those that help employees or community members get assistive technology or other accommodations. They can put out a call for volunteers to their contacts. This helps individuals self-identify and opt-in to help.
Some organizations also use peer-researchers who have cognitive and learning disabilities. Peer-researchers understand the perspective of people with their disabilities. The researchers and developers work together with peer researchers to find solutions. Peer researchers are also involved in testing the solution with other people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Our developer resource page references projects and resources with information on finding and working with persons with learning and cognitive difficulties as co-researchers or peer researchers.
It is important to get a declaration of consent from all participants involved in testing and focus groups before they start. Before they sign up, participants must know and understand the details such as:
If your tester has a guardian, you should get informed consent from both the tester and their guardian.
Using an understandable consent form is important. Our design patterns on clear content will help you use clear language and layout. Adding icons and symbols can also help.
Make sure users understand the consent form. This can be done by asking them some questions about the consent that tests that they understand the key points. You can also adapt the example consent forms from our developer resource page.
Throughout the process, remind them that participation is always voluntary and they can stop at any time. This is particularly important if they have memory impairments and may have forgotten that it is their choice to participate. Remember to thank them for their ideas and contribution.
Different areas may require consent for more items than others. Check the legal requirements in your jurisdiction and for your type of content.
One approach to usability is to measure user efficacy, efficiency, and satisfaction for key tasks. This can be done by measuring or tracking:
At the end of the evaluation you should be able to answer:
There are some differences when usability testing with people who have cognitive and learning disabilities:
Here are some suggestions of what to look for when conducting usability testing with people with cognitive and learning disabilities:
You can test the objectives of the design guide. If they are successful, that section can be considered completed!
For each objective, make sure your user testing includes individuals with a range of cognitive and learning disabilities. Do not just ask questions, but ask the user to complete an action that demonstrates usability. Test for the following but set up the tests so that the user demonstrates their knowledge and understanding rather than answers a simple question: Are enough user groups represented?
For example, a typical project may wish to include: People living with early stage dementia, age-related forgetfulness, intellectual disabilities, different specific cognitive and learning disabilities and communication disabilities.
Related Design Objective: Objective 1: Help Users Understand What Things are and How to Use Them .
Related Design Objective: Objective 2: Help Users Find What They Need.
Related Design Objective: Objective 3: Use Clear and Understandable Content.
Related Design Objective: Objective 4: Help Users Avoid Mistakes and Know How to Correct Them.
Related Design Objective: Objective 5: Help Users Focus.
Identify the different activities that the user may want to complete on the page:
Related Design Objective: Objective 6: Ensure Processes Do Not Rely on Memory.
Related Design Objective: Objective 7: Provide Help and Support.
Related Design Objective: Objective 8: Support Adaptation and Personalization.
Any time there is a “target audience”, there will be people with cognitive and learning disabilities in that audience. However, cognitive and learning disabilities are often invisible in day-to-day life. The personas below describe fictional people with cognitive and learning disabilities. They provide some context and understanding of the challenges they face.
For additional examples from other organizations, see Persona Links on the developer resources page.
Problem: I’m not sure what I should press. I pressed something that looked like the “buy” button but it did nothing. I am not sure if it is me or if this web site just doesn’t work.
Works well: The “buy” button was clearly something I could click. The process was easy. I have now bought matching dresses for all the grandchildren.
Alison has a medical background, working in rehabilitation of physical injuries. She recently decided to work part-time to take up more hobbies and be with her grandchildren. She wants to try an online course to learn Chinese, in preparation for a special holiday. Alison considers 63 to be the new 36. However, she has difficulty concentrating and finding the word she wants to say. She often makes typos and has to correct sentences when she re-reads them. She becomes easily frustrated as she finds new technical things, like updated design patterns and applications, hard to learn and less intuitive than they used to be. Plus, navigation takes longer than in the past. Unfortunately, this includes learning how to use a new interface and this affects the way she works when swapping between her tablet, phone, and computer.
Alison took an evening course to learn how to use Windows and MS Word ten years ago and used to feel very comfortable with the interface. She has a new computer now and finds that most applications look very different. She realizes that links and buttons have changed appearance and does not know what to press. Sometimes she presses a picture or stylized heading that is not a control and is not sure if the internet is down, the site is broken or she has made a mistake. Sometimes she touches something accidentally and the focus moves to a different page or application. For example, she recently tried to enlarge some small text and activated a link instead of enlarging it! She misses the days when all links were in blue and underlined.
Alison loses self-confidence when things go wrong. For example, selecting an incorrect button or getting an error that she does not understand. She knows to try and press the back button to go back a step, but it does not always work as she thinks it will. She tends to think she cannot cope, so gives up, but with support to adapt the interface to suit her needs she can learn to use the new style.
Her children worked with her to reduce the number of menu items on the application toolbar so she can concentrate on the ones she regularly uses. They helped her change her settings so when searching for items on the Web, only a limited number appear at one time. They also found her a de-cluttering browser extension that takes away many of the advertisements and other items that clutter her social media pages when communicating with her grandchildren.
When writing letters and messages on her computer, phone, and tablet, Alison pauses every so often and checks that what she is writing makes sense. She finds it very annoying having to work so slowly. However, by using text-to-speech to read out content she has found she can hear her mistakes more easily than noticing them on the screen. She has also discovered that this process can make reading web pages easier and less tiring. Nevertheless, she often has to go over instructions several times before completing tasks online. She depends on forms that do not timeout or have an option to allow her to extend the time to fill in the edit boxes.
Alison knows her math skills are not as sharp as they used to be. She is worried about making mistakes that will put her financially at risk. She is not sure she should be using her credit card online. Alison wants to feel safe and supported.
She finds that autocomplete helps when filling out forms. However, she tends to worry that what is entered may not be accurate. She has a paper card listing some commonly needed information such as her phone number, address, and postcode. She stores secure information in a special folder. She has also set up an agreement with the bank to limit spending on her credit card and mobile banking.
Alison would like to give feedback and tell her bank what changes they can make to their web site to make it more usable for her and other mature customers. She struggles to find the feedback form and she has to type in a lot of information to send her suggestions. When she types in her phone number without the area code she receives an error. She tries to fix the error and send the suggestion but the send button becomes disabled, so she probably needs to correct something else as well. At this point Alison feels they do not want her feedback and gives up. She now uses the site much less often. She also finds it hard to reach a support person on the phone because of the confusing phone menu system, so drives into the bank instead. She is thinking of changing to her daughter’s bank, so her daughter can help her.
Problem: Sometimes people use lots of words on web site links that do not seem to make sense. I think they are metaphors, but I’m not sure.
Works well: I put my mouse over items I do not understand and there is some clear text that explains what it did. I would rather they use clear text in the first place then at least I can use it.
Amy loved her computer science course and now programs in several languages. She has discovered she can visualize the outcome of her coding and is quick to find any errors even if they are not highlighted. Writing documentation is less fun and she is too concise. This means some users do not receive enough help using her applications.
A page that loads automatically or animations and videos that play automatically cause problems for Amy. Sometimes, the movement can be very distracting and the sounds alarming. Amy has always found that sudden noises or something happening unintentionally has been a problem. When designing her own applications and web sites, she makes sure the controls for animated objects and videos are clearly visible and do not start until the user decides to play them.
Amy is always concerned about communicating clearly. She finds it hard when people ask her to create a design that includes abstract imagery. Images that do not directly represent something make Amy feel uneasy. She tends to ask if there can be some explanatory text in case other users are confused. Figures of speech where someone has written something that is not literal make her wish that the writer would use easy to understand language as it is hard to understand concepts such as, "the wheels of justice turn slowly".
Problem: I find it hard to understand and remember long and complex written instructions.
Works well: The instructions for scanning items are presented as a clear list of steps with pictures and easy to understand language next to them. If I get stuck I can quickly find a reminder of what to do with such ‘Easy to Understand’ content.
George enjoys his job and lives semi-independently in a small town, where he can easily find his way around. However, George finds it hard to use search engines and navigate around web sites because of the need to work with large blocks of text. He has problems using the online systems at work, and needs help to search for suitable videos or music.
George used symbols in a alternative and augmentative communication system and gestures when at school. He is able to communicate relatively easily now, although reading and writing remains a challenge. Surfing the Web is hard when most interactions require text input. Even with these challenges, George likes to watch videos, find images, and listen to music as well as playing games online. Friends have set up links with recognizable icons on his tablet and this has made it easy to visit his favorite sites. If recognizable symbols or icons are used, George feels he is able to reach more sites independently. There are search engines designed for children and these often use more images. However, these tend to be too childish for George's taste.
Using a mouse is not easy for everyone and double clicking can take time to learn. George has worked hard to improve his mouse skills by playing many onscreen games. However, he still finds it hard to move accurately enough to skip ads on videos or to track down the close/exit method offered by some pop-up windows. Once again friends have come to the rescue and enabled an ad blocker extension for his browser. However, this does not always capture all the ads or prevent George from selecting the submit button rather than a cross or exit button on a pop-up. There have been times when George has downloaded malware without any second warning appearing. Sometimes he is unable to reach a site because he cannot find the small cross on a transparent popup window that overlays the main page.
George finds it very hard to read instructions unless they use very short and easy to understand language. He needs text that has been simplified. The best option for George is when there is a summary of a paragraph with a well-known symbol, short bullet points and a clear diagram or image of what is required. He finds videos with instructions usually go too quickly. He has to stop them, going back time and time again. Helpful instructions with well broken up sets of phrases using easy to understand words can work well. He can then go back to them when he has to remember how to do a particular task.
Problem: I want to turn the volume up but there is no dial?
Works well: There is a clear volume button with a label that makes sense, so I know what to press.
Gopal retired from his law firm in his early 60s when he found he was forgetting important items that needed to be discussed in his complex caseload. He found that he was forgetting material that he had just read, losing and misplacing objects, and having trouble planning or organizing events. Gopal is a very intelligent man and that has not changed. You will often find him reading an article about the law. However, he finds he cannot learn new things that rely on remembering new information. This can include new words or symbols.
Gopal notices that he has trouble with online calendars, booking flights, and hotels when he plans his summer holiday. He can work out the way the dates have to be entered into the form, but makes mistakes with the month and day. If only there was a good example or tooltip! He also finds that when he is booking a flight, the table with the various lists of airports automatically enters the initials. He finds this is very confusing when he is checking that everything is correct. Finally, Gopal can make sure he has booked the right number of nights for his hotel stay. He knows his arrival time at the airport is a day later than when he left, but it would help to have a calendar with color and clear markings for the days in the week, not just numbers.
Many web pages now have their own graphic icons and ways of indicating actions that need to be completed. Gopal is having problems searching for information about a care home that might help him in the future. He cannot work out what the various options are when he tries to fill out a form for his requirements. There appear to be a series of small images beside the edit boxes. However, the minute he begins to write in the form the text explanation disappears. He wants the instructions to remain in place above the area where he is writing and for the box to be highlighted when he misses some important sections.
Gopal likes to surf the web for anything to do with fishing, his favorite hobby. However, he finds the sheer number of items that appear very confusing. Ideally he would like the number of search results to be reduced and perhaps have some way of seeing the items categorized in groups, so that he can work out which services he needs. In this case it might also be helpful to have icons appearing when the groups are listed, so that he can see articles about fly fishing in one section and sea fishing in another. Blocks of text with more white space around them are also helpful, so that he does not have to cope with such a mass of text.
Gopal can be independent, but often finds unsuitable designs make him require help. For example, when he tries to make a doctor's appointment. He goes to the doctor's web site and clicks on "make an appointment". Then a popup opens asking him for the date. He is distracted by a phone call. When he returns to the screen he is not sure what he was doing. So he does not make the appointment. If a popup has a clear heading he can be reminded of what he was doing, but without this landmark he is just confused.
Later, Gopal tries calling to make an appointment. Unfortunately, the voice system is automated and asks him to "press 2 to make an appointment". Gopal typically cannot remember the digit, especially while he is processing the options. He usually gets lost in these systems or types the wrong digit. Gopal is reluctant to ask for help and as a result he is not getting the health care he needs.
Eventually, Gopal moves to a smaller apartment that is easier to take care of. However, this means he is not used to the ICT interfaces for the heating and television system. He tries to turn on the heat. However, the menu item for selecting heat or air conditioning is labeled "mode" which does not mean anything to him. He cannot remember or learn new terms. Gopal cannot use the whole unit because of this one term. This has caused emergencies, such as hypothermia. Gopal now keeps the heating on at the same setting and temperature and will only change it when his helper comes.
The TV also has an ICT interface with a lot of icons that Gopal does not know. His helper puts an “on/off” sticker next to the button that he can use. However, he still cannot change the channel or change the volume.
When his microwave broke he bought a new one with controls that were similar to his old one. Because the controls are familiar, Gopal can use the microwave unaided, although he still needs help with the TV and heating.
Problem: It says there is a meeting at 15.34 UTH. Now is lunch time. Did I miss it?
Works well: There is a line marker showing what time of day it is now, so I can see the meeting is soon.
Jonathan is a massage therapist with dyscalculia. Although he is very intelligent in other areas, he has trouble working with numbers and needs to count on his fingers to add very basic sums. He struggles with concepts like “greater than” and “less than” and understanding how numbers are related to each other, especially ones that end in a series of zeros such as 10, 100, 1000, etc. It’s hard for him to follow the logic behind mathematical concepts and to do everyday tasks that involve numbers or quantities, like measuring ingredients in a recipe or paying for things in cash.
Jonathan struggles to understand how much the products in his cart will cost, especially when he is buying items like meat that are priced by weight. It’s also hard for him to know the right quantities to purchase. He often orders far too much or too little when using online shopping carts. It helps him when shopping web sites provide a way to know the size without numbers, such as showing pictures of the actual products or using terms like small, medium, and large. It also helps him to get a warning when he orders a very large quantity of a particular item so he can correct mistakes like ordering six bunches of bananas when he meant to buy one bunch of six bananas. He saves shopping lists that have been successful in terms of ordering the right quantity for each item so that he can re-use the lists on other occasions. He often ends up spending a lot more than he intended to because he is unaware of relative prices. His bank has helped by adding restrictions on the amount he can spend online or using his mobile phone. This can be annoying, but has stopped him from overdrawing his account.
The use of pin numbers and passwords that insist on including a number has always been an issue and most of the time Jonathan uses a secure password application when online. When it comes to the number on the back of his credit card (Card Verification Code) that is always required at the end of a payment exercise, he has to look it up each time, though autofill has helped with completing the rest of the form. Jonathan made sure that what he originally entered and saved in his browser was correct. Too many times he has had to retrace his steps due to typos and not seeing that the entry was incorrect. When he has to return to the form to make corrections, he finds it essential that the corrections needed are clearly highlighted and the instructions provided are helpful. He also feels that it is important that the data he entered previously is not lost, as the more often he types in numbers etc. the more likely he is to make mistakes.
Jonathan is interested in reading about climate change, but has trouble understanding charts showing the expected rise in temperature over time. This happens when all the temperatures are shown as numbers. Jonathan finds it much easier when words such as cold, warm, or hot are used with color changes on a drawing to show the problem.
Jonathan also finds a graph, diagram, or table can be confusing if there is no summary beforehand. He spends far too long trying to work out what the content means. Jonathan also likes clear labels or short summaries to help explain the individual parts of the diagram, graph, or table. Although good use of color and shapes can help when numbers are represented visually, Jonathan finds clear written descriptions easier to understand.
Problem: I got lost making a shopping order and I wanted to go back to the previous step. I hit the back button on the browser navigation bar and it reloaded the home page. I had to start all over again.
Works well: There is a clear back button on each step and when I use the browser back button it also works.
Kwame was involved in a very serious car crash that left him with some physical, sensory, and cognitive and learning disabilities having sustained a brain injury. He has returned to work. However, he often finds conversations are strained due to difficulties with memory recollection and visual understanding.
Kwame learnt how to walk, talk, and live life all over again. Medical experts informed him that his greatest chances for recovery would take place within the first 2 years after his injury. After that he may continue to recover, but at a much slower, and incremental rate. His friends and family are amazed by how quickly he has regained his ability to speak, and perform his daily life functions. They are confused by all of the cognitive difficulties he says he is having, despite his ability to articulate and communicate. For example, he often cannot recognize images and faces. He gets disorientated in physical spaces. He often gets lost in rooms, as well as buildings, larger places, documents, and web sites.
He has returned to his old company as a researcher and is back using applications and the internet throughout his working day.
Kwame finds there are times when he spells words incorrectly. He appreciates error corrections, word completion, and systems that accept mistakes. He also has problems finding words when he is tired. He welcomes search suggestions, as these are ideas that might be related to his search. However, too many results can cause concern and Kwame admits he really cannot work his way through very long lists that are not broken up with headings and categories.
Kwame has difficulty understanding content when it is not explicitly clear, and without any ambiguity whatsoever. He takes a notably longer amount of time to read and process information to be certain that he is interpreting it correctly. His interpretation of information is almost always correct. However, even the slightest bit of ambiguity, or open interpretation creates sticking points that he must read over and over again. He questions every which way until he can assure himself that he understands it correctly. Examples and clear step-by-step instructions can help him have the confidence to complete his task. Simple, clear memorable graphics or large indicators of steps in a process increase Kwame’s understanding, confidence, and orientation in a process. Kwame also prefers larger fonts. Reading smaller text takes up mental energy that isn’t available for trying to understand what is being said.
Kwame tries to understand the outline of the page and site, so that he does not get lost in the content. Sometimes he dives into the web site, but then he does not know where he is in the content or task. For Kwame to understand the level of importance of content he needs clear and consistent headings in a hierarchical structure. A clear site structure lets him orient himself in the site.
He values simple, clear graphics that relate to the content and break it up. These help him orient as well as understand and remember the content. He needs icons that emphasize the structure and role of the content. Images that accompany the main text and make it memorable also help.
Complex presentations of information (images, diagrams, content heavy web pages, etc.) overload Kwame’s cognitive functioning. This shuts his brain down and prevents him from progressing through processes, navigating, systems, and environments. He stops understanding the information presented, at both the micro and macro level.
Liberal use of white space helps Kwame when there is a considerable amount of content on one page.
He struggles to keep track of what he is doing in complex tasks. It is important for Kwame to have the steps of tasks clearly presented, and a mechanism like breadcrumbs that helps Kwame keep track of where he is in a task with multiple steps. Kwame appreciates it when tasks are as simple as possible. “It can’t ever be too simple,” he says.
Kwame struggles to respond quickly to spoken directions when using a mapping program to find his way to a location. Kwame benefits from previewing the directions before he leaves. He finds route changes very difficult to adjust to. He changes the settings so that directions are given using the terms ‘driver’s side’ and ‘passenger’s side’ instead of left and right, and makes sure the route does not change automatically.
Problem: When there are lots of buttons or menu items I often make mistakes and press the wrong ones and end up getting frustrated and wasting time.
Works well: I like web sites that allow me to work through a series of instructions and edit boxes one after the other with clear buttons moving me to the next stage.
Maria is 50 years old, married, and lives with her family in São Paulo, Brazil. Maria is beginning to lose her memory but still works part-time for a local company.
Maria needs to gather specific types of online information for her job. She often has to run through reports about the company on the company’s web site. She is only able to easily read the headlines of web pages. The company’s web site looks fancy, has a modern user interface and a lot of elements that change when you hover the mouse over them. For Maria this site is a total nightmare! She finally finds the link to the data she needs as it appears when she happens to hover over a certain menu item with her mouse. The link is positioned so that she does not notice it at first. She has found that it really helps if important interactive items are placed in the usual menu areas on a screen and the icons are clearly defined and easily recognizable.
While ordering business cards (a multi-step process), Maria has difficulty remembering information that she enters into previous screens. On the first step she sees content choices that the process expects her to remember in later screens. Additionally, the prolonged mental stress that she experiences while navigating means it is hard for her to make new memories. Processes that require Maria to remember information from one step to another need to give her the information required, at the exact point of use, otherwise she will not be able to complete the process.
Problem: Long sentences are hard, too many strange words, and I get lost.
Works well: I like simple short sentences with easy words.
Sam loved his work as a librarian. He spent his entire life surrounded by books in peaceful places where he could research his love for history. In recent years, he enjoyed using the web to explore how other people around the world saw the history of his own country and the changing views on famous people from the past. Now he is depressed and very frustrated due to a recent stroke. The right side of his body is paralyzed. He also has difficulty having conversations with friends and family due to aphasia. To him this means that some of his words are muddled and his understanding is not always as clear as it has been. Worst of all, he cannot read as fluently as he has in the past. One-handed typing is slow and he finds his word finding abilities often fail him.
Despite all the difficulties that Sam has with his beloved reading, he is determined to improve and finds that if a web site has no clutter or background imagery he can read the headings. He also finds that if there is adequate spacing and the text is not too complex, he can pick words out and with the help of text-to-speech understand the meaning. He does not like the sound of the synthesized speech, because he finds it distracting having always read silently. However, over time, he is learning to enlarge the fonts and if the page has left justified text with uneven right edges, he can find his way about by the different shapes of each paragraph. As he becomes more confident, he is beginning to use some browser tools and is able to increase the line spacing and change the font style on some of his old favorite online historical documents.
Sam has to fill in so many online forms to receive benefits due to his disability. They cause immense frustration and feelings of self-doubt due to their lack of clarity. Every time he has to fill in an edit box, the instructions disappear the minute he begins to type and he cannot remember what is required. He often has to refresh the page and start again to see the label in the box. Sam spends so long on the task that the page times out. He has to print it out and get help. This is really upsetting as he wants to be independent and it often reduces him to tears. This is very unlike him, but as the doctor explains, this is linked to his stroke. He also finds it very frustrating when a form requires a particular way of formatting information with no example as to how to complete the action. Worse still is when the error is not clearly explained, making correction even harder. Dates, postal codes, and phone numbers are a particular nightmare.
The effects of aphasia with acquired dyslexia can be exhausting and confusing but most worrying for Sam is the sense of getting lost on a web page that he thinks he knows. He admits to being nervous when he cannot pick out elements in a page that requires an interaction. Sometimes he dares not click on a button in case he does something wrong or is sent to somewhere without warning. Sam finds this aspect of his web surfing very alarming, as in the past he has been able to navigate with ease. He discovers that the edges of shapes do not appear as clear as they should when people use pale greys. He misses links unless expressly highlighted. If a pop-up window suddenly appears, there are times when he cannot close it to return to the page. Small crosses or “x”s to close popup windows become a nightmare. Sam stresses that the more things happen on a page, the more confused he becomes. He mentions the fact that some sites are easier on his tablet, as then it all seems to flow one way. He can just scroll up and down until he feels happy with a decision.
When text was written in the passive voice or in an academic manner with long complex words Sam struggled to sometimes understand their meaning even if they were in context. He also finds, if he is required to use the same type of language in a form, that he can copy the words as he cannot always spell them. At times he uses the wrong word. When he is able to use an application that enables the text to be read aloud, he can cope if the language is clear and the sentences are kept short. He likes articles that are written in the active tense so he can understand the main ideas straight away.
Problem: As a slow reader it takes me ages to read through badly structured text and I often miss important information.
Works well: The newsletter has headings so I can find the important information quickly.
Tal has been a student in Israel for the past year. Tal's Fashion Design course is challenging but fun. Tal loves the creative aspect of the diploma where there is more drawing than writing. Tal has moderate dyslexia, resulting in times when it is hard to cope with complex text. Tal sometimes finds it a challenge working out how words are pronounced when they have many syllables. This can make it hard for Tal to grasp the meaning of some paragraphs. They often have to reread content. Tal has several projects to complete as part of the Fashion Design portfolio requirements. The one that worries Tal most involves a written assignment to research post-war fashions and their impact on today's designs.
Tal's use of the library catalogue when using the college computers often fails at the first attempt. This happens when Tal cannot remember the login password. Tal keeps putting in talb-61 rather than tald-16 and cannot see the mistakes. The error message on the web page does not help because it announces that the username or password are incorrect. Tal is not sure which one is wrong. Luckily, when Tal is on a family owned laptop, the browser settings allow Tal to save the password and automatically log in.
Having navigated the online library system, Tal finds a paper about Post-war fashion. Tal downloads it in PDF format. Tal likes to use a text-to-speech application to read the content aloud, but when Tal tries to highlight the text nothing happens. Tal discovers the document is actually an image and yet there is no warning this is the case. Tal cannot find an alternative accessible version of the paper. This means Tal has to use optical character recognition to virtually scan the paper. It is not totally successful leaving Tal with gaps in the information. Tal finds the process makes it even harder to complete the assignment on time.
Finally, Tal finds an online journal that has another article, but there is a form that has to be completed in order to cite the paper. Tal starts the process, but realizes they do not know the author's name. Tal returns to the web page with the article to copy and paste the name. Sadly, when Tal comes back to the form, all that they filled in is lost. Tal has to retype the whole thing again.
Tal is a very slow reader and often sounds out words. Tal has impaired auditory processing skills so cannot speed up the text-to-speech application. To manage a busy life, Tal tries to scan and skip through the massive amounts of content, emails, and newsletters to read the key parts. Sometimes however, Tal cannot find important content because it is buried inside lots of other content. The headers and visual layout of the content does not always guide Tal to the information needed.
This all means that Tal worries about missing something important and sometimes that happens. For example, Tal's daughter's elementary school published a weekly newsletter with interesting stories about activities and important announcements. It contained information that school was ending early one day, but it was buried under less important information about the school activities. Because it takes Tal so long to read each word, they did not manage to read the whole newsletter and did not know that their daughter was coming home earlier than usual. As a result, Tal was not home in time and their daughter was left waiting outside for over an hour.
Problem: If I come to a web site that has lots of banners automatically flying by it really distracts me and I want to turn them off!
Works well: I find an option on my computer to say I want less movement and the web site stops all the flying things.
Yuki found concentrating at school difficult. When she got into college and started taking a course in business studies life became even more stressful. She knew she could cope with the studies, but never seemed to get her work completed on time. She found it hard to start a report and even to create a plan for a project. When working with others she always had good ideas but somehow they were never taken up. She became frustrated, often failing to keep her feelings in check. Luckily, a tutor suggested she look for help. When a psychologist mentioned Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or AD(H)D, Yuki was relieved to have a reason for her planning and organizational difficulties and other executive functions. She did not want to draw attention to her difficulties, but knowing what caused the challenges helped her find solutions. She learnt that if she could make use of her constantly active brain and body as well as manage her time better, she could turn her hobby into a very successful Yoga business.
Yuki could not really explain her apparent forgetfulness and not being able to focus or complete tasks. She knew that if she came across a long document or web page with dense text she had to find the key points. If the web page failed to have a clear structure, well-spaced and highlighted headings she would be lost and lose concentration. Yuki also said that if she was reading her mobile screen, advertisements appearing between chunks of text upset her focus and she had to stop reading. However, when there was good use of white space, recognizable icons linking to simple bold text clarifying the important points, Yuki could target these areas and find out what she needed. A clear summary helped Yuki understand and she could remember much of what she had read.
Yuki enjoyed her yoga teaching. However, she found that if she was developing some instructional materials for her web site, online tools often failed to provide sufficient guidance. Unless there was a clear pathway and a way to return to the place where she was working, she often deleted items by accident or could not make corrections. Saving endless previews with yet more tabs being open in her browser caused anxiety levels to rise. It was not until she found a web application that made each task clear with a submit button, that saved her work in stages, that she was able to cope. Yuki was able to see sections of her work in the correct order and could then manage the bite size chunks of instruction, rather than have to deal with it all at once. This made it so much easier for her to complete the exercise sheets. She became confident in her use of the application to the extent she was willing to purchase the pro version.
Yuki likes watching instructional videos, but starts to lose focus after a few minutes. It's especially hard for her to concentrate if there is more than a minute of content that she already knows. Sometimes she watches videos at high speed so that they are less boring, but she still quickly loses focus and has trouble locating information she missed. When a video is broken down into segments with clear headings, she can jump to the information she needs to learn. She can also jump forward over segments that she already knows. When she misses information that she needs, she can easily jump to the correct location and focus. If a video transcript is available, she likes to search it for key terms. Watching the video and reading parts of the transcript helps her learn new information.
Sometimes called "Age Appropriate Forgetfulness" or "Age Related Memory Loss".
People with age related forgefulness have impaired memory issues that can be a normal part of healthy aging. They may take longer to learn new things, forget something but remember it later, or occasionally forget particular words. (This differs from dementia where forgetfulness is due to a disorder and is more pronounced.)
Sometimes called “AAC”.
Any method, device, or application that can be used to help those who cannot use spoken language and need additional support by means of symbols, images, and/or text. For example, a screen with symbols that the user can select to speak the appropriate words or add them to a document.
People who have anxiety disorders struggle with intense and uncontrollable feelings of anxiety, fear, worry, and/or panic. This is more than just feeling worried once in a while. This may last for a long time and can interfere with daily activities, such as concentration and executive function.
Sometimes called “attention deficit disorder”, “ADD”, and “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”, “ADHD”.
Attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder or AD(H)D involves difficulty focusing on a single task, focusing for longer periods, or being easily distracted. It is marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
Sometimes called “autism spectrum disorder”, “ASD”, “autism”, “asperger syndrome”, and “pervasive developmental disorder”.
Autistic people have some degree of impaired social behavior, communication and language abilities. This may also impact the person’s ability to regulate behavior and attention. Individuals can have a narrow range of interests and activities and they may rely on alternative communication methods. Some individuals may also experience episodes of sensory overload. See neurodiversity for an alternative approach to autism and learning and cognitive disabilities.
Brain injury including, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and acquired brain injury (ABI), are caused by damage to the brain which can lead to long-term impairment of executive function, memory, learning, coordination, speech, and emotions as well as other physical and sensory impairments.
Brain injury can have many different causes such as a concussion or stroke, and can happen at any stage of life.
May include: cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities (LD), intellectual disabilities and specific learning disability.
Cognitive disabilities and learning disabilities can mean different things in different locations. Taken together they refer to:
Common impairments of early stage dementia include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and struggling to follow a conversation or find the right word. These may appear before a diagnosis of dementia. At this stage, these symptoms are often mild.
Sometimes called: “easy reading”, “easy to read”, “plain language”, “easy to understand”.
Easy to Understand Language refers to text content that is in an accessible, easy to understand, form. It is often useful for people with learning disabilities, and is easier for many other people as well.
The group of cognitive processes and skills required for planning, fulfilling tasks, and goals. It includes working memory and remembering details, impulse inhibition, organizing tasks, managing time, fluid reasoning, and solving problems.
Interactive voice response (IVR) systems allow the user to interact with a computer system through the use of a telephone keypad and/or audio input. Audio input can include speech, non-speech vocalizations or audio produced by AAC or other devices. Interactive voice response systems are often used to automate tasks by phone and in call centers. IVR systems often use standards such as VoiceXML [voicexml21].
Memory impairment refers to an inability to recognize or recall pieces of information or skills that are usually remembered. It can affect:
May include: mental heath impairments.
Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. A mental health impairment/condition generally has some combination of disturbed thoughts, emotions, and ability to relate to others that impairs daily functioning. Examples include depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These conditions may cause temporary or long term issues with accessing information, such as difficulty focusing on information, processing information, or understanding it.
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can involve problems with memory, language, thinking, and judgment that are greater than normal age-related challenges. It is sometimes considered the stage between the common and expected age related forgetfulness and the more serious decline of dementia, although many or most people with MCI will not develop dementia.
Neurodiversity is a term that refers to the different ways the brain can work and interpret information. It highlights that people naturally think about things differently. Autistic people, attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (AD(H)D), dyslexia, and people with other diagnoses or labels may prefer the term “neurodiverse” as they are part of normal and healthy variation in the human population, bringing diverse skills and perspectives.
Sometimes called: Conversational interfaces.
Voice user interfaces (VUIs) allow the user to interact with a computer system based on audio input and/or output. Audio input can include speech, non-speech vocalizations or audio produced by AAC or other devices. Audio-based interaction may include both input from the user, and output from the system in response to the input. Examples include: Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa.
Help users understand what things are and how to use them. Use things that are familiar to the user so that they do not have to learn new icons, symbols, terms, or design patterns. People with cognitive and learning disabilities often need common behavior and design patterns. For example, they may know the standard convention for links (underlined and blue for unvisited; purple for visited).
Help users find what they need. Navigating a system should be easy. Have a clear and easy to follow layout with visual cues, such as icons. Clear headings, boundaries, and regions also helps people understand the page design.
Use clear content (text, images and media). This includes easy words, short sentences and blocks of text, clear images, and easy to understand video.
Help users avoid mistakes. A good design makes errors less likely. Do not ask the user for more things than you need! When errors occur, the user should find it easy to correct them.
Help users focus. Avoid distracting the user from their task. If the user does get distracted, headings and breadcrumbs can help orientate the user and help the user restore the context when it is lost. Providing linked breadcrumbs can help the user undo mistakes.
Ensure processes do not rely on memory. Memory barriers stop people with cognitive disabilities from using content. This includes long passwords to log in and voice menus that involve remembering a specific number or term. Make sure there is an easier option for people who need it.
User Stories | Patterns | Scenarios |
Remembering from Previous Steps | ||
Accessible Authentication |
Related Patterns |
Voice Menus |
Related Patterns |
Provide help and support. This includes: making it easy to get human help. If users have difficulty sending feedback, then you will never know if they are able to use the content or when they are experiencing problems. In addition, support different ways to understand content. Graphics, summaries of long documents, adding icons to headings and links, and alternatives for numbers are all examples of extra help and support.
Support adaptation and personalization. People with cognitive and learning disabilities often use add-ons or extensions as assistive technology. Sometimes, extra support requires minimal effort from the user via personalization that allows the user to select preferred options from a set of alternatives. Support personalization when you can. Do not disable add-ons and extensions!
This Appendix provides guidance and considerations for building a policy or requirements for web content to meet the needs of individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities. Web content designed without consideration for the needs of individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities often creates accessibility barriers for them.
Note that you can find information about general accessibility policies at developing organizational policies on web accessibility.
Many content providers want to reach user groups such as people with age-related forgetfulness and millennials with cognitive and learning disabilities. This can be because:
Typically, there are many more people with cognitive and learning disabilities in the target audience than developers are aware of. Without a policy or requirements in place that address cognitive and learning disabilities, content providers lose this part of the target audience.
When deciding how and where to apply this document, consider how important the content is to the user. For example, web content and applications should follow as much of the advice in this document as possible, if they affect:
It is also important to consider if content can help users save money in care-giving or cause individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities to leave the workforce due to lack of appropriately designed content or interfaces.
Developing of a plan or policy can include the following steps:
Policy makers should:
The following are examples of scenarios that may be covered by a policy:
This document can help you meet the needs of underserved end-users such as:
For example, one of the most reliable market projections is that the population is aging. A growing number of consumers are older. In many countries, more of the wealth lies with an older demographic.
As people age, disabilities increase. This includes age-related forgetfulness and a slower speed of learning new designs. This may make consumers feel excluded and that their needs are not considered. Accessibility can give the consumer the trust and feeling of being looked after. In contrast, if a site is difficult for people with cognitive and learning disabilities, the older population is likely to feel that the group is not interested in them as a market.
On the other hand, according to Georgia State University’s Center for Mature Consumer Studies, today’s mature market (those aged 55 and above) already controls 75 percent of America’s wealth and 70 percent (most) of its disposable income. Clearly, this expanding demographic is an important market for many organizations.
Additional studies have shown that the mature market is online. They may even be outpacing the use by younger user groups, when it comes to adopting new technologies and online media. However, their online needs are underserved. Research suggests that seniors manage to complete only 55.3% (about half) of attempted tasks online.
For additional information and sources see the the business case for digital accessibility.
The full commit history for this document is available.
This publication has been funded in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Disability Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) under contract HHSP23301500054. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or official policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Some of the work on this project has also received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.780529 and 643399.
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