W3C mobileOK Basic Tests 1.0

W3C Recommendation 08 December 2008

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Sean Owen, Google
Jo Rabin, dotMobi (and before at Segala)

Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections.

See also translations.


This document defines the tests that provide the basis for making a claim of W3C® mobileOK™ Basic conformance and are based on W3C Mobile Web Best Practices [Best Practices]. The details of how to claim mobileOK conformance will be described separately. Providers of content which passes the tests have taken some steps to provide a functional user experience for users of basic mobile devices whose capabilities at least match those of the Default Delivery Context (DDC).

mobileOK Basic primarily assesses basic usability, efficiency and interoperability. It does not address the important goal of assessing whether users of more advanced devices enjoy a richer user experience than is possible using the DDC.

Status of this Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

This document was developed by the Mobile Web Initiative.

Please see the Working Group's implementation report. A complete list of the editorial changes since the previous version of this document is available.

Please send comments about this document to public-bpwg-comments@w3.org (with public archive).

This document defines machine-verifiable tests, based on the W3C Mobile Web Best Practices [Best Practices]. Although content authors are not expected to use this document directly, participants of the Working Group expect tools that implement the tests defined in this document to greatly improve the authoring of content that addresses the browsing experience of users on a broad range of devices.

This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.

This document was produced by a group operating under the section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
    1.1 Scope
        1.1.1 Relationship to Best Practices
        1.1.2 Out of Scope
        1.1.3 Beyond mobileOK
    1.2 Applicability
    1.3 Claiming mobileOK conformance
2 Conformance
    2.1 Use of Terms must, should etc.
    2.2 Validity of the Tests
    2.3 Testing Outcomes
    2.4 Conduct of Tests
        2.4.1 Order of Tests
        2.4.2 HTTPS
        2.4.3 HTTP Request
        2.4.4 HTTP Response
        2.4.5 Meta http-equiv Elements
        2.4.6 CSS Style
        2.4.7 Included Resources
        2.4.8 Linked Resources
        2.4.9 Validity
        2.4.10 White Space
3 mobileOK Basic Tests
    3.2 CACHING
    3.8 IMAGE_MAPS
    3.11 MEASURES
    3.12 MINIMIZE
    3.13 NO_FRAMES
        3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule
    3.17 PAGE_TITLE
    3.18 POP_UPS


A Acknowledgments (Non-Normative)
B References (Non-Normative)
C Relationship between Best Practices and mobileOK Tests (Non-Normative)

1 Introduction

mobileOK Basic is a scheme for assessing whether Web resources (Web content) can be delivered in a manner that is conformant with Mobile Web Best Practices [Best Practices] to a simple and largely hypothetical mobile user agent, the Default Delivery Context.

This document describes W3C mobileOK Basic tests for delivered content, and describes how to emulate the DDC when requesting that content.

The intention of mobileOK is to help catalyze development of Web content that provides a functional user experience in a mobile context. It is not a test for browsers, user agents or mobile devices, and is not intended to imply anything about the way these should behave.

mobileOK does not imply endorsement or suitability of content. For example, it must not be assumed that a claim that a resource is mobileOK conformant implies that it is of higher informational value, is more reliable, more trustworthy or is more appropriate for children than any other resource.

1.1 Scope

1.1.1 Relationship to Best Practices

mobileOK Basic tests are based on a limited subset of the Mobile Web Best Practices. Their outcome is machine-verifiable, hence claims of mobileOK Basic conformance are easy to check.

Content passing the tests demonstrates that the content provider has taken basic steps to provide a functional experience for mobile users.

mobileOK Basic conformance should be considered only a first step towards building a harmonized experience for mobile users. Conformance merely demonstrates that a basic experience is available, interoperable with a large number of mobile devices. mobileOK Basic conformance says nothing about richer, more sophisticated, experiences that may be available, nor does it say anything about whether other guidelines for development of Web content (such as [WCAG 1.0]) have been followed.

1.1.2 Out of Scope

Some Best Practices, like TESTING, are advisable but do not meaningfully translate into concrete tests.

The tests assess whether the content can be provided in a way that achieves basic usability, efficiency, and interoperability with mobile devices. The tests should not be understood to assess thoroughly whether the content has been well-designed for mobile devices.

1.2 Applicability

The tests apply to a URI. Passing the tests means that when accessed as described in 2.4.3 HTTP Request, resolving a URI will result in mobileOK Basic conformant content that is delivered in a mobileOK Basic conformant manner.

That is, the tests do not apply solely to content or document instances. Many Best Practices relate not just to the document (e.g. VALID_MARKUP), but to how it is delivered to a mobile device (e.g. CACHING).

mobileOK Basic says nothing about what may be delivered to non-mobile devices.

2 Conformance

2.4 Conduct of Tests

2.4.1 Order of Tests

mobileOK Basic does not prescribe the order in which tests are to be carried out as they may be executed independently. Some tests have been designed to assess aspects of the content that are disallowed by other tests; this is deliberate and is intended to allow testing environments to provide as much information as possible.

For example the test for 3.21 STYLE_SHEETS_USE points out that style sheets should be used in preference to markup elements such as center, even though the center element is also disallowed by the test for 3.4 CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT and VALID_MARKUP.

Creators of implementations of the tests described in this document are encouraged to provide as much information as possible to users of their implementations. Where possible they should not stop on FAIL and specifically they should:

  • Provide information about the cause of warning or failure (each warn and FAIL is individually identified);

  • Continue individual tests as far as is possible;

  • Carry out as many tests as is reasonable.

2.4.3 HTTP Request

The following HTTP request headers inform the server that it should deliver content that is compatible with the Default Delivery Context.

  • Use the HTTP GET method when making requests, except for 3.10 LINK_TARGET_FORMAT where the HEAD method may be used (See 2.4.8 Linked Resources for a discussion of the POST method).

  • Include a User-Agent header which starts exactly as follows (indicating the Default Delivery Context, and which may be extended in accordance with [RFC 2616] Section 14.43, User-Agent Header) :

    User-Agent: W3C-mobileOK/DDC-1.0 (see http://www.w3.org/2006/07/mobileok-ddc)
  • Include an Accept header indicating that Internet media types understood by the Default Delivery Context are accepted by sending exactly this header:

    Accept: application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.1,application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml;q=0.1,text/css,image/jpeg,image/gif
  • Include an Accept-Charset header indicating that only UTF-8 is accepted by sending exactly this header:

    Accept-Charset: UTF-8
  • Do not include cookie related headers.

  • Include authentication information if required (see 2.4.4 HTTP Response). Once authentication information has been included in a request, subsequent requests for the same realm must include authentication information as described in Section 2 and under "domain" in Section 3.2.1 of [RFC 2617].

  • Implementations must support URIs with both http and https scheme components.


    As noted under 2.4.7 Included Resources and 2.4.8 Linked Resources the URIs that are relevant to mobileOK are those that, when represented in an absolute form, have either the http or the https scheme. Requests should not be made for URIs with schemes other than http and https.

2.4.4 HTTP Response

If an HTTP request does not result in a valid HTTP response (because of network-level error, DNS resolution error, or non-HTTP response), FAIL

If the HTTP status indicates redirection (status code 3xx):

Do not carry out tests on the response

If the response relates to a request for the resource under test, or any of its Included Resources (see 2.4.7 Included Resources):

Include the size of the response in the "total size" as described under 3.16 PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT

Include this response under the count as described under 3.6 EXTERNAL_RESOURCES

If there is no HTTP Location header, FAIL.

If the URI identified by the HTTP Location header is a relative URI, create an absolute URI by combining the value of the Location header with the absolute URI of the request to which this is a response, warn

If the resulting URI is not a URI with the scheme http or https, FAIL.

Re-request the resource using the URI formulated above.

If the HTTP status indicates that authentication is required (e.g. status code 401):

If the response relates to a request for the resource under test, or any of its Included Resources (see 2.4.7 Included Resources):

If authentication information was supplied in the HTTP request (i.e. authentication failed) or if no authentication information is available, FAIL

Carry out tests on the response

Include the size of the response in the "total size" as described under 3.16 PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT

Include this response under the count as described under 3.6 EXTERNAL_RESOURCES

Re-request the resource using authentication information

If the response relates to a request for a linked resource (see 2.4.8 Linked Resources):

Continue with the test (see 3.10 LINK_TARGET_FORMAT , i.e. do not re-request the resource with authentication information), warn

If the HTTP status code is 404 or 5xx

If the response relates to a request for the resource under test, continue with tests on the response and warn

If the response relates to a request for a linked resource (see 2.4.8 Linked Resources), continue with the test (see 3.10 LINK_TARGET_FORMAT ) and warn

Otherwise (i.e. for Included Resources), FAIL

If the HTTP status represents failure (4xx), other than 404, a request for authentication (e.g. 401) or a 406 when carrying out the 3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule, FAIL

2.4.5 Meta http-equiv Elements

Documents can include meta elements with an http-equiv attribute; these are sometimes considered substitutes for HTTP response headers.

mobileOK Basic test implementations must ignore values specified in such elements, aside from the following:

2.4.6 CSS Style

Some tests refer to "CSS Style" information. Assemble the CSS Style by using the contents of:

  • the style attribute of any element (use of the style attribute is deprecated in XHTML Basic 1.1 [XHTML Basic 1.1])

  • style elements whose type attribute is "text/css", and whose media attribute is either not present or is present and contains values "all" or "handheld" (case-insensitive).

  • resources linked via link elements and xml-stylesheet processing instructions, where:

    • the rel attribute contains "stylesheet" but not "alternate" (case-insensitive)

    • the charset attribute is either not present or is present with value "UTF-8" (case-insensitive)

    • the type attribute is either not present or is present with value "text/css"

    • the media attribute is either not present or is present and contains value "all" or "handheld" (case-insensitive).


    In the case of xml-stylesheet processing instructions, attribute in this section refers to pseudo-attribute.

  • resources linked by CSS @import at-rules whose presentation media list is either not present or is present and contains the value "all" or "handheld"

In the course of assembling the CSS Style use only those CSS rulesets that are not restricted as to their presentation media type or whose presentation media type list contains "handheld" or "all".

2.4.7 Included Resources

Some tests refer to Included Resources, which are resources external to the resource being tested and yet vital to rendering that resource and whose URI has the "http" or "https" scheme, when represented in an absolute form. Examples include image and style sheet resources.

When retrieving resources, caching directives should be observed. Multiple references to cached resources are counted only once in regard of page weight (see 3.16 PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT ) and resource count (see 3.6 EXTERNAL_RESOURCES ).

Included Resources are defined as those that are referenced by the following:

  • the src attribute of img elements

  • the data attribute of object elements (see notes below)

  • the href attribute of link elements and xml-stylesheet processing instructions as defined in 2.4.6 CSS Style

  • images included by background-image and list-style-image properties in the CSS Style (see 2.4.6 CSS Style)

  • @import directives in the CSS Style - providing they are unqualified as to presentation media type or qualified by presentation media type "handheld" or "all" (case-insensitive) as defined in 2.4.6 CSS Style


In some circumstances object elements may act as synonyms for other elements such as img and iframe. In these cases it is noted in the relevant section when to regard object elements as equivalents for other elements.


Resources that are retrieved as references from object elements and whose Content-Type HTTP header is not set to "image/jpeg" or "image/gif" are not considered to be Included Resources as discussed under 3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule (i.e. objects that are "tasted" to determine their Internet content type but are then discarded are not Included Resources). Their treatment, as regards 3.16 PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT and 3.6 EXTERNAL_RESOURCES , is described in the relevant section.


Resources referenced by descendants of an object element that itself refers to an Included Resource are not considered to be Included Resources as discussed under 3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule (i.e. any img or object element which occurs in the fall-back of an acceptable object element is not an Included Resource).

2.4.9 Validity

Several tests refer to the validity of aspects of a resource. This section defines specifically what this means.


A resource is considered a valid CSS resource if it conforms to the grammar defined in [CSS Level 1], Appendix B. The presence of at-rules, properties or values or combinations of properties and values that are not specified in [CSS Level 1] does not constitute a validity failure for CSS. See 3.21 STYLE_SHEETS_USE for treatment of such values. In addition, the @media at-rule and the presentation media list for the @import at-rule are taken into account when evaluating CSS.


An image is a valid GIF image if it conforms to the grammar defined in section 25 of the [GIF] specification.


An image is a valid JPEG image if it follows the format defined in Annex B of the [JPEG] specification


A resource is considered to be valid UTF-8 if its bytes represent the valid UTF-8 encoding of some string, as defined in [RFC 3629], section 4

2.4.10 White Space

Several tests refer to white space. White space has the same definition in this document as in XML. For XML 1.0 [XML 1.0] it is defined in

3 mobileOK Basic Tests

This section describes tests for mobileOK Basic. Tests are organized alphabetically by the Best Practice from which they derive. Where a test derives from more than one Best Practice it is placed according to the one that occurs first in dictionary order.


This test does not determine whether the user is able to opt out of refresh.

If a meta element is present with http-equiv attribute value of "refresh",

If the URI specified as part of the content attribute is not the current resource's URI, FAIL

Else, warn

If a Refresh HTTP header is present,

If the URI specified in the header value is not the current resource's URI, FAIL

Else, warn


The purpose of the test is to alert providers to the fact that their content may not be cached, if it would be beneficial to do so.


Where both a meta element with http-equiv attribute and the corresponding HTTP header are found, the value of the HTTP header must be used - see also note under 2.4.5 Meta http-equiv Elements.

If the HTTP response contains neither an Expires nor Cache-Control header

If no meta http-equiv element is present, referring to those headers, FAIL

Continue the test using the value from the meta content attribute as though it were specified in the appropriate header, warn

If a Cache-Control HTTP header is present and contains value "no-cache", or contains value "max-age=0", warn

If a Pragma HTTP header is present and contains value "no-cache", warn

If an Expires and Date HTTP header are present, and the Expires header specifies a date which is not later than what the Date header specifies, warn

If any cache related header contains an invalid value, warn

If the HTTP response contains a Last-Modified header,

Request the same URI again, adding an If-Modified-Since request header whose value matches that of the Last-Modified response header

If the HTTP response contains a Last-Modified header and its value is again the same, and the HTTP response status is not 304 (Not Modified), warn

If the HTTP response contains an ETag header,

Request the same URI again, adding an If-None-Match request header whose value matches that of the ETag response header

If the HTTP response contains an ETag header and its value is again the same, and the HTTP response status is not 304 (Not Modified), warn


The DDC is defined to support only UTF-8 encoding, and hence this test fails if a resource is not encoded in UTF-8. The test does not require that resource always be encoded in UTF-8; the test merely checks that the resource is available in UTF-8 encoding, if requested. Resources may be represented using other encodings where appropriate. This test verifies that a DDC-like device which only accepts UTF-8 encoding may access the resource in UTF-8 encoding.

This test requires that character encoding is explicitly specified and recognizes the following methods of specification:

  • HTTP Content-Type header

    application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8
  • XML declaration

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  • meta element that is the first child of the document's head element, and whose http-equiv attribute is "Content-Type", and whose content attribute specifies a character encoding

    ... <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8"/> ... 

If the HTTP Content-Type header specifies a character encoding other than UTF-8, FAIL

If the HTTP Content-Type header does not specify a character encoding:

If there is no XML declaration, or UTF-8 character encoding is not specified in the XML declaration, FAIL

If the HTTP Content-Type header specifies an Internet media type starting with "text/":

If there is no meta element with http-equiv attribute that specifies UTF-8 character encoding, FAIL

If character encoding is specified in more than one way, and not all values are the same, FAIL

If the document is not valid UTF-8 (see 2.4.9 Validity), FAIL

For each resource specified by 2.4.7 Included Resources:

Request the resource

If the HTTP Content-Type header value of the response starts with "text/" but does not specify UTF-8 character encoding, warn



In the following, an "html document" is a document that has "html" as its root element.


In the following, "regardless of its stated DOCTYPE" means that when assessing validity against the XHTML Basic 1.1 and XHTML MP 1.2 DTDs this may be carried out by inserting a DOCTYPE if none is present, or by replacing the given DOCTYPE with the appropriate DOCTYPE for the DTD under test.


In the following, "a known XHTML version" means XHTML Basic 1.0, XHTML Basic 1.1, XHTML-MP 1.0, XHTML-MP 1.1 or XHTML-MP 1.2.

If the document's Internet media type, as specified in the HTTP response Content-Type header, is not "application/xhtml+xml", "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml", or "text/html", FAIL

If the document's Internet media type is "text/html" or "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml", warn

If the document does not contain a DOCTYPE declaration, FAIL

If the document is not an HTML document, FAIL

If the DOCTYPE is not an XML DOCTYPE, warn

If the document is an HTML document and it has an XML DOCTYPE:

If the document does not declare the html namespace on its html root element, FAIL

If the DOCTYPE refers to a known XHTML version, validate against that DOCTYPE and if invalid, warn

Otherwise (if the DOCTYPE is not known), warn

If (regardless of its stated DOCTYPE) the document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD:

If (regardless of its stated DOCTYPE) it does not validate against the XHTML-MP 1.2 DTD, FAIL

For each Included Resource (see 2.4.7 Included Resources):

If the response specifies an Internet media type that is not "text/css", "image/jpeg" or "image/gif", FAIL

If an image is required (see also 3.15 OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT ) and the response specifies an Internet media type that is not "image/jpeg" or "image/gif", FAIL

If the Internet media type is "image/gif" or "image/jpeg", and the resource is not valid (see 2.4.9 Validity), FAIL

If a style sheet is required and the response specifies an Internet media type that is not "text/css", FAIL

If the Internet media type is "text/css" and the content is not valid CSS (see 2.4.9 Validity), FAIL



inputmode is part of [XHTML Basic 1.1].

For each input element with attribute type whose value is "text" or "password" or whose type attribute is missing:

If the element's inputmode attribute is invalid according to Section 5.2 User Agent Behavior of XHTML Basic 1.1 [XHTML Basic 1.1], FAIL

If the element's value attribute is missing or empty, and an inputmode attribute is not present, warn

For each textarea element:

If the element's inputmode attribute is invalid according to Section 5.2 User Agent Behavior of XHTML Basic 1.1 [XHTML Basic 1.1], FAIL

If the element is empty and an inputmode attribute is not present, warn


Retrieve the resource under test, and add the number of retrievals required to obtain the resource (see 2.4.4 HTTP Response) to a running total.

For each unique Included Resource, as defined in 2.4.7 Included Resources:

Request the referenced resource

Add the number of HTTP requests that are required to retrieve the resource (see 2.4.4 HTTP Response) to the running total. Include in the count only those objects retrieved under the 3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule whose type attribute is not specified, and those whose content type is either "image/jpeg" or "image/gif" irrespective of whether the type attribute is specified.

If the total exceeds 10, warn

If this total exceeds 20, FAIL


The intent of this Best Practice is to avoid using transparent images for spacing. However, small transparent images are often used in e-commerce sites for user tracking purposes. The practice is common enough, and possibly vital enough to the business interests of mobile sites, that it is undesirable to fail sites that use such small transparent images. Therefore this machine-testable test merely warns about the presence of small (at most 2x2) transparent images and FAILs larger ones. It is believed that few if any sites would use transparent images of any significant size for tracking.

For each img element and object element which is an Included Resource (see 2.4.7 Included Resources):

If all pixels are transparent,

If image height and width are both less than or equal to 2 pixels, warn

If either dimension exceeds 2 pixels, FAIL

If more than one image with all transparent pixels is present, warn


If an input element with type attribute set to "image" is present, FAIL

For each img element and object element which is an Included Resource (see 2.4.7 Included Resources):

If a usemap attribute is present, FAIL

If an ismap attribute is present, FAIL



The height and width HTML attributes specify pixels when they are used as a number. No unit is specified.

For each img element and object element which is an Included Resource (see 2.4.7 Included Resources):

If the height or width attribute are missing, FAIL

If the height or width attribute do not specify a size in pixels, FAIL

If the value specified by either the height or width attribute is greater than the corresponding dimension of the image, warn

If the value specified by either the height or width attribute is less than the corresponding dimension of the image, FAIL



404 and 5xx HTTP status do not result in failure when conducting this test.


The document body of linked resources is not examined.

For each linked resource, as defined in 2.4.8 Linked Resources:

Request the resource

If the Content-Type header value of the HTTP response is not one of the Internet media types listed in the Accept header in 2.4.3 HTTP Request, warn

If the Content-Type header value of the HTTP response does not specify a charset parameter, or does but it is not consistent with the value of the Accept-Charset header in 2.4.3 HTTP Request, warn

For each document internal reference (links in the document under test that refer to the document itself):

If there is no target for the reference or it is invalid (e.g. '#'), warn



The intrinsic size of images must be specified as attributes of the img element and not as CSS properties (see 3.9 IMAGES_RESIZING and IMAGES_SPECIFY_SIZE)


Only CSS Level 1 properties are considered in this test.

For each CSS Level 1 property in the CSS Style (see 2.4.6 CSS Style) whose value is a numeric measure of length stated together with a unit:

If the value is non-zero and the unit is not "em" or "ex" (and the value is not a percentage), and the property is not a margin, border or padding box property, FAIL



Extraneous white space characters in script and in CSS are not considered in this test. Such an extension may be considered in a future revision of this specification.

Count number of white space characters (see 2.4.10 White Space) in a sequence of more than one white space character (not counting the first), which exist outside of a pre, style, script element, or XML comment.

Add to this count the number of characters comprising XML comments. This total is the number of extraneous characters in the document.

Count total number of characters in document.

If the number of extraneous characters exceeds 10% of the count of characters in the document, warn

If the number of extraneous characters exceeds 25% of the count of characters in the document, FAIL


If the document contains a frame, frameset or iframe element, FAIL


This test does not determine whether the alternative text is meaningful.


An empty alt attribute is acceptable and signifies that there is no meaningful textual alternative, for example for images that are purely decorative.

For each img element:

If an alt attribute is not present or contains only white space, FAIL


This test does not determine whether the document is still usable without the objects or scripts.

If a script element is present, warn

If any element has an "intrinsic event" attribute (currently onload, onunload, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onfocus, onblur, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, onsubmit, onreset, onselect, onchange), warn

For each a and link element:

If the value of the href attribute begins with the "javascript:" scheme, FAIL

If an applet element is present, FAIL

Set the context to the root element and apply the Object Element Processing Rule

3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule

For each img element that has no object element ancestor (other than the context node) in this context:

Treat this image as an Included Resource (and carry out appropriate tests).

For each object element that has no object element ancestor (other than the context node) in this context:

If the object element is empty, warn

If the content of the object element consists only of white space, FAIL

If there is no type attribute, warn

If it is not already cached (see 2.4.7 Included Resources), retrieve the referenced resource (ignoring the type attribute)

If the Internet media type of the retrieved resource, as indicated by its Content-Type HTTP header does not match that stated in the type attribute, warn

If the Internet media type indicated by the Content-Type HTTP Header of the retrieved resource is not "image/jpeg" or "image/gif", warn

Reapply this rule using the current object element as the context

Otherwise (the object is an acceptable image):

Treat this object as an Included Resource (and carry out appropriate tests), ignore img and object elements that are descendants of the current object element.


A warning is issued when the Internet media type indicated by the type attribute is not compatible with the Default Delivery Context because some user agents do not take into account the type attribute of object elements and this may cause the user agent to retrieve large incompatible objects with consequences to performance and cost.


An HTTP 406 status on retrieval of a resource referenced by an object element does not constitute a FAIL.


Retrieve the document under test, if its size (excluding any redirections discussed under 2.4.4 HTTP Response) exceeds 10 kilobytes, FAIL

Add to a running total (total size) the size of all the HTTP response bodies that are required to retrieve the document under test (2.4.4 HTTP Response).

For each unique Included Resource, as defined in 2.4.7 Included Resources:

Add the size of all the response bodies that are required to retrieve the resource (see 2.4.4 HTTP Response) to the running total. Include in the total only those objects retrieved under the 3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule whose type attribute is not specified, and those whose Internet media type as indicated by the Content-Type HTTP header is either "image/jpeg" or "image/gif" irrespective of whether the type attribute is specified.

If the total exceeds 20 kilobytes, FAIL


In the case of resources that are referenced more than once in the document under test, and where, as discussed under 2.4.7 Included Resources, they are cached, it is the initial retrieval of that resource (as determined by the first reference in document order) that counts towards the total.


Where the 3.15.1 Object Element Processing Rule yields a resource that is found to be cached, objects that must be assessed in the course of yielding the cached resource count towards the total.


This test does not determine whether the title is meaningful.

If a title element is not present in the head element, or is empty, or contains only white space (see 2.4.10 White Space), FAIL

3.18 POP_UPS

For each a, link, form, and base element:

If a target attribute is present,

If its value is not one of "_self", "_parent", or "_top", FAIL


For each radio button group within a form element (input elements with type "radio" that share the same name attribute value):

Check that exactly one input element within this group has its checked attribute set to "checked", and if this is not the case, warn

For each select element:

If there is no nested option element whose selected attribute is set to "selected", warn

If there is more than one option element whose selected attribute is set to "selected", and the multiple attribute is not set to "multiple", warn


If the CSS Style (see 2.4.6 CSS Style) contains rules referencing the position, display or float properties, warn


This test looks for elements in the Text Extension module defined by [XHTML Modularization], some of which are not supported in XHTML Basic [XHTML Basic 1.1]. It also looks for commonly-used elements and attributes that were deprecated in HTML 4, and are not supported, or are deprecated, in XHTML Basic.


This test does not require that any CSS Style is used, since in some cases, no presentation information is required at all (for example, a simple page of text).

If the document contains any basefont, bdo, center, del, dir, font, ins, menu, s, strike or u elements, FAIL

If the document contains any b, big, i, small, sub, sup or tt elements, warn

If any element has a style attribute, warn

If all styles are restricted to presentation media types other than "handheld" or "all" by means of @media at-rules, warn

If the CSS Style contains at-rules (other than the @media at-rule, and the presentation media type list of the @import at-rule), properties, or values that are not recognized as being specified in CSS Level 1, or if the value of a recognized CSS Level 1 property is incompatible with the property, warn


If a table element exists, warn


This test does not catch all cases where tables are used for layout purposes.

For each table element:

If it contains at most one tr element, FAIL

If no tr element contains more than one td element, FAIL

For each nested td element:

If the element contains only an image (or equivalent object) whose actual dimensions are 2x2 or less, FAIL


For each table element:

If it contains a table element, FAIL

B References (Non-Normative)

Best Practices
Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0, Jo Rabin, Charles McCathieNevile, W3C Recommendation, 29 July 2008 (See http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-mobile-bp-20080729/)
CSS Level 1
Cascading Style Sheets, level 1, Håkon Wium Lie, Bert Bos, W3C Recommendation 17 Dec 1996, revised 11 Jan 1999 (See http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-CSS1-19990111/)
GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE FORMAT, Version 89a, CompuServe Incorporated, 1990 (See http://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/itu-t81.pdf)
RFC 2119
Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner, March 1997 (See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119.txt)
RFC 2616
Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 Request for Comments: 2616, R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee, June 1999 (See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616)
RFC 2617
HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication, J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, P. Leach, A. Luotonen, L. Stewart, June 1999 (See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617)
RFC 3629
UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646, F. Yergau, November 2003 (See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629)
WCAG 1.0
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, W. Chisholm, G. Vanderheiden and I. Jacobs, eds., W3C Recommendation, 5 May 1999 (See http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-19990505/)
XHTML Basic 1.1
XHTML™ Basic 1.1, Mark Baker, Masayasu Ishikawa, Shinichi Matsui, Peter Stark, Ted Wugofski, Toshihiko Yamakami (eds), W3C Recommendation, 29 July 2008 (See http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xhtml-basic-20080729/)
XHTML Modularization
XHTML™ Modularization 1.1, Daniel Austin, Subramanian Peruvemba, Shane McCarron, Masayasu Ishikawa, Mark Birbeck (eds), W3C Recommendation, 08 October 2008 (See http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xhtml-modularization-20081008/)
XML 1.0
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition), Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, François Yergeau, W3C Recommendation 26 November 2008 (See http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/)

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