Participating in the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG)
The Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) was closed in 2024.
More information in 19 September 2024 blog post.
If you have any questions, contact the W3C Team contact for EOWG, Shawn Henry.
Commenting on EOWG Resources
We especially encourage contributions on resources-in-progress and open issues. You are welcome to comment on other EOWG resources. It might some time for us to address comments on inactive resources.
- To find out about resources-in-progress and open issues, see:
- Work for this Week.
- EOWG mailing list messages.
- EOWG surveys. (You can see the results of surveys, although not access the surveys themselves. To see the results, add “/results” to the end of the URL.)
- We prefer comments in GitHub. You can comment on existing issues; open new issues; fork and edit, and submit pull requests; etc. Links to GitHub are at the bottom of each resource page.
- Alternatively, you can send comments to the EOWG mailing list. You need to subscribe to the list (instructions below) before sending messages.
Getting a W3C Account
Anyone can get a public W3C account. To get an account with W3C Member access, we will need to verify your affiliation.
To get a W3C account, complete the Account Request Form. After you submit it:
- If your e-mail address is tied to a W3C Member, you will receive e-mail to confirm your W3C account.
After you use the link in the e-mail to complete the request, your W3C account will be set up with member access. - If your e-mail address is not tied to a W3C Member, the next form asks about your employment affiliation.
After you submit it, you will receive e-mail to confirm your W3C account.
After you use the link in the e-mail to complete the request:- If you are not affiliated with a W3C Member, your public W3C account will be set up.
- If you are affiliated with a W3C Member, it may take some time to get confirmation of your member account access from your organization’s W3C Representative.
Subscribing to the mailing list
The EOWG mailing list archives are publicly available and can be read by anyone. Subscribing to the EOWG mailing list is open to anyone who wants to follow the work of the group. Subscribing to the mailing list does not make you a Working Group participant.
To subscribe to the EOWG mailing list:
After you receive your W3C login name, request to be added to the EOWG mailing list by sending an e-mail:
- including your W3C login in the e-mail body
- with subject line “Request for EOWG mailing list”
- to: [email protected]
If you do not receive confirmation that you have been added to the mailing list with in one week, contact the W3C Team contact for EOWG, Shawn Henry.
Becoming an Active Participant
Participant status requires you to commitment to support the work of the group. Active participants are expected to contribute at least 4 hours per week towards the Working Group. Editors are expected to contribute at least 8 hours per week.
Active participants are expected to contribute to the development of deliverables by:
- attending most of the Working Group teleconferences that are in reasonable working hours in your time zone.
- being familiar with the relevant documents of the Working Group, including minutes of past meetings.
- commenting on open issues.
- responding to e-mails sent to the EOWG mailing list.
- completing EOWG surveys/questionnaires in a timely manner.
With permission of the Chairs, an individual may contribute only to a specific deliverable, and thus only needs to meet the participation expectations related to that deliverable.
If you work for a W3C Member organization:
Read the EOWG Charter.
If you do not have a W3C Account login and password, request a W3C Account, per the instructions above.
After you receive your W3C Account login, ask your W3C Advisory Committee (AC) Representative to:
Select you as a participant in the Working Group by completing the Joining the EOWG WG Form.
Fill out the Working Group Nomination Form, which includes completing an intellectual property rights (IPR) declaration for your organization.
You will be notified by e-mail when these forms are processed and you are added to the EOWG mailing list.
If you do not work for a W3C Member organization:
If you do not work for a W3C Member organization and you think that you have the availability and expertise to contribute as an active participate, see the steps for becoming an “Invited Expert” below. Note that EOWG is a public Working Group and participation in it does not give you access to information that is W3C Member-confidential.
Learn about participating in EOWG.
Read the Participation expectations, including a minimum of 4 hours per week.
Read EOWG Participation Info.
Read the Policy for Approval of Invited Experts.
Get a W3C Account and subscribe to the mailing list, per the instructions above.
Explain your interest in contributing to EOWG work in an e-mail to EOWG Co-Chairs Brent and Kris Anne, and W3C Staff Contact Shawn, at [email protected].
Demonstrate your understanding of EOWG and your contributions by commenting on open issues and resources-in-progress per Commenting on EOWG Resources above.
If you have questions, e-mail [email protected]. -
After you are comfortable that you understand EOWG and have demonstrated contributions, e-mail [email protected] with ideas on how you can contribute more as an active EOWG participant. We will probably schedule a time to talk via phone.
After you receive an invitation from the Chairs and Staff Contact (probably via phone, maybe via e-mail), complete the W3C Invited Expert Application.
You should receive a reply within 10 business days. If you are accepted as an Invited Expert, you will receive confirmation with additional instructions on one more form to complete.
If you do not receive a reply within 10 days, contact the W3C Team contact for EOWG, Shawn Henry.