Decisions on this page are recorded as indicted in the WCAG Decision Policy.
Dec 6th
- Approval to WCAG 3.
Nov 21st
- Approval to update WCAG 3 Explainer.
Nov 13th
- Approval of errata for WCAG 2.1 and 2.2, with the exception of PR #3539, and re-publication of both versions.
Nov 4th
- Approve update to WCAG 3 Requirements
August 27
- Approve WCAG2ICT Final Publication
July 1
- Approve WCAG2ICT First Public Working Draft
June 13
- Approve ACT Rules Format 1.1 for first public working draft
May 10
- Updating WCAG 3 working draft
March 11
- Updating the definition of "Single Pointer" in WCAG 2.1 and 2.2
25th August
- Adding errata and updating understanding documents for WCAG 2.0
8 August
- Publish WCAG2ICT First Public Working Draft
2nd August
- Republish of WCAG 2.1
21 July
- Update the WCAG 3 Working Draft
3 May
- Move WCAG 2.2 to CR including changes to Focus Appearance and Target Size (at risk)
30 March
- Add a note to the SC text and update the understanding document for 4.1.1 Parsing in 2.0 and 2.1
19 Jan
- Move WCAG 2.2 to Candidate Recommendation
12 Jan
- Removing 4.1.1 Parsing from WCAG 2.2
- Target size updates
26 October
- Agree WCAG2ICT Work Statement
30th August
- Agreed to Move WCAG 2.2 to Candidate Recommendation:
With one (not formal) objection:
The criterion Focus Appearance was agreed to be "at risk" based on concerns about the complexity.
12th August
- Not agreed CFC to Move WCAG 2.2 to Candidate Recommendation
5th August
- Agree CFC CFC - AGWG Charter
22nd July
- Agree CFC Approve WCAG 2.2 Focus Appearance, Normative Text
18th July
- Agree CFC Approve WCAG 2.2 SC Focus not obscured
15th July
- Not agreed CFC for WCAG 2.2 SC Page break navigation
7th July
- Agree CFC Approve WCAG 2.2 SC Target size (min)
22nd Jun
- Agree CFC Approve creation of WCAG2ICT Task Force
21st Jun
- Agree CFC Approve WCAG 2.2 SC Consistent Help
10th Jun
- Agree CFC - Approve WCAG 2.2 SC Redundant entry
9th Jun
- Agree CFC - Updates to ACT rule "Common Input Aspects"
1st Jun
- Agree CFC - Approve WCAG 2.2 SC Accessible Authentication
23 March
- Agree CFC - Approve COGA Work Statement
16th Feb
- Agree CFC - Errata for the "Changes of context" definition
10th Jan
- Agree CFC - a small change to a note on a definition
- Agree CFC - a change to the ACT Rules a small change to a note on a definition
15 October
- Agree CFC - Approve publication of WCAG 3.0 updates
17 September
- Agree CFC - Approving WCAG 3 Explainer for publication
3 September
- Agree CFC - User Generated Content
3 August
- Agree CFC - Adopting ACT-Silver proposal on new WCAG 3 structure
5th June
- Agree CFC - WCAG 3.0 Heartbeat publication
19th May
- Agree CFC - Color contrast formula errata
26th April
- Agree CFC - Updates to Redundant Entry
19th April
- Agreed CFC - Updates to the AGWG Decision Policy
- Agreed CFC with an objection - Updates to Page break locators
14th April
- Agreed CFC - Publish Making Content Usable for People With Cognitive and Learning Disabilities
- Agreed CFC - Updates to Focus appearance (enh)
9th April
- Agreed CFC - Updates to Target size SC
- Agreed CFC - Updates to Focus appearance (min) SC
6th April
- Agreed CFC - Updates to Consistent Help SC
30th March
- Agreed CFC - Updates to Visible Controls SC
23rd March
- Agreed CFC - Updates to Dragging Movements SC
15th March
- Agreed CFC - Updates to Accessibility Authentication SC
19 February
- Agreed CFC - WCAG 3.0 Acknowledgements
16 January
- Agreed CFC - Silver Decision Policy
5 January
- Agree with Objections CFC - Publish WCAG 3.0 as FPWD
26 October
- Agreed CFC - Approve COGA Decision Policy
26 October
- No agreement on CFC - Approve Silver Decision Policy
October 5th
- Agreed CFC - Move Silver Requirements to note
August 3rd
- Agreed CFC - Incorporate updates to Focus visible
July 20th
- Agreed CFC - Add "Pointer target spacing" to WCAG 2.2 draft
July 7th
- Agreed CFC - Add "Fixed reference points" to WCAG 2.2 draft
July 6th
- Agreed CFC - Add Hidden Controls to WCAG 2.2 draft
June 17th
- Agreed CFC - Add Findable Help to WCAG 2.2 draft
May 27th
- Agreed a second editorial update to the ACT Rules Format -
May 18th
- Agreed CFC - Add Dragging SC to WCAG 2.2 draft
April 20th
- Agreed CFC - Approve Conformance Challenges for FPWD
- Agreed CFC - Permission to Publish Iterative Draft of WCAG 2.2 FPWD
April 10th
- Agreed an editorial update to the ACT Rules Format
March 23rd
- Agreed to include Accessible Authentication in the WCAG 2.2 working draft
February 13th
- Agreed to publish the First Public Working Draft of WCAG 2.2
January 23rd:
- Agreed to update Accessibility Conformance Testing Task Force work statement (
January 2nd:
- Agreed to include Focus Visible (Enhanced) in the WCAG 2.2 working draft (
July 30th:
- Agreed to accept the WCAG 2.2 requirements document (
Jul 19, 2019:
- Agreed to accept the publication of the ACT Rules format 1.0, transitioning from Candidate Recommendation to Proposed Recommendation (
May 10th:
- Agreed the WCAG 2.2 process document and acceptance criteria (
March 28th:
- Agreed to publish ACT Rules Format 1.0 as Candidate Recommendation, ACT Rules: Common Input Aspects as a W3C Working Group Note, and on the CR Exit Criteria for the Rules Format 1.0 CR document (
March 5th:
- Agreed to work on WCAG 2.2 (
February 21st:
- Agreed to accept editorial errata (
- Agreed to accept editorial errata (
- Agreed to accept editorial errata (
Dec 11th
- Agreed to mark WCAG 1.0 as "Superseded" and mark related supporting documents as "Retired" (
- Agreed to mark the WCAG 2.0 Group Notes as "Retired" and include pointers to latest versions (
December 6th:
- Agreed to split the COGA gap analysis docment into two documents, with standing permission for updates to both (
November 13th:
- Agreed to an update to the decision policy (
September 28th:
- Agreed to accept two editorial Errata (
April 17th:
- Agreed to advance WCAG 2.1 to Proposed Recommendation (
April 16th:
- Re-organization of a few new SC (
- Agreement on changes to the WCAG 2.1 Introduction for COGA concerns (
- Agreement on change for Pointer cancellation - abort or undo clause is confusing (
April 5:
- Agreement on response to issue 753 (
- Agreement on response to issue 765 (
- Agreement on response to issue 754 (
- Agreement on response to issue 778 (
- Agreement on response to issue 803 (
- Agreement on response to issue 806 (renaming GL 2.3 and moving Animation from Interactions) (
- Agreement on response to issue 829 (
- Agreement on response to issue 827 (
- Agreement on response to issue 835 (
- Agreement on response to issue 754 and 839 (
- Agreement on response to issue 844 (
March 19:
- Agreement on response to issue 757 (
February 22:
- Permission for ACT TF to publish draft of rules format and updated demo rules site. (
- Agreement on response to issue 756 (
- Agreement on response to issue 758 (
- Agreement on response to issue 759 (
- Agreement on response to issue 760 (
- Agreement on response to issue 761 (
February 5:
- Standing permission for COGA TF to publish Working Drafts of COGA Gap Analysis (including list of substantial changes) (
January 23:
- Agreement on resolving multiple comments in
January 19:
- Agreement on Updated Response to issue 634 and 663 on Pointer Gestures (
- Agreement on Responses to issues 657, 677, and 685 on text spacing (
- Agreement on Updated Response to issues 649, 616, 411, 282, 680, and 686 on Graphics Contrast (
- Agreement on Target Size (2 options) (
- Agreement on Identify Common Controls, Identify Controls, and Issue responses (
- Agreement on Response to issue 674 (1st Note in SC 1.4.10 Reflow) and Reflow edits (
- Agreement on Response to issue 697 (The Paciello Group comment on 2.2.9 Animation from Interactions) (
- Agreement on Updated Response to issues 386, 659, and 660, 669, and 688 on Character Key Shortcuts (
- Agreement on Updated Response to issue 650/655/695/711 on Content on Hover or Focus (
January 17:
- Agreement on response to issue 598 (
- Agreement on response to issue 589 (
- Agreement on response to issue 162: Multi-document publications and meaningful sequence (
- Agreement on response to issue 667: SC 2.2.8 Timeouts - Proposal for change of wording (
- No agreement on response to issue 634 and 663 on pointer gestures (
- Agreement on response to issue 70 "SC 2.4.12 Label in Name - Proposal for change of wording" (
- Agreement on response to issues 620, 621, and 676 on user motion (
January 12:
- Agreement on response to issues 671 and 261 (
- No agreement on proposed changes to Target Size SC (
- Agreement on response for 296/315 (
- Agreement on change in text for Guideline 6.2 (
January 11:
- Response to issue 520 (
- Response to issue 408 (
- Response to issue 656/644 (
- Response to issue 605 (
January 8: Agreement to accept responses to issues 601, 609, 617, and 618 -
January 4: Agreement on the following:
- Response to issue 150 -
- Response to issue 619 -
- Response to issue 630 - (one objection)
January 3:
- CFC on Identify Purpose and issue responses - passed (
- CFC on Animation from Interactions and issue responses - passed (
- CFC on Accessibility Authentication and issue responses - no consensus (
December 20: Agreement on the following CFC's:
- "Resolving issues #1" -
December 5: Agreement to add the following changed SC to the editor's draft:
- Timeouts CFC - (with objections)
- Identify Common Purposes CFC - (with objections)
- Content on Hover or Focus CFC : (with objections)
- Device Sensors CFC - (with objections)
- Accidental Activation CFC -
- Change of Content CFC -
Agreement to include the following SC in the editor's draft unchanged from the previous draft due to no consensus on new language:
- Accessible Authentication CFC - (with objections)
- Animation from Interactions CFC - (with objections)
- Interruptions (minimum) CFC - (with objections)
- Contextual Information CFC - (with objections)
November 30:
- Agreement to changes to Target Size (AA) and Target Size (Enhanced) (AAA), as well as approving comment responses.
November 29:
- Agreement to change Adapting Text SC and accept comment responses.
November 27:
- Agreement to change Pointer Gestures SC.
- Agreement to change Orientation SC.
- Agreement to change Concurrent Input Mechanisms SC.
November 18:
- Agreement to change Graphics Contrast SC.
November 17:
- Agreement to change Zoom Content to Reflow Content.
November 15:
- Agreement to update "Character Key Shortcuts".
November 13:
- Agreement to accept CR exit requirements.
November 2:
- Agreement to broaden the scope of "label in name".
October 31:
- Agreement on Grammar fix on UI Components.
October 24:
- Agreement to Change "Or" to "And" in Purpose of Controls.
October 20:
- Do not accept Change to SC 2.6.2 Orientation
- Agreement to Edits to SC 3.2.7 Change of Content
October 9:
- Agreement to Changing Accessible Name in Change of Content
- Agreement on [1]).
October 6:
- Do not add Proposed definition for 'Programatic Notification to Editors draft
September 5:
- Add Device Sensors to Editor's Draft
August 31:
- Do not add Printing to Editors' Draft
August 24:
- Add Animation from Interactions to Editors' Draft
August 22:
- Add Purpose of Controls to Editors' Draft
- Add Pointer Gestures to Editors' Draft
- Add Timeouts to Editors' Draft
- Add Metadata conformance change to Editors' Draft
August 18:
- Add Concurrent Input Mechanisms to Editors' Draft
August 15:
- Do not add Purpose of Controls SC to Editors' Draft
- Add Content on Hover or Focus to Editors' Draft
- Add Contextual Information SC to Editors' Draft
August 9:
- Add Target Size SC to Editors' Draft
- Add Target Size (no exception) SC to Editors' Draft
July 21:
- Add Adapting Text SC to Editors' Draft
- Add conformance changes to Editors' Draft
June 26:
Agreement to add Accessible Name SC to Editor's Draft (
June 23:
Agreement to add User Interface components SC to Editor's Draft (
Agreement to add Accessible Authentication SC to Editor's Draft (
Agreement to add Zoom Content SC to Editor's Draft (
June 13:
Agreement to add Orientation SC to Editor's Draft (
June 9:
Agreement to add Character Key Shortcuts SC to Editor's Draft (
Agreement to modify approval process for Understanding documents (
June 6:
Agreement to add Change of Content to Editor's Draft (
May 25:
Agreement to add Target Size and Target Size (no exception) to Editor's Draft (
Agreement to develop document for supplementary guidance for WCAG 2.1 (
May 23:
Add color to list of sensory characteristics in 1.3.3 and 1.4.1 as WCAG 2.0 errata (
April 19:
Agreement to publish publish two First Public Working Draft (FPWD) documents - COGA Issue Papers & COGA Gap Analysis & Road Map - from the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force (COGA)
April 14:
Agreement to accept the candidate SCs 'Accidental Activation' into the editor's draft. (
April 2:
Agreement on changes to Editor's draft require CFCs (
Agreement on standing consent to publish working drafts of WCAG 2.1 on a monthly schedule (
Agreement on Publication of FPWD for Accessibility Conformance Testing Rules Format 1.0 (
Feb 23:
Agreement on CFC to publish
February 16:
Agreement on not requiring user testing to meet Success Criteria in WCAG 2.1 (
February 14:
Working group decision to accept two candidate SCs into the editor's draft.
( AGWG Minutes )
Dec 5th:
Agreement on CFC to add add an example to the definition for "Set of web pages"
November 3:
Agreement on issue 244 (
Agreement on issue 245 (
Agreement on Silver Work Statement (
October 27:
Agreement on issue 199 (
Agreement on issue 200 (
Agreement on Silver Process (
October 13:
Agreement on CfC for new charter (
August 16:
Agreement on issue 216 (
Agreement on issue 215 (
Agreement on issue 209 (
Agreement on issue 220 (
August 11:
Agreement to approve creation of Accessibility Conformance Testing Task Force (
Agreement on checklist for proposals for new Success Criteria. (
Agreement on Success Criteria Requirements (
July 12:
Silver Sub Group created:
June 28:
Working group agrees to publish updated Understanding and Techniques docs:
June 21:
Agreement to publish the COGA Gap Analysis and User research/Issue papers as a FPWD (
June 14:
Agreement on Issue 182. (
Agreement on Issue 189. (
Agreement on Issue 193. (
June 8: Agreement on issue 158 and pull request 174 (
May 27:
Agreement on Issue 186. (
Agreement on adding px note to Understanding Documents. (
May 17: Agreement on "Large text" - using px rather than pt as unit #181 to work on this in Understanding document and flag for 2.1. (
May 10: Agreement to publish edited version of WCAG 2.0 to incorporate editorial errata only. (
April 25: Agreement regarding errata addition to SC 1.4.6 (matching earlier errata on 1.4.3). (
April 14:
Agreement regarding clarification of contrast requirements for link and button states (
Agreement regarding the applicability of SC 2.4.4 to button elements (
April 8: Agreement regarding landmarks not being required (
March 4: Agreement to not drop advisory technique H46 (
February 29: Agreement to publish latest version of Techniques and Understanding documents (
February 8: Agreement on response to comment on GitHub (
February 5: Agreement on a change to introductory paragraphs in extension requirements document (
January 7: Agreement to publish Techs and Understanding for public review (
December 18: Agreed to response to GitHub issue 113 regarding use of role="search" on form element (
December 15: Agreed to response to GitHub issue 122 (
December 15: Agreed to publication of minor change to Image Tutorial (
December 9: Resolution on Issue 102 (
December 7: Agreed to release a FPWD of the WCAG Extensions Requirements document (
November 16: Agreed to release the Public Draft version of the How to Meet WCAG resource (