WAI-TIES Project Reference
Web Accessibility Initiative: Training, Implementation, Education, Support
Page Contents
- WAI-TIES Update #5 (final) now available
- New documents published
Current Work
Currently WAI-TIES is working on the following documents in coordination with the Education and Outreach Working Group:
- Before/After Demonstration of Web content accessibility
- Evaluation Report for Before/After Demonstration
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
Documents (developed through the Education and Outreach Working Group)
- Updates and expansions of the Evaluation Resource Suite, including the following:
- Preliminary Review of Web Sites for Accessibility
- Conformance Evaluation of Web Sites for Accessibility
- Evaluation Approaches for Specific Contexts
- Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
- Involving Users in Web Accessibility Evaluation
- Using Combined Expertise for Evaluating Web Accessibility
- Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports
- Improving the Accessibility of Your Web Site
- Why Standards Harmonization is Essential to Web Accessibility
WAI-TIES Updates (electronic newsletters)
WAI-TIES Updates contain information about WAI activities in Europe, and resources of potential interest to the European community.
- WAI-TIES Update #5 (17 March, 2006)
- Available in: French
- WAI-TIES Update #4 (20 October, 2005)
- Available in: Spanish
- WAI-TIES Update #3 (17 December, 2004)
- Available in: Spanish
- WAI-TIES Update #2 (4 June, 2004)
- Available in: Spanish
- WAI-TIES Update #1 (1 July, 2003)
Best Practice Exchanges (training)
WAI-TIES held five Best Practices Exchange (BPE) trainings. The objectives of these trainings was to increase expertise in Web site evaluation, retrofitting, and development. Materials from the training sessions are linked below:
- Web Accessibility Best Practices Training on 25 October, 2005 in Sankt Augustin, Germany
- Web Accessibility Best Practices Training on 5 July, 2005 in Lisbon, Portugal
- Web Accessibility Best Practices Training on 6 July, 2004 in Paris, France
- Web Accessibility Best Practices Exchange Training on 9-10 February, 2004 in Madrid, Spain
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Exchange on 4 September, 2003 in Dublin, Ireland
WAI-TIES is a European Commission IST Accompanying Measure whose goal is to increase accessibility of the Web for people with disabilities in European Union Member States. This objective is accomplished by supporting and accompanying the technical and guidelines development work done at W3C WAI with training, education, and implementation support activities that are specific to the European context.
The project was planned during the first half of 2002 and officially started on October 1st 2002. W3C/ERCIM is the primary partner and BrailleNet as a subcontractor. The project runs for 36 months and has 5 main objectives for increasing the accessibility of the Web within European Union Member States:
- improvement and expansion of materials supporting Web site evaluation, development, or retrofitting
- continued outreach and materials development, including presentations, newsletters, and WAI working group meetings
- technical training and best practices exchange on Web site evaluation, development, and retrofitting
- development of a before/after demonstration, evaluation reports, and coordination and feedback on WAB Cluster work
- support for increased standards harmonization.
WAI-TIES Staff & Subcontractor
- Judy Brewer ([email protected]) WAI-TIES Project Coordinator
- Daniel Dardailler ([email protected]) WAI-TIES Project Administrator
- Shadi Abou-Zahra ([email protected]) WAI-TIES Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe
- Sylvie Duchateau (BrailleNet, [email protected]) Braillenet staff
Description of work
Part of the official Technical annex of the contract signed in September 2002 is available online (Note that this has since been amended)