WAI-AGE Project Deliverables

Page Contents
WAI-AGE Project ended as of 30 September 2010. This page lists resources developed through the WAI-AGE Project. Up-to-date resources on web accessibility for older people are available at WAI-AGE Staff, with feedback and contribution from developers, researchers, experts, user organizations, and individuals interested in web accessibility for older people. In particular, a dedicated W3C/WAI Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG), and served as an expert group throughout the course of the project.
WAI-AGE Literature Review
The initial phase of the WAI-AGE Project included a comprehensive literature review of over one hundred and fifty studies relating to web accessibility requirements of people with needs due to ageing, and an accompanying analysis that compares differences and similarities between technical and outreach needs of people with accessibility needs due to ageing, and technical and outreach needs of people with disabilities with regard to web accessibility. This literature review and analysis informed subsequent work of the WAI-AGE Project, including the revision of existing and development of new W3C/WAI educational resources that are described in later sections on this page.
Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review, W3C Working Draft 14 May 2008:
- WAI Guidelines and Older Web Users: Findings from the WAI-AGE Literature Review
- Observations and Conclusions from the WAI-AGE Literature Review and Analysis
Feedback on these documents is still welcome to [email protected] (a publicly archived list).
Revised W3C/WAI Educational Resources
Based on findings from the WAI-AGE Literature Review, several W3C/WAI educational resources were revised to better include considerations for people with age-related accessibility needs and to better explain the relationship of web accessibility for older people. These resources include:
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web
- Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization
- Involving Users in Web Accessibility Evaluation
- Before and After Demonstration Website
- Web Accessibility Training Resource Suite
New Resources
Based on findings from the WAI-AGE Literature Review, several W3C/WAI educational resources were created with considerations for people with age-related accessibility needs and to explain the relationship of web accessibility for older people. These resources include:
- Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility
- How to Make Presentations Accessible to All
- Developing Accessible Websites for Older Users
- Contacting Organisations about Inaccessible Websites
- Better Web Browsing: Tips for Customizing Your Computer
- Relationship Between Web Accessibility and Usability
- Exemplary articles addressing the needs of older users on the Web
- Web Accessibility for Older Users Presentation