WAI DA Update, July 2002
This update provides information on activities of the World Wide Web Consortium's
(W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), for the Web Accessibility Initiative
Design for All (WAI DA) Project in Europe. Please circulate to other mailing
lists as appropriate, avoiding cross-postings where possible.
1. European Parliament Passes Resolution on Web Accessibility
2. Web Accessibility Keynote and Workshops at ICCHP in 2002
3. WAI Meetings
4. Comments invited on Requirements Document for Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
5. Seeking Contacts at Web Design Associations in Europe
6. About the Web Accessibility Initiative and this WAI DA
1. European Parliament Passes
Resolution on Web Accessibility
On 13 June 2002 the European Parliament adopted a resolution supporting the
importance of Web accessibility in European institutions and Member States.
In particular, the resolution states that Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
1.0 (priority levels 1 and 2) and future versions, should be implemented
on public Web sites, and that EU Institutions and Member States should also
comply with the Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines by 2003.
2. Web Accessibility Keynote and Workshops at ICCHP
2002 in Linz
The ICCHP 2002 Conference in Linz, 15-19 July, will include several events
focusing on Web accessibility. These include a keynote on Wednesday by Judy
Brewer; two workshops also on Wednesday (one for beginners, one advanced)
on evaluating Web sites for accessibility by Sylvie Duchateau and Henk Snetselaar,
with Wendy Chisholm; and a thematic session on eEurope -- eAccessibility
on Thursday morning. The beginning level evaluation workshop will also be
given in German on Tuesday.
3. WAI Meetings
- The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group, and the Authoring
Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group, will meet in Linz on 15-16 July,
at the start of the ICCHP Conference.
WCAG WG http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2002/07/f2f-agenda
AUWG http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2002/07/f2f-agenda
- The Education and Outreach Working Group will meet in Toronto on 29-30
July; discussion will include review teams for evaluation of Web accessibility.
EOWG http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2002/07-agenda
- The Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group met last month in Bristol,
UK, 24-26 June; reports from that meeting are available.
ERT WG http://www.w3.org/2002/05/er-swade-f2f
- Information on upcoming WAI meetings can regularly be found in the News
section of the WAI home page.
4. Comments Invited on Requirements Document for Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
Comments are invited on the Requirements document for the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines 2.0, which has already had several public Working Drafts available
for comment. The Requirements documents highlights some of the changes and
improvements intended in WCAG 2.0, although WCAG 1.0 will remain stable and
referenceable for the foreseeable future.
5. Seeking Contacts at Web Design Associations
The WAI DA Project seeks contact information for Web design associations
in Europe, particularly where such contacts are electronic, and members may
be interested in receiving information on Web accessibility. Please contact
Sylvie Duchateau <[email protected]> if you have contacts
to suggest.
6. About the Web Accessibility Initiative and this
WAI DA Update
The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is an international effort based at
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). WAI addresses accessibility of the Web
for people with disabilities through a variety of activities including technical
and guidelines development, and educational work. WAI Design for All (WAI
DA) is a project of WAI, funded by the EC Information Society Technologies
(IST) Programme, to increase outreach and localizations of Web accessibility
information in Europe. Additional information is available:
W3C http://www.w3.org/
WAI http://www.w3.org/WAI/
WAI Resources http://www.w3.org/WAI/Resources/
WAI DA http://www.w3.org/WAI/waida/
SUBSCRIPTIONS: The WAI DA Update is a periodic mailing about information
and opportunities relating to Web accessibility in Europe, with distribution
primarily through existing mailing lists. If you can post to an electronic
mailing list within Europe and would like to receive the WAI DA Update for
posting to a list, please contact Sylvie Duchateau at <[email protected]>
and provide information about the mailing list to which you have access.
ONLINE ACCESS: The WAI DA Update is available online at
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