WCAG-EM Overview:
Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology
Video: Conformance Evaluation Overview

This video is also available on a W3C server: Video: Conformance Evaluation Overview (file format: MP4, file size: 30MB).
Text Transcript with Description of Visuals
Audio | Visual |
Web accessibility conformance evaluation. | Web accessibility conformance evaluation. |
Conformance evaluation determines how well your content meets specific accessibility standards, such as the "W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines", or "WCAG" for short. | Conformance evaluation. A progress bar is filled until meets the WCAG. |
Often you'll want to do conformance evaluation:
Icons for each stage: open box with a check mark; round "i"; magnifying glass on a computer; and shopping trolley. |
(continued list)
All icons are integrated in a skyrocket icon. A document with the list of accessibility issues. |
To do effective conformance evaluation, you need expertise in:
Icons are shown in turn: conformation evaluation words; award ribbon; paint brush and coding icon; assistive technologies icons; and finally people figures. |
You'll probably also want to use evaluation tools to be more efficient. | A tool box with a gauge moving up. |
"WCAG-EM", the "Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology", provides a structure for your evaluation process. | WCAG-EM, Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology. A magnifying glass with the word accessibility. |
It describes a process to:
Text boxes load one after the other: define scope; explore assets; select sample; evaluate sample; and report findings. |
WCAG-EM also recommends involving real users with disabilities during evaluation, to help you address the real-life experience of your website users. | A person in front of a computer displaying a website. Passes and fails are marked. |
The open source WCAG-EM Report Tool helps you follow the methodology, record the outcomes, and download a report of your evaluation. | WCAG-EM Report Tool. A progress bar shows the various stages of the evaluation methodology. A record document is displayed in the computer screen and downloaded. |
Web accessibility: essential for some, useful for all. | Icons around a computer: hand; eye; brain; ear; and mouth with sound waves. |
For information on web accessibility conformance evaluation, visit w3.o-r-g/W-A-I/evaluation. | Conformance Evaluation, W3C and Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) logos. |
Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) is an approach for determining how well a website conforms to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
If you want to get a general sense of how a web page addresses a few accessibility issues, see Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility. It is usually best to do preliminary checks before applying WCAG-EM, and to address potential accessibility barriers before investing in a more thorough review such as WCAG-EM.
WCAG-EM is a supporting resource for the WCAG standard; it does not define additional WCAG requirements. It is published as a W3C Working Group Note.
WCAG-EM applies to all websites, including web applications and mobile websites. It covers different situations, including self-assessment and third-party evaluation. It is independent of particular evaluation tools, web browsers, or assistive technologies.
WCAG-EM is primarily for evaluating conformance of existing websites. However, accessibility should not be left until the evaluation stage; it should be integrated from the beginning and throughout the project lifecycle — in planning, design, and development.
Other aspects of evaluation are addressed in related pages of the Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility.
Who WCAG-EM is for
WCAG-EM is for anyone who wants a common procedure for auditing websites. It is for direct use by internal evaluators, external auditors, benchmarkers, and researchers. Additionally, WCAG-EM can be referred to by managers, procurers, policy makers, regulators, and others.
Applying WCAG-EM successfully requires knowledge of WCAG, accessible web design, assistive technologies, and how people with different disabilities use the Web (as described in the WCAG-EM Required Expertise section).
What is in WCAG-EM
WCAG-EM provides guidance on using the methodology and considerations for specific situations. The conformance evaluation procedure is detailed under 5 main steps:
- Define the scope of the evaluation - defining what is included in the evaluation; the goal of the evaluation; and the WCAG conformance level (A, AA, AAA).
- Explore the website - identifying key web pages; key functionality; types of web content, designs, functionality, etc.; required web technologies.
- Select a representative sample - guidance on structured and randomly selected web pages when it is not feasible to evaluate every web page on a website.
- Evaluate the selected sample - determining successes and failures in meeting WCAG; accessibility support for website features; and recording evaluation steps.
- Report the evaluation findings - aggregating and reporting evaluation findings; making evaluation statements; and calculating overall scores.
Technical document format
WCAG-EM follows the W3C format for technical specifications which includes several sections at the beginning: links to different versions, editors, copyright, abstract, and status with the link to errata and the email address for comments. There is a link at the top to the Table of Contents.
WCAG-EM Report Tool
The WCAG-EM Report Tool: Website Accessibility Evaluation Report Generator helps you follow the steps of WCAG-EM and generate a structured report from the input that you provide.
Who develops WCAG-EM
WCAG-EM is developed by the WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force (WAI).