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Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Bangalore Accessibility Awareness Dinner & Bangalore Accessibility Meet-ups

Hello all,
It’s long time that we didn’t catch up! I would like to take a moment and share a couple of things – specially for those of you who live in Bangalore.

  • Thanks to Ted Drake and Intuit, Bangalore Accessibility Awareness Dinner is being organized on 5th October, 2016 at 7:0m to 9:30 pm. Venue details will be finalized by Monday but this will be around Ecospace, Bangalore. Visit Eventbrite page to register. Looking forward to meeting some of you
  • In cooperation with companies and organizations in Bangalore, I have been organizing Bangalore Accessibility Meet-up on every 4th Saturday of the month. In August, meetup was hosted by My blog

Looking forward to re-start of our weekly / by-weekly calls.
On a personal front, we are blessed with a baby boy on 29th July, 2016 and our daughter who is 2.10 years now started talking and going to school!

Deque India invites you to be part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2016 – May 19th 2016

Dear Accessibility Evangelist,

DEQUE India invites you to the 5th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 19, 2016. Please join us to spread the awareness about digital accessibility and be part of creating an inclusive and accessible world for everyone. Looking forward to meet you.

Venue: T-HUB CATALYST BUILDING, IIIT-H Campus, Gachibowli
Time: May 19th 2016, 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Agenda: Accessibility trends, WCAG Overview, A11Y testing with aXe, Intro to mobile A11Y, IAAP certification

Its a free event and registration URL is 
Please do let me know in case of any questions.

Thanks & Regards
Sujasree Kurapati
Managing Director

May 19th Global Accessibility Awareness Day – let’s get together and discuss

Dear Accessibility Community in India,

It’s indeed long time that we got connected. As you may be aware this year Global Accessibility Awareness Day happens to be on 19th May, 2016. It would be great for us to get on to a call and discuss what’s happening in India and how we can help each other to mark this occasion.

You may read some ideas that I have put together

Looking forward to talking to you all soon,

BTW, those of you may not be aware, I’m now moved back to Bangalore, a city that we love and started my new job at Informatica earlier this month.

Learning Session 4: Creating Accessible Documents

Hello Everybody,

Hope you are doing well!

In our last conference call we discussed about how technology can be a part of the ‘Accessibility Index’ by the Accessible India Campaign. (will be sharing the details shortly)

Coming up next is Learning Session 4 – Creating Accessible Documents to be presented by Srinivasu Chakravarthula, Deque Software Pvt Ltd.  The session is scheduled to be held on the 20th of January 2016, 10 am -11 am (IST).

You are requested to register yourself by clicking on this link

Do share this link with people who would like to be a part of this learning session. For any queries please feel free to write to [email protected]

Warm Regards
Ramya Venkitesh

Learning Session 3 – Planning Accessibility Testing

Hello Everybody,

Hope you are doing well!

In our last conference call we had decided that we will start registrations for every calls so that we are aware of the number of people attending the call. Coming up next is Learning Session 3 – Planning Accessibility Testing to be presented by Shilpi Kapoor, BarrierBreak.

You are requested to register yourself by clicking on this link

Do share this link with people who would like to be a part of this learning session.

For any queries please feel free to write to me.

Warm Regards

Ramya Venkitesh

Minutes of the meeting – 28th October 2015

Dear All,

We had our conference call on the 28th of October, 2015 where we discussed about Accessible India Campaign and how we can support the Government of India by creating awareness on accessibility and assistive technology.

Shilpi Kapoor gave us a detailed information on what is the current status of the Campaign where she mentioned that the Accessible India Campaign mainly focuses on four areas & shared some of the targets set in the strategy paper released by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities:

  • Barrier-free Infrastructure
  • Barrier-free Transportation
  • Accessibility ICT & Websites
  • Sign Language Interpreters

The implementation on the ground looks very unclear at this stage and we need to support by working on standards and guidelines, training and suggestions for a public procurement policy.

There was discussion on the accessibility index which the Government will be unveiling on December 3 as a part of the campaign, which will rate companies across public and private sectors for disabled -friendly initiatives. There is a need to add accessible websites, technology, products and services to this index beyond hiring of people with disabilities, infrastructure & hr policies.

Block you calendars for the next sessions:

  • Learning Session -2 has been scheduled for the 18th of November 2015 at 10 am – 11 am by Nawaz from PayPal on “Top 10 Accessibility mistakes and why, along with some testing tips”.
  • On our next conference call the members have decided to discuss ‘how technology can be a part of the accessibility index by the Accessible India Campaign?’ will be on 9th December, 2015, 10 am – 11 am

Wishing you all a very Happy & Prosperous Diwali and looking forward to see you all in our next learning session. And yes, please ensure to spread a word about these calls so that we can have maximum people participating and contributing.

Warm Regards


First learning session on WCAG Introduction

On 14th October, 2015 the first learning session was conducted by the W3c Accessibility India Community Group. Ms. Shilpi Kapoor the chair of the group has hosted the virtual meeting. I am asked to deliver the first learning session on the introduction to WCAG 2.0.

The concepts I could cover in the 30 minutes session are:

  1. What is WCAG
  2. Who WCAG is for
  3. Structure of WCAG.
  4. Levels of WCAG and how are they framed
  5. Supporting documents and the relation with WCAG.
  6. Recent legal suits and settlements

Download the complete WCAG 2.0 Introduction presentation (.ppt).

Thank You Ms. Shilpi Kapoor for hosting the meet and giving the opportunity. Thank You Sujasree Kurapati and Srinivasu Chakravartula for helping me in finalizing the presentation beside your busy schedules. Thanks each one of the participant for your valuable time.

Suggest a topic for the Learning Sessions

Hello everybody,

We had our first learning session today which was very well presented by Mr. Rakesh Paladugula on the topic ‘Introduction to WCAG 2.0’. Thank You Rakesh.

I would request you all to suggest topics that you would like to have for the ‘Learning Sessions’. Do put in your suggestions in the comment box below and we would try to incorporate them during our learning session conference calls.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Warm Regards

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