Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these
conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.
I have come to notice that it has been very quiet around here!
– May be we should get together , disrupt ourselves a little bit to shake things up and finally establish some guidelines, standards, work groups, action plan for this community? Any Views?
The mission of Enterprise Ethereum is building and advancing Ethereum to enterprise grade technology. The group will build, promote and broadly support Ethereum-based technology best practices, standards and reference architectures.
This is a community initiative. This group was originally proposed on 2017-01-18 by Joseph Chow. The following people supported its creation: Joseph Chow, Sean Pollock, Peter Munnings, Daniel Novy, Rouven Heck. W3C’s hosting of this group does not imply endorsement of the activities.