Invited Experts
W3C Invited Experts are individuals who are invited by a chair of a Working or Interest Group to participate in that group. The chair and the W3C staff must agree that the individual brings particular expertise to the group prior to inviting the individual.
Principles guiding invitations
Section of the W3C Process Document explains that W3C sometimes invites an individual with particular expertise to become a Invited Expert in a Group. The Team generally follows these principles when considering an application:
- Invited Expert status is normally granted to either independent individuals (i.e., individuals not significantly affiliated with business interests), or to academics affiliated with institutions of higher learning.
- Invited Expert status is not normally granted to individuals employed by organizations which have significant business interest in results from W3C. This might even include some not-for-profit organizations. Such organizations SHOULD W3C Members benefits the overall work that W3C does, and in doing so, W3C Members drive the direction of core web technology and exchange ideas with industry and research leaders.
In the event that your circumstances have changed, such as an increase in the size of your organization, please consider transitioning by becoming a W3C Member. You may get in touch with the W3C Business Development team.