EPUBCheck is a command line tool. Unzip the downloaded package, open a terminal program, and start checking your EPUB files!
epubcheck moby-dick.epub
Validating using EPUB version 3.3 rules.
No errors or warnings detected!
Learn more on how to get started.
Open Source.
EPUBCheck is open source, licensed under MIT.
EPUBCheck is a W3C project maintained by the DAISY Consortium.
EPUBCheck evaluates EPUB publications against the official EPUB specifications.
It supports both EPUB 3.
EPUBCheck is translated in a varierty of languages.
You can help to contribute to the localization effort!
Looking for an app?
EPUBCheck is distributed as a command line tool or a Java library.
If you prefer using an app, see this list of third-party tools integrating EPUBCheck!