System Applications: 3rd F2F Meeting Agenda TPAC

From W3C Wiki

We would like to acknowledge support from the European Commission through funding for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013-2015) under grant agreement n°611327 - HTML5Apps .


This is tentative agenda for upcoming F2F meeting. If you have opinions, please send them to [email protected].

Remote Participation

You should connect to #sysapps on the W3C IRC server, and the easiest way is with your web browser at

You can call in to the Zakim bridge

Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference code 7972 ("SYSA") which should be followed by #

Note: To connect the meeting room to the conference, don't try to dial Zakim! The correct procedure is to first connect to IRC (#sysapps), invite Zakim, and then use the command:

 zakim, call Wuzhou_West

1st day (11th Monday)

Morning session(09:00 - 12:30):

Afternoon session(14:00 - 18:00):

First day's minutes

2nd day (12th Tuesday)

Morning session(09:00 - 12:30):

Afternoon session(14:00 - 18:00):

  • Overall Status by Claes
  • Discussion on App Model for the Open Web in SysApps WG aspect [1]
  • Discussion on current charter and next step
  • Schedule of Next F2F
  • Wrap up

Second day's Minutes