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Jim Clyburn
Son of Enos Lloyd Clyburn and Almeta (Dizzley) Clyburn
[sibling(s) unknown]
[spouse(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
23 Dec 1897 - 06 May 1978Kershaw, South Carolina, United States
22 Mar 1916 - 23 Aug 1971South Carolina, United States
abt 1869 - 28 Apr 1929Lancaster, South Carolina, United States
abt 1872 - South Carolina, United States
[Dizzley grandfather? please help]
[Dizzley grandmother? please help]
abt 1820 - Kershaw, South Carolina, United States
abt 1840 - South Carolina, United States
[Lloyd great-grandfather?]
[Lloyd great-grandmother?]
[Clyburn g-g-grandfather?]
[Clyburn g-g-grandmother?]
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Jim Clyburn is a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives from South Carolina. He has served as House Majority Whip since 2019.
When James Enos Clyburn was born on July 21, 1940, in Sumter, South Carolina, his father, Enos, was 42 and his mother, Almeta, was 24. He married Emily England in June 1961 in Paterson, New Jersey. Emily died in 2019.
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