Barnard's Star
2D Platformer / word game combo. This is a prototype with a unique custom game mechanic: after landing on a distant planet, the player cannot understand the language. The 3 book collectables within the level translate 3 letters of the language. These 3 letters can be used as clues to decipher the rest of the text (like a cryptoquote). Inspired by collecting Al Bhed Primers in FFX!!
Low gravity world with fun platformer mechanics. Includes cool cryptoquote game mechanic, space themed intro / SFX / ambiance, collectables, different alien movement patterns & attacks, and more!
You control an astronaut who has landed on Barnard's Star, a planet 5.9 lightyears away that some scientists think could be capable of sustaining life (True Story!)
There is an NPC to find and talk to in the level, and when you do, it unlocks the "note". Then, after making it past the hostile aliens, grabbing the 3 collectable books, and reaching the level exit, you can enter in letter translations to decipher the rest of the note.
Status | Platformer, 2D, Space, |