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Search Eurostat statisticsEurostat databaseStatistics by themeStatistical publicationsStatistics explainedEurostat newsEconomic forecasts and trendsEconomic forecastsEuro indicatorsBusiness and consumer surveysMacro-economic database AMECOTracking EU policy performance and recoverySustainable developmentMacro-economic imbalance procedureEuropean pillar of social rightsSocial scoreboardCircular economyDigital Economy and Society Index (DESI)European Statistical MonitorPublic opinion surveyEurobarometerEU open data portalOpen data from EU institutions, agencies and other bodiesGuide to European statisticsGlossary of statistical terms Share this page
Economic forecasts and trendsEconomic forecastsEuro indicatorsBusiness and consumer surveysMacro-economic database AMECOTracking EU policy performance and recoverySustainable developmentMacro-economic imbalance procedureEuropean pillar of social rightsSocial scoreboardCircular economyDigital Economy and Society Index (DESI)European Statistical MonitorPublic opinion surveyEurobarometerEU open data portalOpen data from EU institutions, agencies and other bodiesGuide to European statisticsGlossary of statistical terms
Tracking EU policy performance and recoverySustainable developmentMacro-economic imbalance procedureEuropean pillar of social rightsSocial scoreboardCircular economyDigital Economy and Society Index (DESI)European Statistical MonitorPublic opinion surveyEurobarometerEU open data portalOpen data from EU institutions, agencies and other bodiesGuide to European statisticsGlossary of statistical terms
Public opinion surveyEurobarometerEU open data portalOpen data from EU institutions, agencies and other bodiesGuide to European statisticsGlossary of statistical terms
EU open data portalOpen data from EU institutions, agencies and other bodiesGuide to European statisticsGlossary of statistical terms