Setting strategic priorities The EU’s overall political strategy is developed jointly by its institutions: the European Parliament, European Council, Council of the European Union, and European Commission.In particular, the European Council provides the EU’s direction and goals for a 5-year period in the State of the Union, the President of the Commission presents and debates with the European Parliament the achievements of the Commission during the previous year and announces key initiatives planned for the year to come. These initiatives are also shared with the President of the European Parliament and with the rotating Council Presidency in a so-called 'letter of intent'.Based on this and on the 5-year overarching priorities, a plan of action for the next calendar year is set out in the Commission work programme. It describes how the priorities will be turned into concrete actions.Through strategic foresight, the Commission also seeks to embed future insights into its policy-making, strategic planning, and preparedness. How decisions are madeDesigning EU policies and laws to benefit citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in the EU, in line with better regulation rulesCommission’s prioritiesSeven priorities of the Commission during 2024-2029 termJoint priorities of the EU institutionsEU's legislative priorities for the upcoming year agreed between the European Parliament, the Council and the CommissionStrategic foresightStrengthening preparedness and evidence-based anticipatory policy-makingStrategy documentsCommission work programme, management plans, strategic plans and annual activity reports Planning by departments Commission departments produce strategic and management plans showing how they will contribute to the Commission's priorities and setting clear objectives and indicators for monitoring and reporting.For all major legislative and policy defining initiatives, Commission departments prepare an impact assessment to analyse the likely economic, environmental and social effects of the proposals.A list of planned Commission initiatives and a list of adopted Commission initiatives is updated regularly and sent to other EU institutions to help them organise their own activities.Impact assessments Developing and implementing policies EU policies are designed to bring benefits to citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in the EU. Have your say on Commission initiativesTrack law-making The EU budget The EU budget is the tool that allows the EU to deliver on its policy priorities and invest in large-scale projects that EU countries could not finance on their own. By pooling resources, the EU budget creates added value, strengthens Europe’s economy and geopolitical standing.The EU as a borrower - Investor relations Reporting The Commission plans and reports on its work in a yearly cycle known as the strategic planning and programming cycle. The Commission regularly publishes reports resulting from each cycle.At the end of the budget year, all Commission departments produce an annual activity report on their performance in achieving their objectives. These reports are collated in a synthesis report communicated to the European Parliament and the Council. As of 2016, the synthesis report is included in the annual management and performance report for the EU budget.Annual activity reportsAnnual management and performance reports Evaluation The Commission continuously evaluates whether EU policies have met the needs of European business and citizens. Evaluations assess a policy for effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value. Evaluations are communicated to the public via evaluation roadmaps.Evaluating policies Related links Commission's role in EU lawCommission's role in budget and fundingCommission's role in international relationsPriorities 2019-2024 Share this page
How decisions are madeDesigning EU policies and laws to benefit citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in the EU, in line with better regulation rulesCommission’s prioritiesSeven priorities of the Commission during 2024-2029 termJoint priorities of the EU institutionsEU's legislative priorities for the upcoming year agreed between the European Parliament, the Council and the CommissionStrategic foresightStrengthening preparedness and evidence-based anticipatory policy-makingStrategy documentsCommission work programme, management plans, strategic plans and annual activity reports Planning by departments Commission departments produce strategic and management plans showing how they will contribute to the Commission's priorities and setting clear objectives and indicators for monitoring and reporting.For all major legislative and policy defining initiatives, Commission departments prepare an impact assessment to analyse the likely economic, environmental and social effects of the proposals.A list of planned Commission initiatives and a list of adopted Commission initiatives is updated regularly and sent to other EU institutions to help them organise their own activities.Impact assessments Developing and implementing policies EU policies are designed to bring benefits to citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in the EU. Have your say on Commission initiativesTrack law-making The EU budget The EU budget is the tool that allows the EU to deliver on its policy priorities and invest in large-scale projects that EU countries could not finance on their own. By pooling resources, the EU budget creates added value, strengthens Europe’s economy and geopolitical standing.The EU as a borrower - Investor relations Reporting The Commission plans and reports on its work in a yearly cycle known as the strategic planning and programming cycle. The Commission regularly publishes reports resulting from each cycle.At the end of the budget year, all Commission departments produce an annual activity report on their performance in achieving their objectives. These reports are collated in a synthesis report communicated to the European Parliament and the Council. As of 2016, the synthesis report is included in the annual management and performance report for the EU budget.Annual activity reportsAnnual management and performance reports Evaluation The Commission continuously evaluates whether EU policies have met the needs of European business and citizens. Evaluations assess a policy for effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value. Evaluations are communicated to the public via evaluation roadmaps.Evaluating policies Related links Commission's role in EU lawCommission's role in budget and fundingCommission's role in international relationsPriorities 2019-2024 Share this page
Commission’s prioritiesSeven priorities of the Commission during 2024-2029 termJoint priorities of the EU institutionsEU's legislative priorities for the upcoming year agreed between the European Parliament, the Council and the CommissionStrategic foresightStrengthening preparedness and evidence-based anticipatory policy-makingStrategy documentsCommission work programme, management plans, strategic plans and annual activity reports Planning by departments Commission departments produce strategic and management plans showing how they will contribute to the Commission's priorities and setting clear objectives and indicators for monitoring and reporting.For all major legislative and policy defining initiatives, Commission departments prepare an impact assessment to analyse the likely economic, environmental and social effects of the proposals.A list of planned Commission initiatives and a list of adopted Commission initiatives is updated regularly and sent to other EU institutions to help them organise their own activities.Impact assessments Developing and implementing policies EU policies are designed to bring benefits to citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in the EU. Have your say on Commission initiativesTrack law-making The EU budget The EU budget is the tool that allows the EU to deliver on its policy priorities and invest in large-scale projects that EU countries could not finance on their own. By pooling resources, the EU budget creates added value, strengthens Europe’s economy and geopolitical standing.The EU as a borrower - Investor relations Reporting The Commission plans and reports on its work in a yearly cycle known as the strategic planning and programming cycle. The Commission regularly publishes reports resulting from each cycle.At the end of the budget year, all Commission departments produce an annual activity report on their performance in achieving their objectives. These reports are collated in a synthesis report communicated to the European Parliament and the Council. As of 2016, the synthesis report is included in the annual management and performance report for the EU budget.Annual activity reportsAnnual management and performance reports Evaluation The Commission continuously evaluates whether EU policies have met the needs of European business and citizens. Evaluations assess a policy for effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value. Evaluations are communicated to the public via evaluation roadmaps.Evaluating policies Related links Commission's role in EU lawCommission's role in budget and fundingCommission's role in international relationsPriorities 2019-2024 Share this page
Joint priorities of the EU institutionsEU's legislative priorities for the upcoming year agreed between the European Parliament, the Council and the CommissionStrategic foresightStrengthening preparedness and evidence-based anticipatory policy-makingStrategy documentsCommission work programme, management plans, strategic plans and annual activity reports Planning by departments Commission departments produce strategic and management plans showing how they will contribute to the Commission's priorities and setting clear objectives and indicators for monitoring and reporting.For all major legislative and policy defining initiatives, Commission departments prepare an impact assessment to analyse the likely economic, environmental and social effects of the proposals.A list of planned Commission initiatives and a list of adopted Commission initiatives is updated regularly and sent to other EU institutions to help them organise their own activities.Impact assessments Developing and implementing policies EU policies are designed to bring benefits to citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in the EU. Have your say on Commission initiativesTrack law-making The EU budget The EU budget is the tool that allows the EU to deliver on its policy priorities and invest in large-scale projects that EU countries could not finance on their own. By pooling resources, the EU budget creates added value, strengthens Europe’s economy and geopolitical standing.The EU as a borrower - Investor relations Reporting The Commission plans and reports on its work in a yearly cycle known as the strategic planning and programming cycle. The Commission regularly publishes reports resulting from each cycle.At the end of the budget year, all Commission departments produce an annual activity report on their performance in achieving their objectives. These reports are collated in a synthesis report communicated to the European Parliament and the Council. As of 2016, the synthesis report is included in the annual management and performance report for the EU budget.Annual activity reportsAnnual management and performance reports Evaluation The Commission continuously evaluates whether EU policies have met the needs of European business and citizens. Evaluations assess a policy for effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value. Evaluations are communicated to the public via evaluation roadmaps.Evaluating policies Related links Commission's role in EU lawCommission's role in budget and fundingCommission's role in international relationsPriorities 2019-2024 Share this page
Strategic foresightStrengthening preparedness and evidence-based anticipatory policy-makingStrategy documentsCommission work programme, management plans, strategic plans and annual activity reports Planning by departments Commission departments produce strategic and management plans showing how they will contribute to the Commission's priorities and setting clear objectives and indicators for monitoring and reporting.For all major legislative and policy defining initiatives, Commission departments prepare an impact assessment to analyse the likely economic, environmental and social effects of the proposals.A list of planned Commission initiatives and a list of adopted Commission initiatives is updated regularly and sent to other EU institutions to help them organise their own activities.Impact assessments Developing and implementing policies EU policies are designed to bring benefits to citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in the EU. Have your say on Commission initiativesTrack law-making The EU budget The EU budget is the tool that allows the EU to deliver on its policy priorities and invest in large-scale projects that EU countries could not finance on their own. By pooling resources, the EU budget creates added value, strengthens Europe’s economy and geopolitical standing.The EU as a borrower - Investor relations Reporting The Commission plans and reports on its work in a yearly cycle known as the strategic planning and programming cycle. The Commission regularly publishes reports resulting from each cycle.At the end of the budget year, all Commission departments produce an annual activity report on their performance in achieving their objectives. These reports are collated in a synthesis report communicated to the European Parliament and the Council. As of 2016, the synthesis report is included in the annual management and performance report for the EU budget.Annual activity reportsAnnual management and performance reports Evaluation The Commission continuously evaluates whether EU policies have met the needs of European business and citizens. Evaluations assess a policy for effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value. Evaluations are communicated to the public via evaluation roadmaps.Evaluating policies Related links Commission's role in EU lawCommission's role in budget and fundingCommission's role in international relationsPriorities 2019-2024 Share this page
Strategy documentsCommission work programme, management plans, strategic plans and annual activity reports
Commission's role in EU lawCommission's role in budget and fundingCommission's role in international relationsPriorities 2019-2024
Commission's role in budget and fundingCommission's role in international relationsPriorities 2019-2024