Page contentsPage contents What are cookies?A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site.First party cookies are cookies set by the website you’re visiting. Only that website can read them. In addition, a website might potentially use external services, which also set their own cookies, known as third-party cookies.Persistent cookies are cookies saved on your computer and that are not deleted automatically when you quit your browser, unlike a session cookie, which is deleted when you quit your browser.Every time you visit the Commission’s websites, you will be prompted to accept or refuse cookies.The purpose is to enable the site to remember your preferences (such as user name, language, etc.) for a certain period of time.That way, you don’t have to re-enter them when browsing around the site during the same visit.Cookies can also be used to establish anonymised statistics about the browsing experience on our sites. How do we use cookies?European Commission websites mostly use “first-party cookies”. These are cookies set and controlled by the Commission, not by any external organisation.However, to view some of our pages, you will have to accept cookies from external organisations.The 3 types of first-party cookie we use are to:store visitor preferencesmake our websites operationalgather analytics data (about user behaviour)Visitor preferencesThese are set by us and only we can read them. They remember:if you have agreed to (or refused) this site’s cookie policyif you have already replied to our survey pop-up (about how helpful the site content was) – so you won't be asked again NameServicePurposeCookie type and durationeu_cookie_consentCookie consent kitStores your cookie preferences (so you won’t be asked again)First-party session cookie deleted after you quit your browserEcsi, Eurostat-SearchFeedbackWebsite survey toolsStores information on whether you have already replied to a survey pop-up – so you won't be asked again.First-party persistent cookie, 1 montheurostat-dashboards-surveyEurostat survey toolsStores information on whether you have already replied or declined to a survey for one of our dashboards.First-party persistent cookie, expiration varies between 1-2 weekscck3Cookie consent kitStores your preferences for 3rd-party cookies (so you won't be asked again)First-party session cookie deleted after you quit your browsercck1Cookie consent kitStores your cookie preferences (so you won’t be asked again)First-party persistent cookie, 6 monthsclima_surveyClimate ActionStores information on whether you have already replied to a survey pop-up – so you won't be asked againFirst-party persistent cookie, deleted after 1 day after you close the survey popupDeleted after 1 year if you respond or ask to not answer the surveyecont_font_sizeDEVCO companionStores the font size in which you want to read the content on the web page, following selection from the font-size menuFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserecont_resizable_widthDEVCO companionRemembers the width of the sidebarFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserecont_font_sizePRAG Practical guideStores the font size in which you want to read the content on the web page, following selection from the font-size menuFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserecont_resizable_widthPRAG Practical guideRemembers the width of the sidebarFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserescoLanguageESCO PortalStores your language preferencesFirst-party cookie deleted after one weekcookie-agreedSpeech RepositoryStores your cookie preferences (so you won’t be asked again)First-party persistent cookie, 100 daysconfluence.sidebar.widthExtranet WikisPublic WikisRemembers the width of the sidebarlocalStorage, persistent datadashboard.route.lastExtranet WikisPublic WikisRemembers preference for information displayed on the user's dashboardlocalStorage, persistent datatracesLanguageTRACES NT applicationStores your language preferencesFirst-party persistent cookie, 30 daysannouncementTooltipIdsTRACES NT applicationStores information on whether you have already read and dismissed pop-ups – so you won't be asked again.First-party persistent cookie, 365 daysdebug-modeTRACES NT applicationFor technical problem investigationsFirst-party persistent cookie, 365 days Operational cookiesThere are some cookies that we have to include in order for certain web pages to function. For this reason, they do not require your consent. In particular:authentication cookiestechnical cookies required by certain IT systemsAuthentication cookiesThese are stored when you log in to a Commission site, using our privacy policy. NameServicePurposeCookie type and durationMyECASDomainIdentity Management ServiceRemembers your domainFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser__Secure_CASTGCIdentity Management ServiceIdentifies your sessionFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser__Secure_ECAS_SESSIONIDIdentity Management ServiceIdentifies the current Central Authentication Service sessionFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserECAS_PREFSIdentity Management ServiceRemembers your settings and preferences:user id, user name, acknowledged cookie policy, high contrast mode, privacy mode, view account details after login, last strength selectedFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserCASPRIVACYEURES The European Job Mobility PortalEURES Authentication infoFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserCASTGCEURES The European Job Mobility PortalEURES Authentication infoFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserEURES_CAS_LOGGED_INEURES The European Job Mobility PortalEURES Authentication infoFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserAUTHFood systems platformUsed to switch and authenticate between applications of Foods SystemsFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserSECTORFood systems platformUsed to switch and authenticate between applications of Foods Systems.First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserCFCASCOUNTPPPADMINPPP platformCookie to limit the number of failed login attemptsFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserecasSTFood Systems Common Authorization ProcedureMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserecasUserFood Systems Common Authorization ProcedureMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browseruserRolesFood Systems Common Authorization ProcedureStores the user roleFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserCFCASCOUNTADNSADNS platformCookie to limit the number of failed login attemptsFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser_WL_AUTHCOOKIE_TNTSESSIONIDWebLogic platformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser_WL_AUTHCOOKIE_JSESSIONIDWebLogic platformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserUserProfileRasffWebLogic platformStores the user profileFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser_WL_AUTHCOOKIE_SAAASIISessionWebLogic platformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browsermoviedb_sessionCreative Europe MEDIA DatabaseMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party persistent cookie, 2 hoursCASAuthCreative Europe MEDIA DatabaseMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party persistent cookie, 2 Policyauthentication in order to use a servicesession id / Duration of browsing Policyauthentication in order to use a servicesession id / Duration of browsing Policyauthentication in order to use a servicesession id / Duration of browsing session_socrata_session_idRegional Policy, Open Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitUnique random value is stored at the start of the session for the purposes of recognizing subsequent visits by the same person for the duration of the logged in session. / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain)._core_session_idOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitUnique random value is stored at the start of the session for the purposes of recognizing subsequent visits by the same person for the duration of the logged in session. / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain)._storyteller_sessionOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitUnique random value is stored at the start of the session for the purposes of recognizing subsequent visits by the same person for the duration of the logged in session. / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain).logged_inOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsContains an indicator whether the user in the current session has logged in.true/false value / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain).connect.sidSANTE Data Collection PlatformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserconnect.sid.sdi-code-linkerSANTE Data Interoperability Code LinkerMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserDrupal.visitor.autologout_loginAdamas - The KPCS management system of the European CommissionUsed to link a logged-in user to their initial sign-in timestamp so they are automatically logged out after a period of inactivity.First-party session cookie deleted after you quit your browserstrlogExpirePortable HYperspectral Transmission and Optical Scattering (PHYTOS) User by PHP for verify the execution of a script with the value saved into the DB (cross check).Deleted with the logout or at the end of the session..AQMAUTHAQM - Air Quality ModellingSession managementFirst-party session cookie deleted after 30 minASP.NET_SessionIdASP.Net IT PlatformUsed to maintain your session secure during your whole visit.First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserJRC.REM.Ecurie.v2.3ASP.Net IT PlatformUsed to manage user authenticationFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser.ice_ok_sessionProficiency TestingVerifies session stateFirst-party session cookie, deleted after 60 min.ICEBLABLACOOKProficiency TestingKeeps some application and user data related to current sessionFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser.ICEAUTHProficiency TestingForms authenticationFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserThe names of these cookies may change, for technical reasons (particularly __Secure-CASTGC and __Secure-ECAS_SESSIONID). Technical cookiesNameServicePurposeCookie type and durationhas_jsCorporate content management platform, based on Drupal open source softwareDetermines whether Javascript is enabled in your browser.This allows our websites to function properly.First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserJSESSIONID / CFID / CFTOKENJava IT platform / Coldfusion IT platformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visit.First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserEcsi, Eurostat-SearchFeedbackWebsite survey toolsStores information on whether you have already replied to a survey pop-up – so you won't be asked again.First-party persistent cookie, 1 monththeoplayer-session-idAudiovisual Service video playerEnables the player’s own analytics, currently not used.localStorage Key, persistent datatheoplayer-stored-network-infoAudiovisual Service video playerEnables the player’s bandwidth estimate to determine the best initial bandwidth and enhance the user experience.localStorage Key, persistent dataEURES_LF_MARKETPLACE_SESSIONIDEURES The European Job Mobility PortalEURES Session info for LiferayFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserEURES_LF_PLUGINS_SESSIONIDEURES The European Job Mobility PortalEURES Session info for LiferayFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserLFR_SESSION_STATE_xxxxxWebsites on Liferay Content Management SystemSession info for LiferayFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browsercck1atlassian-analytics.confluence.lockPublic wikisKeeps Confluence analytics disabledlocalStorage Key, persistent dataconfluence.sidebar.widthPublic wikisRemembers the width of the sidebarlocalStorage Key, persistent databrowser-metrics-journeyPublic wikisIntended for features performance metrics, but remains disabled - no data is loggedsessionStorage Key, valid for 60 minutesX-Qlik-SessionQlickSenseOpens and maintains an X-Qlik user sessionFirst-party session cookie, deleted after 30 minutes of inactivitywtEtrans. Appended by the target translation language and a timestampeTranslationStores the translation of the page you requested so that you don't have to wait when re-requesting its translationlocalStorage Key, persistent dataApplicationGatewayAffinityAgri-Food Data Portalused by Azure Gateway serverFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserApplicationGatewayAffinityCORSAgri-Food Data Portalused by Azure Gateway serverFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserEIPP_SESSION_IDEuropean Investment Project Portal (EIPP)User session No additional information storedFirst-party session cookie, deleted after 10 minutes (automatically extended based on user activity)Vanilla / Vanilla-Vv / Vanilla-sid / Vanilla-tkESCO ForumMaintain login and operations on the ESCO ForumFirst-party cookies with various duration: Vanilla - one month, Vv - one day, sid/tk - sessionEURES_XXX_SESSION_IDEURES The European Job Mobility PortalEURES Session infoFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserconnect.sidNode.js application server with ExpresMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserPHPSESSIDPHP platformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserCGISESSIDPerl/Apache platformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browseruserSaasDataUser authorization serviceMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserapplicationModeFood Systems Common Authorization ProcedureMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserX-CSRF-TOKENFood Systems Common Authorization ProcedureUsed to avoid Cross-site attacksFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserDPOReadFood Systems Common Authorization ProcedureConfirmation that the privacy statement has been read by the userFirst-party persistent cookie, 1 yearTNTSESSIONIDTraces new technology platformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserSAASIISessionUser authorization serviceMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserSSESSxxxxSCICnet, Knowledge Centre on Interpretation, Speech RepositorySession identifier used by Drupal sitesSession cookie. Expires after the session is destroyed.kci_stick_to_httpsKnowledge Centre on InterpretationMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserXSRF-TOKENCreative Europe MEDIA Database, NewsroomMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitfirst-party persistent cookie, 2 hourssocrata-csrf-tokenRegional Policy, Open Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitUnique random value is stored at the start of the session for the purposes of recognizing subsequent visits by the same person for the duration of the logged in session. / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain).maintenance_ackOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsContains an indicator whether the user in the current session has dismissed a maintenance notice.true/false value / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain).renderTrackingId_#Open Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsContains an arbitrary integer value for determining when asynchronous page rendering has completed for the purposes of snapshotting the page.arbitrary integer value / 1 hoursocrata_site_chrome_previewOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsTemporary flag to allow previewing changes to site appearance.true/false value / ephemeralhide-clp-managerOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsRecords the user preference to dismiss the link to the Catalog Landing Page manager.true/false value / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain).browser_ackOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsRecords the user preference to dismiss certain notices that appear on the platform, i.e. maintenance window notices.true/false value / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain).socrata-login-modal-acceptedOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsRecords the user acceptance of an optional pre-login usage notice that certain customer domains require.true/false value / Session can be either 6 hours (the default value) or 15 minutes (configurable per-domain).js_flashOpen Data Portal for the European Structural Investment FundsStores temporary user-facing notices as needed.json value / ephemeralatlassian-analytics.confluence.lockExtranet WikisPublic WikisUsed for statistics only, in order to store statistics about Confluence usagelocalStorage, persistent WikisPublic WikisKeeps Confluence analytics disabledlocalStorage, persistent dataconfluence.sidebar.widthExtranet WikisPublic WikisRemembers the width of the sidebarlocalStorage, persistent datadashboard.route.lastExtranet WikisPublic WikisRemembers preference for information displayed on the user's dashboardlocalStorage, persistent databrowser-metrics-journeyExtranet WikisPublic WikisIntended for features performance metrics, but remains disabled - no data is loggedsessionStorage Key, valid for 60 minutesMDR-EUDAMED-APPMDR EudamedMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browsernewsroom_sessionNewsroom, PHPMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browsernewsroom_session2Newsroom, PHP – loadbalancerMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserconnect.sid.sdi-ddymSDI Data Dictionary MakerMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserETX_JSIDTrusted Exchange PlatformMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browsergisco-waf-prod-affinityGeographic information system of the EC (GISCO)used by Azure Gateway serverFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browsergisco-waf-prod-affinityCORSGeographic information system of the EC (GISCO)used by Azure Gateway serverFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserASM Main cookie TSxxxxxxxxJRC hosting infrastructureMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, 10 minutesASM Feature cookie TSxxxxxxxxdJRC hosting infrastructureMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, 15 minutesASM Frame cookie TSxxxxxxxxdJRC hosting infrastructureMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, 15 minutesASM Proactive cookies, TSPD_101 prefix or TSPD prefixJRC hosting infrastructureMaintain a secure session for you, during your visitFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserdtLatCIT hosting infrastructureMeasures server latency for performance monitoring.First Party Session Cookie, deleted after you quit your browserdtPCIT hosting infrastructureRequired to identify proper endpoints for beacon transmission; includes session ID for correlation.First Party Session Cookie, deleted after you quit your browserRxvtIT hosting infrastructureSpecifies the session timeout.First Party Session Cookie, deleted after you quit your browserrxVisitorIT hosting infrastructureContains the visitor ID to correlate sessions.First Party Session Cookie, deleted after you quit your browserdtCookieIT hosting infrastructureTracks a visit across multiple requests.First Party Session Cookie, deleted after you quit your browserdtSaIT hosting infrastructureSave user action names, such as Click on Login, across different pages.First Party Session Cookie, deleted after you quit your browserdtValidationCookieIT hosting infrastructureUsed to determine the top-level domain.First Party Cookie, deleted after a few milliseconds; no expiry date setdtDisabledIT hosting infrastructureDetermines if the RUM JavaScript should be deactivated due to cost and traffic control or overload prevention.First Party Session Cookie, deleted after you quit your browserjrc_cookieF5Used to maintain your session secure during your whole visit.First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserTS#F5 (WAF/ASM)Used to maintain your session secure during your whole visit.First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browseocp_cookieJRC Hosting InfrastructureUsed for session stickiness and persistence (to maintain session information)First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserSERVERIDGISCOUsed to maintain your session secure during your whole visit.First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser__RequestVerificationTokenASP.Net IT PlatformUsed to protect the system against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)First-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browserexInteractive Behavioural ExperimentsCookie used to store the id of the current experimentFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browsersessionidInteractive Behavioural ExperimentsCookie used to store the id of the current experiment sessionFirst-party session cookie, deleted after you quit your browser Analytics cookiesWe use these purely for internal research on how we can improve the service we provide for all our users.The cookies simply assess how you interact with our website – as an anonymous user (the data gathered does not identify you personally).Also, this data is not shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose. The anonymised statistics could be shared with contractors working on communication projects under contractual agreement with the Commission.However, you are free to refuse these types of cookies – either via the cookie banner you’ll see on the first page you visit or at Europa Analytics. NameServicePurposeCookie type and duration_pk_id#Corporate web analytics serviceRecognises website visitors (anonymously – no personal information is collected on the user).First-party persistent cookie, 13 months_pk_ses#Corporate web analytics serviceIdentifies the pages viewed by the same user during the same visit.(anonymously – no personal information is collected on the user).First-party persistent cookie, 30 minutes Third-party cookiesSome of our pages display content from external providers, e.g. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.To view this third-party content, you first have to accept their specific terms and conditions. This includes their cookie policies, which we have no control over.But if you do not view this content, no third-party cookies are installed on your device.Third-party providers on Commission websitesTwitterFacebookSoundCloudEuropean ParliamentThese third-party services are outside of the control of the Commission. Providers may, at any time, change their terms of service, purpose and use of cookies, etc. How can you manage cookies?Removing cookies from your deviceYou can delete all cookies that are already on your device by clearing the browsing history of your browser. This will remove all cookies from all websites you have visited.Be aware though that you may also lose some saved information (e.g. saved login details, site preferences).Managing site-specific cookiesFor more detailed control over site-specific cookies, check the privacy and cookie settings in your preferred browserBlocking cookiesYou can set most modern browsers to prevent any cookies being placed on your device, but you may then have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site/page. And some services and functionalities may not work properly at all (e.g. profile logging-in).Managing our analytics cookiesYou can manage your preferences concerning cookies from Europa Analytics on the dedicated Europa Analytics page.